Your latest fun team combination
My KK/BRB are in the 500’s, but my Apoc is baby champed at 460, so I never use that team, but I like it in theory.
KK’s passive does trigger on friendly trap tile matches. RNGeezus, please let them be boosted the same week!
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If your Apoc is higher, it should be better. It'll be much better if all are at 550.
I went to test KK with 3* Arcade and She-Hulk but I don't see KK's passive damage being added to it. Could that extra damage have come from Emma instead?
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I just tried it again and KK’s passive isn’t triggering on either 3/5 Arcade’s traps. I must have misread the effects, but I swear that the other team was getting hit with multiple damage hits on a single trap tile match. Sorry about that, but it means that the ceiling for Arcade/Emm5’s damage output is even higher than I thought.
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It happens to everyone. It's normal to misread.
What you saw were probably because there were protect tiles and trap tile in one match that caused multiple damage hits.
3* Arcade could already deal ~30k AoE damage with his Purple Cloud. Even if a new player pull 1 cover of Emma's red, it turns it into a 45k AoE easily. At 3* tier, 45k AoE is more or less an overkill. I saw in reddit that they are seeing more 3* Arcade in pvp, but I don't know how true it is.
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I only floated Apoc and KK as a possibility because Apoc boosts Arcades damage and is great with KK. KK and Arcade have no synergy at all, they just both like hanging with Apoc. If you have the right supports and boost you can do turn 1 kills if you switch out Arcade for BRB. I don’t know how big Apocalypse has to be for that to happen. Bigger than my 453 apparently because I have more success with Polaris instead of BRB.
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Has Shuri + Silk + Magik ever been mentioned here? Such a great combination. Silk and Magik create plenty of SAP tiles and boost them whilst also creating plenty of fortified tiles therefore allowing Shuri to reduce the AP cost of powers. Obviously not great against Polaris and the like, but damn satisfying to beat a challenge node with a 4* team (sure Shuri is boosted at the moment, which definitely helps but probably isn't essential, and I did throw in a few AP boosts to be on the safe side).
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I'm fairly new to 5* champed land I only have apoc,kitty and killmonger champed but since the update to 4* panther I find the team of Apoc,panther and polaris great..
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I don't place teams here often (if at all, ever)... but lately, I've found two teams carrying me through PvE in record times for me.
First, Okoye - iHulk - Gorr (yellow @ 5)
...triggering Okoye's passive for the team hit and THEN THREE MORE TIMES cannot be overstated. Start with +2 TU AP, and that's major damage on round 2, not to mention any TUs you nabbed on the 1st turn.
Yes, we all know about Okoye & iHulk... but Gorr has been a real treat, IMO. No green tile requirement, no animation, no ****... just near-instant amped-up damage. Plus, if it's one of those challenge nodes with Rocket or BRB or 4* Carnage, his purple kicks in and just nullifies the whole team. The only time this goes slower if if greens aren't available. This also becomes an issue on longer fights.... which leads me to...2nd option, usually for larger health teams... Okoye - Gorr - Deathlok (red & black at 5).
Same Okoye/Gorr fun I mentioned above... but add in Deathlok's passive. And I have to preface this... I wonder if it's bugged. It does NOTHING without matching a Red or Blue, but when it does, Wakanda Forever seems to add on to his Focus damage bonus! This, in turn, adds that WF-boosted damage to your MATCH DAMAGE, not to mention Gorr's 3 shadow minion tiles! Wanna make this more fun? Fire off Deathlok's black. Now you got 7 points at minimum, amped by Okoye, and a passive for a few turns that does that WF-amped team damage ON TOP of the Gorr tiles amped by WF.Now, to be fair, I think this shouldn't be working like this. I mean, WF is amping up a damage amplifier! I've seen Okoye do match damage for 12k+ when it should've just done 2k-ish. There's no way Deathlok's damage amplifier is adding 8k onto Okoye by itself. So, they're working in tandem, and it's awesome. Works best for long term matches that IHulk wouldn't eliminate in just a round or two.
I've never went through PvE so fast.
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@PiMacleod I haven't tried Deathlok as a partner for Okoye Gorr, but one more for you to try is Okoye + Gorr + 1/2 Thor. I've basically cut my grind times in half on the CN vs my old winfinite team of Beta Ray, Polaris, and Th4nos. You'll be swimming in Yellow, especially if you use +2TU, +2R/Y, and +2 All, and equip RTF to Okoye and supports that generate Yellow at start of battle like Korg, Sanctum, SP//DR, Vintage Shield, or Avengers Tower to Thor and Gorr (Gorr can only wear Vintage Shield because the others are restricted to heroes but Thor can wear any of them). With all that Yellow, you can either add more minion tiles via Gorr's yellow, at least some of which are likely to get matched away during longer battles or heal Okoye and add to her boost. Plus, Thor is quietly gathering Red and Green for Okoye's nuke and Thor's AoE, and if you match enough Black, Gorr's Black boosted by Okoye can one-shot some pretty beefy enemies (better to have him at 5/5/3 if you're not fighting special tile creators).
This team is predicated on having Okoye tank as much as possible, especially since 1/2 Thor and Gorr are both kinda squishy, so any nodes where:
1) Okoye can get stunned, or
2) Okoye can get 1-shot, or
3) Someone on the enemy team has a power like an AoE that can hit more than just the character in frontyou have to be a little more careful. This team only failed me once, that was the Venom Bomb Liberty Island CN node with BiB Spider-Man and his 2 batteries because Gorr's minion tiles target random enemies and BiB has enough Green to launch his multi-hit within like 4 turns.
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Deathlok is underrated. He gains aps passively every turn for his team, and he provides some protection against power damage as well. You can gain up to 3 top 2 team strongest colours each turn, making it a total of 6 per turn.
Okoye boosting his power is something new. I assume it's going to work with Apocalypse/Wanda/Emma etc as well.
Here's the link for Technologists/Synthetics
Other Technologists or Synthetics not in there are:
Arcade, Riri Williams, Hit-MonkeyImagine Deathlok feeding a total of at least 4 aps with the above 3 5* every turn. It's like bringing Gambattery to the battle.
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@PiMacleod said:
I don't place teams here often (if at all, ever)... but lately, I've found two teams carrying me through PvE in record times for me.First, Okoye - iHulk - Gorr (yellow @ 5)
...triggering Okoye's passive for the team hit and THEN THREE MORE TIMES cannot be overstated. Start with +2 TU AP, and that's major damage on round 2, not to mention any TUs you nabbed on the 1st turn.
Yes, we all know about Okoye & iHulk... but Gorr has been a real treat, IMO. No green tile requirement, no animation, no ****... just near-instant amped-up damage. Plus, if it's one of those challenge nodes with Rocket or BRB or 4* Carnage, his purple kicks in and just nullifies the whole team. The only time this goes slower if if greens aren't available. This also becomes an issue on longer fights.... which leads me to...2nd option, usually for larger health teams... Okoye - Gorr - Deathlok (red & black at 5).
Same Okoye/Gorr fun I mentioned above... but add in Deathlok's passive. And I have to preface this... I wonder if it's bugged. It does NOTHING without matching a Red or Blue, but when it does, Wakanda Forever seems to add on to his Focus damage bonus! This, in turn, adds that WF-boosted damage to your MATCH DAMAGE, not to mention Gorr's 3 shadow minion tiles! Wanna make this more fun? Fire off Deathlok's black. Now you got 7 points at minimum, amped by Okoye, and a passive for a few turns that does that WF-amped team damage ON TOP of the Gorr tiles amped by WF.Now, to be fair, I think this shouldn't be working like this. I mean, WF is amping up a damage amplifier! I've seen Okoye do match damage for 12k+ when it should've just done 2k-ish. There's no way Deathlok's damage amplifier is adding 8k onto Okoye by itself. So, they're working in tandem, and it's awesome. Works best for long term matches that IHulk wouldn't eliminate in just a round or two.
I've never went through PvE so fast.
This combination is actually pretty insane. It has obvious cons, but the damage ticks are crazy. I hope it's working as intended so it doesn't go anywhere.
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I haven’t had to make more than a single match-3 since I started using Chasm, p5 Emma, and 3* Thanos together in the Big Enchilada.
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Okoye, gorr and deathlok is fantastic. I have absolutely no idea why/who/what all the damage is but everyone just dies in a second. Great fun
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@PiMacleod said:
I don't place teams here often (if at all, ever)... but lately, I've found two teams carrying me through PvE in record times for me.First, Okoye - iHulk - Gorr (yellow @ 5)
...triggering Okoye's passive for the team hit and THEN THREE MORE TIMES cannot be overstated. Start with +2 TU AP, and that's major damage on round 2, not to mention any TUs you nabbed on the 1st turn.
Yes, we all know about Okoye & iHulk... but Gorr has been a real treat, IMO. No green tile requirement, no animation, no ****... just near-instant amped-up damage. Plus, if it's one of those challenge nodes with Rocket or BRB or 4* Carnage, his purple kicks in and just nullifies the whole team. The only time this goes slower if if greens aren't available. This also becomes an issue on longer fights.... which leads me to...Ok. So I don't know who's doing damage, but hot damn people are dying quickly. Nice group!
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@dokiy said:
@PiMacleod said:
I don't place teams here often (if at all, ever)... but lately, I've found two teams carrying me through PvE in record times for me.First, Okoye - iHulk - Gorr (yellow @ 5)
...triggering Okoye's passive for the team hit and THEN THREE MORE TIMES cannot be overstated. Start with +2 TU AP, and that's major damage on round 2, not to mention any TUs you nabbed on the 1st turn.
Yes, we all know about Okoye & iHulk... but Gorr has been a real treat, IMO. No green tile requirement, no animation, no ****... just near-instant amped-up damage. Plus, if it's one of those challenge nodes with Rocket or BRB or 4* Carnage, his purple kicks in and just nullifies the whole team. The only time this goes slower if if greens aren't available. This also becomes an issue on longer fights.... which leads me to...Ok. So I don't know who's doing damage, but hot damn people are dying quickly. Nice group!
Just did some PVE testing: okoye/gorr/deathlok keeps up with or outpaces kitty/R&G/Polaris in clearing nodes. 6 turn finishes on the hardest nodes. (That's about 450,000 total damage done in 6 turns and no need for health packs) You don't even need the 4s to be leveled, just covered.
*Health pack results may vary due to enemy passives (kraven/carnage for example) but okoye should be tanking so shouldn't be an issue.
Anyway, it's a crazy group that I hope doesn't get adjusted at all. It adds something without affecting meta or fairness at all. I'm just worried someone will decide it's not working as intended and Nerf the group.
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Thanks for sharing. What is the cover distribution for Gorr and Deathlok?
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@Blackstone said:
@dokiy said:
@PiMacleod said:
I don't place teams here often (if at all, ever)... but lately, I've found two teams carrying me through PvE in record times for me.First, Okoye - iHulk - Gorr (yellow @ 5)
...triggering Okoye's passive for the team hit and THEN THREE MORE TIMES cannot be overstated. Start with +2 TU AP, and that's major damage on round 2, not to mention any TUs you nabbed on the 1st turn.
Yes, we all know about Okoye & iHulk... but Gorr has been a real treat, IMO. No green tile requirement, no animation, no ****... just near-instant amped-up damage. Plus, if it's one of those challenge nodes with Rocket or BRB or 4* Carnage, his purple kicks in and just nullifies the whole team. The only time this goes slower if if greens aren't available. This also becomes an issue on longer fights.... which leads me to...Ok. So I don't know who's doing damage, but hot damn people are dying quickly. Nice group!
Just did some PVE testing: okoye/gorr/deathlok keeps up with or outpaces kitty/R&G/Polaris in clearing nodes. 6 turn finishes on the hardest nodes. (That's about 450,000 total damage done in 6 turns and no need for health packs) You don't even need the 4s to be leveled, just covered.
*Health pack results may vary due to enemy passives (kraven/carnage for example) but okoye should be tanking so shouldn't be an issue.
Anyway, it's a crazy group that I hope doesn't get adjusted at all. It adds something without affecting meta or fairness at all. I'm just worried someone will decide it's not working as intended and Nerf the group.
Yeah you need more than 6 turns on that Kraven node in CL 10, but the team works.
Depends on how many hits your Okoye can tank, though.0 -
Played it five times. First three attempts took 6 turns each. Fourth attempt took 8. Fifth attempt took 6. That last one surprised me, because of house high enemy health had gotten, but I got some good cascades.
Maybe I had really good boards compared to what you were getting, but 6 turns became the expected duration for me.
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I only tried it once then retreated when Kraven was down, my grind isn't up for another 2 hours.
I'll count the turns0 -
It is great that this Wakanda PVE featuring both boosted Big Wheel and Deathlok, both work really well with Agent Coulson. All are technologists and with Deathlok generating APs and boosting damage for Big Wheel cheap attack which in turn activating Coulson's passive and it keep cycling around. This is a realy fun team together.
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