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Re: Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave) 4*
I disagree, to some extent. I think the point is to get people excited about the character, to show them off. That being said, we're still talking about the same result. We have a Welcome to SHIELD n…2 -
Re: Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave) 4*
Another Welcome to SHIELD where we have a useless power meaning you can't get some of the purple power uses done on the first node.7 -
Re: Which team is Street Level Villain?
Bro, how did you get this sort?1 -
Re: Ascended Winners and Losers
The best part is attack tiles are about 20% the value of a protect tile (maybe less), yet his attack tile comes out half the strength of Luke's protect. Someone on the inside doesn't like Ironfist.2 -
Re: Ascended Winners and Losers
The biggest issue, IMHO, is with a 550 MT/SC, none of that is relevant. A 10k protect tile? Shrug. Even the damage with saving 12 Yellow. By the time you have saved 12 Yellow, the battle is probably …1 -
Re: Ascended Winners and Losers
Hey, maybe I can go back to running luke cage, iron fist and doc strange like I did when I didn't have anything better! Progress!2 -
Re: Ascended Winners and Losers
And at 672 it would be almost 25k! Shame it is so hard to ascend 3*s.2 -
Re: Thanos-Copter vault reset cost
Got the choppa from a two to a four. Hope the next one of these vaults is one with another support I have on the low end, and there are PLENTY 😆1 -
Re: Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave) 4*
My take is he’s very thematic to his character traits (nice work Broken Circle) and should be quite a bit of fun to experiment with. It makes a nice change to have a character that can’t tank vs all …2 -
Re: Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave) 4*
My first impression is that he needs to be nerfed below ground. he may not be such and issue because low hitpoints, but increased AP + match damage reflect is recipe for stupid healthpack use. I bet …1