Has the MCU ruined Marvel comics?

System Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
This discussion was created from comments split from: New Character Announcement Tomorrow (1/9/23).


  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 761 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:
    They really can't win with character choices -- when they make an MCU guy a certain population goes "but the comics!!!" and when they make a comic book guy a different group says "who's this nerd? never heard of him!"

    Example of harm MCU has done to comics: too many people thinks "Marvel equals MCU" and then they are startled that there are many comic characters who aren't part of show! Lastly I met guy who think She-Hulk is MCU "female Hulk" and another woke culture tinikitty and I said to him "dude, She is his cousing from comics and originated like 30+ years ago!".

  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,083 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Mr_F said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    They really can't win with character choices -- when they make an MCU guy a certain population goes "but the comics!!!" and when they make a comic book guy a different group says "who's this nerd? never heard of him!"

    Example of harm MCU has done to comics: too many people thinks "Marvel equals MCU" and then they are startled that there are many comic characters who aren't part of show! Lastly I met guy who think She-Hulk is MCU "female Hulk" and another woke culture tinikitty and I said to him "dude, She is his cousing from comics and originated like 30+ years ago!".

    Without the MCU, there might not even be Marvel comics right now.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 761 Critical Contributor

    @MegaBee said:

    Without the MCU, there might not even be Marvel comics right now.

    Who knows? Cant say "no" to that, cant say "yes". Its big "what if".

    There are good things MCU has done. Cant deny that.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,594 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Mr_F said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    They really can't win with character choices -- when they make an MCU guy a certain population goes "but the comics!!!" and when they make a comic book guy a different group says "who's this nerd? never heard of him!"

    Example of harm MCU has done to comics: too many people thinks "Marvel equals MCU" and then they are startled that there are many comic characters who aren't part of show! Lastly I met guy who think She-Hulk is MCU "female Hulk" and another woke culture tinikitty and I said to him "dude, She is his cousing from comics and originated like 30+ years ago!".

    That is technically what She Hulk is! Not MCU obviously but comic book She Hulk was created to protect the Hulk trademark and to prevent the 70s TV show introduction of a female Hulk and then claiming copyright! That is all She Hulk meant to Stan Lee when he ordered her to be created which is funny as he always stated he would not go the DC route with endless Bat this and Super that. Ditto Carol Danvers/Ms Marvel - her only reason for existing was a thumb in the eye to DC over the copyright of Captain Marvel. Not all of these characters have a sacred origin story and She Hulk is no more damaged by the MCU than what her original very shallow existence was for.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 761 Critical Contributor

    @DAZ0273 Technically yes but the point is that too many people make that equation "Marvel = MCU" and keep forgeting about many things here. Or forget to do "five minute research".

    I give you better example of such "lack of five minute research". "Infinity War" title in Poland was translated into "War without Boundaries/edges" or "War With no Limits" while stones were called "infinity stones". Reason? At least what I think, distributor did not checked the source material that "infinity" in "infinity war" is SAME TERM as "infinity" in "infinity stones" and should be translated as one, not separetly.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,594 Chairperson of the Boards

    The problem with superheroes is that most of these characters have existed for so long that they have picked up bits and pieces from various sources and it is hard to pick it apart and place a definitive point in time as to who or what the character is. Some examples - Wolverine as debuted had no healing factor, his claws were in his gloves and he was supposed to be a teenager! If you read his early appearances ( as I have just recently done again) there are definitely some missing bits. So if we wanted to be "true" to him then that should be the version that makes it into any other media. I think most people are not going to worry about that and stick with what they know - angry stabby guy who can't be killed. Likewise, She Hulk is big green lady. If she is Hulk's cousin, sister or financial advisor most people don't care as long as most of it fits the bill.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 761 Critical Contributor

    Well... I do not think that sticking just to first or latest version is a good way for describing any character. What makes Spider-Man a Spider-Man is just beyond his early appereances. Or recent Same with Logan, Jen, Wasp or basically anybody.

    An essence of a chair is all that makes chair a chair. In case of fictional characters, sometimes essensce is changing, but for long-long ones, like Spider or Wolvie is staple. Jen's has changed since her debut but still, like you have said, some elements make, made and will be making her a She-Hulk. And I agree that she being Hulk's cousing is not one of them.

    Saying that I believe that people take MCU version Character's essence and keep saying it is overall character's essence while it is not. What makes Cap a Cap is way beyond MCU. And beyond just comic books too. For me, his essence does not even contains "shield". And Wolvie is beyond
    stabby guy who can't be killed".

    BUT even that, there is nothing wrong if 99,99999999999999999% of Cap's version is goody two shoes with shield and likewise in Wolvie case, stabby guys who can't be killed. If that 99,99999999999999999% are grasping they respectives essences, who cares?

    Basically, selling MCU as "common/general/base/whatever Marvel" is ruining the whole universe. And I believe that MCU in many cases DID NOT grasped Marvel Universe essence at all. Not that many recent comic books did it. They too, IMO, miss the point.