True Healing Discussion (Live 6/25)
Here's another thought on character healing - how about at the end of every fight, each character regains a maximum of say, 20% of their total health? Kinda like a boxer taking a rest between rounds, if you didn't take much damage in the fight then you're ready to go next time. If you took a lot of damage, then you have to decide whether to use on of your precious health packs, or risk going in at somewhat less than full health. It helps reduce the impact that the removal of prologue healing will bring, and allows us to push our characters for longer periods if we're fighting and winning well.0
DaveyPitch wrote:Here's another thought on character healing - how about at the end of every fight, each character regains a maximum of say, 20% of their total health? Kinda like a boxer taking a rest between rounds, if you didn't take much damage in the fight then you're ready to go next time. If you took a lot of damage, then you have to decide whether to use on of your precious health packs, or risk going in at somewhat less than full health. It helps reduce the impact that the removal of prologue healing will bring, and allows us to push our characters for longer periods if we're fighting and winning well.0
With these changes, will not the game become 'how many protect tiles can I get down' by limiting the damage to a fraction of what I could be you could essentially increase you play time.
Also, I think we may see an increase in OBW in PVE (bear with me on this one) her blue will increase the countdown tiles (now even more important to stop these from going off especially ones that damage all (tommy gun, pyro are going to be real ball aches)) and her pink (I have bucked the trend and gone for 5 in purple) can keep all the AP away from the enemy to stop any high damaging abilities going off thus reducing damage (yes this will not always work, a brutal enemy cascade and it could be all over fast)
as a 2* transaction player i have used OBW/Thor or Ares + featured char for soooooo long but in the recent spidey pvp I was experimenting with a new team of Hood (105) Hulk (115) and Spidey (95) and found between spideys protects (can place 4) Hoods stealing (blue is at 5) and Hulks large health the enemy damaged was vastly reduced and I was not using the web bandages (favoring the hoods yellow to earn AP and cause some cascades)0 -
I really wish i could honestly say something ;like "my god! I cant believe they would do this!" but hey, unfortunately the sad fact is that nobody is surprised, shows how far this game has fallen and how low our respect for the devs has gotten .
I have asked before why healing is even in the game? There is no gameplay advantage to it. An answer from IceIX or someone as to why they even felt the need to include it in the first place would be nice. As far as i can see the only possible purpose the whole mechanic serves is to raise money through health pack sales. It certainly does not enable playing the game for longer than short bursts at a time and doesnt encourage a more casual playstyle because as health packs are purchasable it just turns it into a pay to win mechanic.
I would just like the devs to be honest and have the balls to admit that Health and healing were always intended as an income stream and that recent changes are designed to increase that stream. I would have more respect for them if they were honest.
If by some miracle this isnt the case then the obvious change would be to remove health packs completely and have all characters fully heal after a battle. Health packs could still be kept for downed characters if they feel the need. Any 'healing' issues resolved instantly. I have said this before and i know it has already been mentioned in this thread and to me it is the only sensible option.0 -
Ok, I WANT to want to remove the need for healing entirely but that's just not going to work for the simple reason it is completely incompatible with PvP.
Lets say I have an 85 Ares/OBW team in pvp and 300 points. I get offered a 700 point team with 2x141 and a moderate level featured. Now I probably won't win but I *MIGHT*. So I attack, see i'm going to lose, retreat, lose like 1 point, full heal, try again, rinse repeat. Same with a C.Storm/MMN pairing (more so even).
The AI is SO BAD that you can potentially win with a team you have no business winning with. If it's a 50 point hit then your losses are next to nothing if you fail BUT you get damaged and that damage dissuades just trying again. It's a great hit because, even if it took 5 goes you get + 46 and the other guy has literally no reason to hit you back for 2 or something. Adding in the pain of prologue healing is enough of a deterrent, removing prologue healing is a total deterrent. Removing in game healing during normal play is a scumbag move though and has no benefit beyond trying to sell health packs.0 -
Someone ninja edit IceIX post lol?0
A simple fix is to create two seperate Health Packs. Your recharge ones and bankable ones. Cap the bank at 10 or 30 or whatever, but allow a player to choose saved up health packs or the 5 standard that replinish. This solves a lot of issues. It makes dealing with true vs. fake healing easier and actually allows players to save up for tourney's or not have a health pack won take the place of one of would have gotten automatically. I cannot tell you the frustration when you use a health pack, have 4 remaining, know that you will get one in a little bit then you win one, effectively giving you no prize since it will just replace the missing spot of the health pack you would have gotten anyway.0
I won't be buying health packs with this change.
If my OBW is out of commission and my packs are low, I'll just be playing less until she's ready to go again.
Working as intended?0 -
Pretty funny that this is a change to encourage the purchase of Health Packs (which are overpriced) when all it's doing it turning me off playing it where I'll stop buying roster slots, alliance slots, covers and tokens. It's going to do the opposite for me, which is a shame, as I was loving the game (currently on 188 consecutive days.)
It's disappointing that the way to nerf prologue healing was to actually massively alter PvP. The only reason people use the same rosters as each other is due to a reluctance to release new healers. I don't want to use OBW but she's the only readily available healing resource, hence I and everyone else uses her. If we had 5 different healers all with slightly different abilities then there would be more variety, so using the excuse that it's to have people use different rosters is moribund. Surely working on a way to actually limit healing from prologue would make more sense if that was the real reason (and not money) by simply not allowing the use of healers in that mode or make it so that heals activated in Prologue are temporary.0 -
Due to the previous post by IceIX about this upcoming change, I had changed my roster strategy and have been filling those "extra" slots with extra 3* covers that I couldn't use instead of selling them. However, it'll be a long time before any of those second 3*s are useful (especially considering I only have 2 fully covered 3*s and one of them is daredevil). I had fully intended to spend some money to show appreciation for this game a few months ago, but have not to date due to all of the various changes. Who knows, maybe in a few months things will evolve into something good, but there's a good chance that I won't wait that long as I have less and less motivation to play this game every day...0
The solution was there the whole time. How could we have been so blind?!0
bonfire01 wrote:Ok, I WANT to want to remove the need for healing entirely but that's just not going to work for the simple reason it is completely incompatible with PvP.
Lets say I have an 85 Ares/OBW team in pvp and 300 points. I get offered a 700 point team with 2x141 and a moderate level featured. Now I probably won't win but I *MIGHT*. So I attack, see i'm going to lose, retreat, lose like 1 point, full heal, try again, rinse repeat. Same with a C.Storm/MMN pairing (more so even).
The AI is SO BAD that you can potentially win with a team you have no business winning with. If it's a 50 point hit then your losses are next to nothing if you fail BUT you get damaged and that damage dissuades just trying again. It's a great hit because, even if it took 5 goes you get + 46 and the other guy has literally no reason to hit you back for 2 or something. Adding in the pain of prologue healing is enough of a deterrent, removing prologue healing is a total deterrent. Removing in game healing during normal play is a scumbag move though and has no benefit beyond trying to sell health packs.
I see your point except that you cannot have 4 or 5 attempts at the same battle without an awful lot of skipping around to find that battle again.
Thinking a bit more though maybe the answer is to stop selling health packs. That way you could only carry on with your best team until all 5 health packs were gone and then either wait or play with different heroes. Maybe this would actually encourage the roster diversity they claim to want?
Of course this would only work if the reason for health packs isnt purely to grab money0 -
Good luck with your dumbass suits making these kinds of **** decisions, it's how you stop anyone from spending.0
I tried out "Prologue Healing" and it was horribly annoying, so I chose not to do it. I do not begrudge anyone that wants to spend their time doing it. I use OBW in PvP, because it is the only way to keep playing for a decent amount of time. My penalty is that on defence my team is 2/3 squishy if I don't have a decent amount in the "featured" character. You fixed a problem that wasn't there, only to break the fun factor of the game.
So basically you are saying you are handing the game over to those that cheat with "free" HP, even more so then before. As only those with stolen credit cards or HP cheats can afford to fuel the 141 Daken 141 Sentry teams that are the only ones you will be seeing from now on.
My wife will adore this change, as it means this game goes from an addiction to a morbid curiousity now. I can't see this going well for them overall.
Thanks for the fun while it lasted.0 -
What pisses me off is that they make all these changes ( skip tax, nerfs, scaling and now this) in the name of fun, cause they want to make the game more fun, the only one having fun with all this **** is their bank account, I for one I'm not buying any freaking health pack , nor am I spending any more money on this ****.0
It's fine.. the game won't die, the world won't explode, people will alter their play styles.
Quit ****.0 -
In some ways, I'm going to be the ultimate test case for this feature.
I've been playing since pretty much the beginning (started playing at launch, stopped after the first major in-game economy revamp, restarted after that was revoked). I've put $5 into the game to buy an alliance slot for a friend. I have every character. With the exception of Bag-Man and my highest covered 3*s (4-5 characters) I have everyone at their soft or hard cap. And I've still been able to compete reasonably well, even though I don't tank, don't shield unless I can make my HP back in rewards, and generally play the game as intended.
I rarely prologue heal, but I do use in-match healing. Why do I use in-match healing? Because it lets me play more. Why do I need to play more? Because playing more gives me more points, and points are how the rewards are given out.
If this change works as intended, I should be able to compete after it. I'll be playing a lot less and scoring a lot fewer points, but so will everyone else, it'll average out, and I'll end up with similar rewards in less play time. And that would be a good thing, because frankly, the effort-to-reward ratio in this game is only made possible as it is by the addictive nature of basic Puzzle Quest gameplay.
If this change works as suspected, then I won't be getting to 50's in PvP with the occasional 25. Maybe, thanks to the changes in reward structure, I'll still be getting covers and be able to progress, maybe not. Maybe my diverse roster will put me in brackets with LDaken/Patch teams I can't keep up with. Maybe people with money will play more often and score more points and I won't be able to keep up either. And if that happens, and I suddenly can't progress without paying, then I'm out. No big loss to D3, big gain to other iOS games
We'll see how it goes. Interestingly, the current PvE, with no healers, may be a pretty good harbinger of the entire game after this change. I'm certainly playing fewer matches and scoring fewer points, but even without really being able to swap my team out for another (with only 7 characters to choose from, three of them 2* or 1*, and my levels mostly scaled to 3* strength) I'm able to mostly keep pace.0 -
My 2c as a player.
This will only decrease the time I spend playing the game. As tedious as Story Mode healing was it was time spent playing MPQ. If I am playing less MPQ I will fill that time with another game. The risk for developers is that players will then get hooked on another game and leave. I think discouraging players from playing your game is always a mistake.0 -
1) I stopped buying health packs long ago.
2) I will continue to not buy health packs, regardless of this change.
3) The top 3 team I keep seeing is LT, LD and featured in PVP. This change only promotes to switch up to Patch and LD (true healer team FTW).
4) They wish to have everyone play with a more diverse roster. Yet they keep giving us new characters as 3*. Here is a change. Start creating more 2* and 1* characters. What is the go to team in 1*? Storm, IM35, BW. What is the 2* team people go to? OBW, (Ares/Thor), MNM. There is no diversity for the new players. We now have 22- 3* characters, 12 - 2* characters, and 7 - 1* characters. We have more 3* than we do 2* and 1* combined.
5) As the first post was edited at the end, this is about money. Not about how you should be able to do this and that. This is about finding ways to make the player cough up loads of cash to them. The moment no one pays a dime into this game, is the moment it will stop getting updates and new events and eventually keel over as with any other game. The clock is ticking on this game.
6) Yes this game was fun in the beginning and was set up to be Free to Play. It is Pay to Play. For those of you who come on here to rant about this is fair and that isn't fair. Save your breath.
7) I write this post knowing full well everything I write will go in one devs ear and out the other.
8) I play this game out of sheer enjoyment of playing. PVP is a bust for me I enter only to get some progression rewards but largely not concerned about winning it. I get more enjoyment out of PVE. If no PVE is on, guess what - break for me.
9) I could go on but I feel I have said enough. Largely because I feel like I am annoying myself with this and I can't stop laughing at other comments of "I'm quitting". Your quit means nothing to them.
/rant0 -
Sorry if this has already been suggested before but I didn't want to go through all the pages of material here...
If the issue is prologue healing, couldn't the prologue missions be closed out after all the main rewards for each node have been obtained? There may be some minimal prologue healing left for some player but it would eventually be phased out. I used to do the prologue healing somewhat but found it to be too tedious.
There may still be some healing up through missions in the events in the lower scoring nodes but all the other factors would be in play like scaling, etc.0
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