Game Statistics?

I love stats and numbers. Would there be any chance that IceIX or someone else at D3 could post some of the stats you guys have collected? I know I've seen IceIX talking about the numbers looking good on things. If the information is too sensitive I would understand but if not it would be a fun look.

I'd be interested in stuff like total hours played, average hours played per user, number of people who enter different types of tournaments like Lightning Rounds vs Longer ones. Most common heroes at max level, least common heroes at max level (preferably excluding the 4 stars since they'd be obvious), Uptake by platform, anything else you think would be interesting - maybe most common uses of different AP colors or something.

I don't want this to turn into nerf this or buff that based on popularity though, I trust you guys to get the job done. I've got hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of this game and love it. I wish you guys would have other options for IAP that aren't currency - none of it seems that cost effective to a long time player.

Edit: I guess this would be a good place for players to post other kinds of stats they'd like to see too, so have at it!


  • You realize that pretty much everything you asked for is considered confidential corporate information? This is the kind of thing that companies live and die on and it's of great interest to rivals... so they generally don't just hand it out.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    A lot of that is certainly going to be confidential, but we might get a glimpse into things like character preferences. I'd be really curious to see if there are any commonly used characters that would surprise the forum posters -- stuff the non-forum userbase loves.
  • Zathrus wrote:
    You realize that pretty much everything you asked for is considered confidential corporate information? This is the kind of thing that companies live and die on and it's of great interest to rivals... so they generally don't just hand it out.
    Eh even some fun non-critical stats might be fun, like ones that it'd be too hard to glean dangerous info out of.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Edit: These are older stats, see stats from 3/18/14 here.

    Let's see, what can I say without giving numbers away...
      - There are very slightly more regular Android players than iOS players overall. Regular being those that stick around for a while. - iOS is more spikey with new players joining more often then leaving as quickly, Android players stick more often, but come in more slowly. Platform app discovery issues? - Steam is our fastest growing segment (duh, brand new), with players being the most sticky there compared to either mobile platform. - Brazilians on Android love themselves some Puzzle Quest, beating out both the UK and Canada in total users. Not so many iOS Brazilians, but they're still high on the list of countries overall. - Android version 4.1.0 is by far the most popular OS to play the game on, followed by 4.2.0 and 4.3.0. - iOS users update their OSes much more often in comparison, with most users being on either 7.0.4 or 7.0.3. - The Nexus 7 is by far the most popular single Android device to play on. Samsung as a manufacturer dominates the pack though with tons of devices being very high up on the usage list across many models. - The vanilla iPhone 4 is the most popular iOS device, with the iPad 2 being the strongest tablet in use for either iOS or Android. - About 10% of our regular userbase overall is either jailbroken or full rooted, much higher than we were expecting. The vast majority of said users play perfectly nicely, unlike popular depictions of those users being natural pirates/cheaters. - The character with the most purchased ability upgrades (minus Tutorials) is Iron Man (Model 35). His Repulsor Blast wins out with over triple the upgrades of the next highest character's total upgrades, Storm (Modern). - Dropping 1 stars, the most purchased ability upgrade in total crown goes to Black Widow (Grey Suit), and the most purchased ability upgrade singly goes to Daken's Pheremone Rage. - Most popular character overall is Iron Man (Model 35), which should come as no surprise since he's used so often by everyone early game. - Stripping out 1 stars the top 5 used in order are: Thor, Storm (Classic), Iron Man (Model 40), Captain America, Wolverine (Astonishing). Devil Dinosaur ranks dead last. - The Lightning Round played most regularly is Hood's, followed by Ragnarok. The one participated in least is Doom's, with Loki being slightly higher in participation.
  • IceIX wrote:
    - Stripping out 1 stars the top 5 used in order are: Thor, Storm (Classic), Iron Man (Model 40), Captain America, Wolverine (Astonishing). Devil Dinosaur ranks dead last.
    Poor Devil Dinosaur.
  • Awesome stuff, thanks for sharing! Point of clarification: when you say "purchased ability upgrade", do you mean purchased with hero points? That's what I assume but the "minus Tutorials" qualifier makes me think this just means the ability was upgraded, period, whether via hero points or cover upgrades.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Awesome stuff, thanks for sharing! Point of clarification: when you say "purchased ability upgrade", do you mean purchased with hero points? That's what I assume but the "minus Tutorials" qualifier makes me think this just means the ability was upgraded, period, whether via hero points or cover upgrades.
    Yep, purchased with Hero Points. I used the qualifier because there was a bug in R41 (R42?) where players were tossed back into the Tutorial flow and the only way out was to *buy* the ability upgrade for a day or two till we identified it and fixed it. That skewed the data a bit.
  • By the way forum users complain you'd think Ragnarok was clear #1 in all stats
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    By the way forum users complain you'd think Ragnarok was clear #1 in all stats
    You would, yes. You'd also be surprised that CapA is sitting in the Top 5 used since he's "worthless". Most players use who they like, and Cap is right up there for popularity.
  • Hood is the mos played tourney? Just proof that MPQ players are masochistic.
  • hhhhotttt
    hhhhotttt Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Thanks icex. Very neat to hear some surprising stats. Brazillians love the some pq. Never would have guessed.
  • IceIX wrote:
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    By the way forum users complain you'd think Ragnarok was clear #1 in all stats
    You would, yes. You'd also be surprised that CapA is sitting in the Top 5 used since he's "worthless". Most players use who they like, and Cap is right up there for popularity.

    Hey I like to use cap and yell out "FOR FREEDOM! STARS AND STRIPES! I NEED BACKUP! FALL IN SOLDIER!" icon_e_smile.gif
  • IceIX wrote:
    - The Lightning Round played most regularly is Hood's, followed by Ragnarok. The one participated in least is Doom's, with Loki being slightly higher in participation.
    Has anyone without a Rag over level 80 ever finished in the top 2 in a Rag lightning tournament in the past 3 weeks?
  • dmendro wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    - The Lightning Round played most regularly is Hood's, followed by Ragnarok. The one participated in least is Doom's, with Loki being slightly higher in participation.
    Has anyone without a Rag over level 80 ever finished in the top 2 in a Rag lightning tournament in the past 3 weeks?

    I did icon_e_biggrin.gif. I had a 0/5 rags and a 4/1/5 magneto carry me (with help from this board).
  • IceIX wrote:
    DumDumDugn wrote:
    By the way forum users complain you'd think Ragnarok was clear #1 in all stats
    You would, yes. You'd also be surprised that CapA is sitting in the Top 5 used since he's "worthless". Most players use who they like, and Cap is right up there for popularity.
    Does this include PVE? Because Cap is one of the best in that. Also, He's the prolly 3rd most accessible 2-star after Thor and c.Storm. So I think it's still "use who you have" not "use who you want".

    IM35, m.Storm, Daken... The majority clearly don't know how to spend HP wisely. As I said in another thread, Rags players aren't the majority. It's no surprise to me that he's not up there, but Daken lol. Also doesn't negate that buying his reds is one of the best things you can currently buy in the game.

    Also funny that Brasil and UK have biggest player bases but tourney end times haven't been suitable for them at all previously.
  • First off, wow -- thanks IceIX. Some of that info I wouldn't have expected to be shared.
    Does this include PVE? Because Cap is one of the best in that. Also, He's the prolly 3rd most accessible 2-star after Thor and c.Storm. So I think it's still "use who you have" not "use who you want".

    How is he accessible after those two? You don't get him in the Prologue at all, and except for a few PvP tournaments a few weeks ago he hasn't been given out as a reward as I recall. There are several 2*s given out in the Prologue, such as Daken and Wolverine, that are easier to get.

    What Cap does have going for him is, as IceIX says, that he's popular.
    IM35, m.Storm, Daken... The majority clearly don't know how to spend HP wisely. As I said in another thread, Rags players aren't the majority. It's no surprise to me that he's not up there, but Daken lol.

    Seriously. He's really not all that bad for a 2 color 2*, but still... I don't even... wut?
    Also funny that Brasil and UK have biggest player bases but tourney end times haven't been suitable for them at all previously.

    Not entirely awful for Brasil -- they're only +1 from Eastern as I recall. 1 AM isn't exactly a good idea for anyone working normal hours, but on weekends it's fine. And if they're university students it'd be kinda early to go to bed. Unless college kids have become wimps in the past two decades icon_razz.gif
  • Event prizes, I'm pretty sure Cap was given out the most for 2-stars. So unless you strictly stick to prologue or bought a lot of heroics, I don't see Wolvie being more accessible. Daken, I can see possibly being more accessible than Cap, if only for the reason of needing 2 colours. But it's wierd being the most accessible, yet be the most bought upgrades.

    And Brasil is big. It can range from 1am to 3am IIRC.
  • Being a Brazilian player, it wasn't a surprise for me to see this... Everyone has a smartphone addiction nowadays and I also remember seeing some statistics that we are the top ranked social network users too. People walk on the streets like zombies staring at their phones... It's like a nerd disease that hit the whole 200M population.
    Anyway, specifically about MPQ, I think one of the reasons for its success is that Candy Crush is like a fever here. I know that it's a hit in other countries as well, but maybe the smartphone addiction is stronger here, idk. When people saw that MPQ's gameplay was familiar but waaaayyyy better (and, of course, with a better theme), the word spread too fast.

    About tournament ending times, it's hard for us. Most of the country is at GMT-3 but we are in daylight saving summer time now, so it's like GMT-2. Tournaments generally were ending 3 o'clock in the morning, meaning that the recent changes were more than welcome.
    The only things that me and my friends are particularly mad about now are the frequent cover space price rises and the nerfings of accessible characters while letting Rag untouched and overpowering Spidey. I think the aggressive "pay to win" policy can kill the newcomers pretty fast. It's nearing a "pay to play" level already. Having to ditch your recently won new hero because of lack of space is a major turn off.

    BTW, Invisible Bag Woman is a joke... icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Im a free player (well, almost..bought some cover space) with a near max rag and spidey through hard work

    maybe a month ago those with rags/spidey were pay2play but there are many dedicated players now with those characters

    Level 240 x-force wolv and IW...those are the payers. Too bad it doesn't help them win icon_e_sad.gif
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Im a free player (well, almost..bought some cover space) with a near max rag and spidey through hard work
    And luck. Red Rags is the only cover I haven't gotten yet. No way to earn this cover other than Rags Lightning Round. Unless you won top 25 in that with the given Rags, it's hard to call it merely hard work.