Communication, Daken Changes, San Diego Comic-Con



  • Looks like a step in the right direction.

  • If the timimg of 3* Daken's rebalance wasn't that great, can we still have the rebalance for 2*? I have him maxed right now but don't play him much because he's significantly weaker than the other 2* character pool.
  • Really? They actually do something positive and great, and you choose to write this?
    Uh, wait, not doing something **** after negative feedback is now all it takes to "do something positive and great"? Is your expectation for them THAT LOW so you ready to praise even simply not doing bad things?

    Because if you didn't notice, what they did do is: DID NOTHING.
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    rowaasr13 wrote:
    Really? They actually do something positive and great, and you choose to write this?
    Uh, wait, not doing something **** after negative feedback is now all it takes to "do something positive and great"? Is your expectation for them THAT LOW so you ready to praise even simply not doing bad things?

    Because if you didn't notice, what they did do is: DID NOTHING.

    True, but at least they TOLD US that they were doing nothing! icon_razz.gif
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    LakeStone wrote:
    We are already in the process of hiring a Community Manager. Of course, finding the right person will take some time. This may not solve all the problems, but adding a community representative whose job is centered on bringing information out on time, gathering feedback and making sure that the fanbase's voice is heard, will ultimately have a positive impact.

    This would be easy to do right now.

    1. Post all information in the Moderator area. If there are mistakes, or if it would be received poorly, it can be hashed out there before being made publicly available. When the info is ready, a moderator can post it.
    2. Get more moderators. I've listed suggestions based on who reports spam well.
    3. Gathering feedback ... most overpriced powers, worst fifth covers, Poll: Next Villains to add to the game, Poll: Next Heroes to add to the game, Poll: What character is the most fun to play?, Poll: What character is the most fun to play? (original), Poll: Which Opponents are the least fun to fight?.
    4. Making sure the fanbase is heard. Well, that one might be impossible.

    For starters, never announce a nerf without a reason. If I was the Community Manager, I would never allow a nerf without justification. Ever. Never, ever, ever. Forget about it. Most nerfs actually are justified, but that justification needs to come first. The Daken nerf came off as unjustified, and was riddled with mistakes. The proper method for doing the exact same thing is Justified, no mistakes.
  • rowaasr13 wrote:
    Really? They actually do something positive and great, and you choose to write this?
    Uh, wait, not doing something **** after negative feedback is now all it takes to "do something positive and great"? Is your expectation for them THAT LOW so you ready to praise even simply not doing bad things?

    Because if you didn't notice, what they did do is: DID NOTHING.

    So re-establishing lines of communication, giving us a heads up on what next steps are, holding back on a change based on community feedback, and hiring a community manager is nothing?
    If the cynics are right, 'nothing' would look like complete silence, and changes going through permanently with no warning despite any level of negative feedback.

    D3 seems to be working on their PR presence, why choose that to complain about?
  • D3:

    When you informed us that you were aware of the issues with connection and gave a gift for the "Your Bad", we showered you with praise.

    When you apologized for the terrible timing of the Daken refactors, we showered you with praise.

    Whenever you shove a change through without letting us know, we grab the torches and the pitchforks.

    I won't say "good for you D3", but I will say this is a step in the right direction.

    Looking forward to the news at SDCC, also.
  • So re-establishing lines of communication, giving us a heads up on what next steps are, holding back on a change based on community feedback, and hiring a community manager is nothing?
    If the cynics are right, 'nothing' would look like complete silence, and changes going through permanently with no warning despite any level of negative feedback.

    D3 seems to be working on their PR presence, why choose that to complain about?

    There was any communication here? Im playing 4 months and only saw IceX, who wasnt best connection anyway (lies about golden characters, mistakes about healing in prologue and mmr). Next steps...Im hearing about some nerfs etc since when I start reading this forum and nothing changed. So it doesnt matter what theyre saying, you cant trust them at all. And from same reasons Im not so sure they made decision about holding Daken nerf cause community feedback. Hiring a community manager? Where is this guy, tell me.

    Maybe they finally noticed lowering popularity, maybe someone really start using brain and maybe we will have positive changes. But in same way you want to stay positive some people have right to complain imo. Cause there are enough valid arguments to do this.
  • Malcoran wrote:
    It doesnt matter what theyre saying, you cant trust them at all. And from same reasons Im not so sure they made decision about holding Daken nerf cause community feedback. Hiring a community manager? Where is this guy, tell me.

    Skepticism is warranted. Trust is earned, and when it's been this badly broken it's a long and difficult process to repair it. On the other hand when someone says, "We did some things wrong, we're going to try and do better," and your response is, "Yeah? Well **** you!" that's counterproductive.

    Change takes time, so put the torches and pitchforks on standby and let's see what happens next. It's easy enough to start burning and pillaging again if they mess this up too.
  • Thugpatrol wrote:
    Skepticism is warranted. Trust is earned, and when it's been this badly broken it's a long and difficult process to repair it. On the other hand when someone says, "We did some things wrong, we're going to try and do better," and your response is, "Yeah? Well tinykitty you!" that's counterproductive.

    Change takes time, so put the torches and pitchforks on standby and let's see what happens next. It's easy enough to start burning and pillaging again if they mess this up too.

    Youve absolutely right mate, all I wanted is to say that you cant blame people for complaining cause they have valid arguments. Its not **** or whining and Im just feeling like some peoples are forcing others to thinking their way.
  • Malcoran wrote:
    Youve absolutely right mate, all I wanted is to say that you cant blame people for complaining cause they have valid arguments. Its not **** or whining and Im just feeling like some peoples are forcing others to thinking their way.

    Well I certainly hope that's not the case here. I get it that people have issues at trusting D3/Demiurge because of their poor communication so far. Heck, I'm skeptical myself if there's gonna be any improvement to the current state despite they're hiring new staff. But we'll see in time. Actions speak louder than words, and I'm rooting to get lots of them from Demiurge in future. Meaning both: actions AND words.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Remember last time they said "we're listening"? And the time before that?
    I'll believe it when I see it. For now, that's just a handy phrase to placate the masses.
    I mean, it sure is great that a demiurge rep is posting here for the first time in weeks, but you need to look at what's not being said as well as what is.

    Daken changes have been put "on hold" because the "the timing of the [..] rebalance wasn't good". If you read anything past "on hold" you'd see that the only concern was the timing (being directly after Daken covers were handed out). They'll be back, unchanged except to clarify the wording.

    I can't talk much about Customer Service as the only two requests I've ever made went completely unacknowledged, so I don't even bother. Still, it's worth noting that "response time" does not equal resolution time. It just means they're at least acknowledging tickets.

    And of course there's the prospect of a Community Manager who will "listen" to our requests. It seems that as long as they are seen posting "good idea" in a few threads people will be satisfied. Again, there was no mention of the CM actually needing to report requests/complaints to the devs.

    Lastly, there was no discussion at all about expanding QA/Testing, which is arguably the one area that needs the most work. A lot of these small bugs should be caught during QA. Ares Sunder? Inconsistent wording in Daken changes? Changes missing from release notes? etc. etc.

    Anyway, sorry for being so dour, but I have to echo the sentiments of so many others in this thread; "has the state of the game become so bad that we are now celebrating the devs for doing nothing?"
  • I actually have a better prediction than the other guy, one of the few changes will be...

    1. After a PVP event is over players will be automatically put into brackets depending on the last score of their last PVP for example if a player finishes with more than 1000 points in he's next PVP he will be placed with the other players that got over 1000 points. This will allow for other players to also win that precious 1st place price and covers.

    2. More variations in PVP like women characters only, 1*s only , 2*s only , dark avengers only ,avengers only, villains only, ect ect ect to make game more fun.

    3. Heroe space cost reduce.

    And no. 4. the one most of us might agree on special (items) to Lv up your 2*s or 1*s to Lv 166, of course with ap increase depending on the character. I would love a 166 jugs or venom to play him with spidey and finally eat some one whole.
  • Look I have no idea of this will lead to any real changes but man, coming in to moan about the OP seems like people are just looking for any reason to complain.

    You don't have to believe them, but they have stuck a post up saying they have employed more people to the customer service bit, and are looking to get a CM in. At least give them a few weeks to see if this actually happens, before leaping in with the "you guys are full of ****" comments.

    I mean, I have hated some of the changes made, and the frankly awful communication from this lot but the OP at least shows they have recognised some issues.

    If they actually do nothing, then just stop playing. And if you firmly believe they aren't going to improve at all, then I wonder why you continue to play anyway? If you think they don't give a ****, are destroying the game and just want your cash (which I assume you refuse to give them), it would seem that continuing to play and be involved enough to post on the forums is just a lesson in masochism.
  • I know I **** a lot about certain things (*waves at event finish times for Europe*) but actually the level of dev/publisher interaction on here is far higher than I've seen in some other mobile games. Proof is in the pudding and all that, but the Daken postponement is a decent gesture.
  • Another communication that would be nice, was there a change to nudging/sharding? What was the change? When will this be corrected so there are no/less "death"brackets?
  • TheViceroy
    TheViceroy Posts: 82 Match Maker
    I suppose this also means a delay on getting 2 Star Daken his third power.
  • Malcoran wrote:
    So re-establishing lines of communication, giving us a heads up on what next steps are, holding back on a change based on community feedback, and hiring a community manager is nothing?
    If the cynics are right, 'nothing' would look like complete silence, and changes going through permanently with no warning despite any level of negative feedback.

    D3 seems to be working on their PR presence, why choose that to complain about?

    There was any communication here? Im playing 4 months and only saw IceX, who wasnt best connection anyway (lies about golden characters, mistakes about healing in prologue and mmr). Next steps...Im hearing about some nerfs etc since when I start reading this forum and nothing changed. So it doesnt matter what theyre saying, you cant trust them at all. And from same reasons Im not so sure they made decision about holding Daken nerf cause community feedback. Hiring a community manager? Where is this guy, tell me.

    Maybe they finally noticed lowering popularity, maybe someone really start using brain and maybe we will have positive changes. But in same way you want to stay positive some people have right to complain imo. Cause there are enough valid arguments to do this.

    Everyone still has the right to complain no matter what I say, and yes you can even complain about WHAT I say. I appreciated Lakestone's post for several reasons. Primarily I have been rather vocally supporting the increase in communication from the devs and posts like this and those by Demiurge_Will show they had a lapse but are working on being better about updates and communication, which I appreciate. Hiring a community manager will also go a long way towards this goal, and I hope they take the time to hire the right person for the job and am willing to give them a modicum of patience while they do so.

    I understand some people's trust has run out and cynicism runs high. I am just of the opinion that people are more likely to be treated with respect when they treat others with respect. If D3 is working on their PR, why shouldn't the forum? Are we a group of people who will complain about everything, distrust everything that is said because we didn't like the way they said it and in general treat the developers with contempt. If so, my apologies for suggesting we might not be. I for one think the devs would much rather talk to the forum and listen to the ideas and concerns that we have if we at least try to give them some respect for making, maintaining, and updating this game we all keep playing like we enjoy it or something. And see no reason I should not maintain my optimism when I see things moving in the right direction. I would rather add my own words to help push it down the desired path than to complain when things are going south and also complain when things are not going north fast enough.
  • I know I **** a lot about certain things (*waves at event finish times for Europe*) but actually the level of dev/publisher interaction on here is far higher than I've seen in some other mobile games. Proof is in the pudding and all that, but the Daken postponement is a decent gesture.
    I disagree. This is also a pc game. And I've been to pc and pc&mobile f2p games' forums. Their interaction is lacking to say the least. However, recently it's been getting better. I agree on that.
  • LakeStone
    LakeStone Posts: 1,377 Community Moderator
    Hi Everyone -

    Just a quick response to some of the questions here. If you are interested in the position (and local to the Los Angeles area) you can email for more info (this email address is for interested applicants only, the jobs team will not be able to respond to game questions). If you can share any community manager experience you have that would be helpful too.

    In regards to the Marvel Games Panel, we hope to share more info soon but here is a link on all the Marvel panels with descriptions of each. ... l_schedule

    Thanks again for your feedback - Now back to the game!