Paging IceIX (and/or other devs): Collected questions from the community about CL10!



  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards

    You will give a 1* rating because they are reading all the feedback and working on the game instead of chatting in an Internet forum with a slightly toxic atmosphere.

    Seems fair.

    Sense or entitlement on this forum is at an all time high in my opinion. Play the game like you play just about every other game, in game notifications and tips from the user base Or alliance members, you know like 95% of all the other players in this game.

    Your post perfectly highlights what I said earlier, when people don’t get the exact answers in the detail they want the toys go out the pram. Is it any wonder they prefer to communicate like every other game out there.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,316 Chairperson of the Boards

    And they laughed when I stored up over 1400 health packs.... :D

  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards

    [quote=Tony_Foot]Play the game like you play just about every other game, in game notifications and tips from the user base Or alliance members, you know like 95% of all the other players in this game.[/quote]

    Most currently supported and frequently updated games I read blogs and look for extra details from the developers. The fact that this game has such poor communication is why I get so annoyed at this game. Most modern games with an active and competitive community have good communication from the devs, blog posts, faqs, live streams, etc. I get that Demi is a smaller team than many of the other games I've played and it's harder for them to spend that kind of time, but since shards came out their communication has dropped off. Much of what little communication they used to do has stopped and they are only doing a bare minimum (character previews, sneak peaks, and patch notes). I don't think it's unreasonable to be angry about that or at least want a reason why it's dropped off. Especially with the amount big game shifting changes that have been made that people have questions about.

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2020

    And which games are those? I play huge titles on the Xbox that don’t give the kind of communication people want from this game, far more complicated games that drop all the news in game and social media of all types just for ‘listening to feedback’

    No matter what game I’ve played from huge titles like Gears or small ones like this, I’ve never seen social interaction go well or a net positive for the devs. The demand on their time and more and more detailed answers just ends up ending negatively.

    A mobile game, all info should be in game which it looks like they have tried to do lately. The handful of people that use the forum, do they deserve more information than those that in the main just play the game. This can be a great place for discussing game details and tips etc which the devs have said is monitored, but I am puzzled as to why the user base sometimes thinks they deserve answers to game changes they have made in such detail. Again, when has that ever gone well on here?

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards

    I agree that review bombing on this issue is really not warranted.

    I also think they have done a lot to make the game more interesting and currently enjoy it more.

    However I do think it’s not unrealistic to expect/hope that when a new scl level is added and new nodes are introduced and scoring changes and we ask “was that intended”? That question at least deserves an answer based on the past history of unexpected bugs popping up when major changes are implemented.

    Also/aside. I have recently been reading Google Play reviews as a source of amusement and to see what players who don’t bother to engage with forums or subreddits etc think. I can say that any review you could post is legit - if it’s honest - based on what I find there. Yesterday someone complained that the OML nerf has ruined his pvp experience.

  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards

    I would say that if communication is your only major gripe with the game, then a 1* bomb review is not fair. If you make a bad review and only quote communication as the primary reason, it isn't really a fair reason. If you are generally frustrated with the game itself and the lack of communication is the point that drives you over the top then a 1* review is fair.

    I enjoy this game, I gave it a thumbs up a ways back on Steam with an explanation of some of the potential downsides of the game as well. If I had to review it on a star system, it would get 3, maybe 4 stars with an explanation of why but also its limitations. However I can't say that at some point my opinion of the game changes and I wouldn't give it a lesser review in the future for example.

    In in-game surveys I consistently rate the game between 4-7 (out of 10). When they ask would you recommend this to a friend...I say no probably not. I quote the significant time commitment and challenges building a new roster faces in this game as the primary reason I wouldn't suggest it to a friend. Especially now next time it comes around I am going to mention the HP crunch only makes it worse for a new player.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2020

    The dev has already mentioned multiple times over the years that they won't be able to answer questions related to the far future with certainty because unexpected things happen.

    I doubt you will get a satisfying answer to question 5, 6, 7 and 11, unless you love answers like "we're looking into it, and have not decided on anything yet." or "This is something brought up many times during our meeting, but no decision has been made yet." What's going to happen is, if they answer the above questions, and when there are deviations in the future, some will start threads, dig out what they said in the past and call them liars for not doing what they "promised". It happened during Shardmas when players digged out what the dev said about updating 4* rewards to give 5* covers.

    1) The Challenge Node was stated to not have an effect on people’s scores, but is absolutely affecting scoring/placement. Is this intended?

    I suppose the above was interpreted from:

    "The shot in the original post is for a new Challenge Node available only in SCL 10. These nodes give additional rewards, but at current don't add points to the overall event scoring."

    I interpret it as of 5th Feb (date of comment), challenge node don't add points to the overall event scoring, but they didn't say it won't change after 5th Feb. At that time, they were still finalising details.

    4) Hero Points and Command Points have been removed not only from champion rewards, but also from progression/placement rewards in both PVE/PVP.  While those elite level rosters able to compete in 10 might see an increase, everyone else is getting less for the same amount of time/effort put in. What was the rationale behind this change?

    Many variations of these questions have been answered to death. It's to balance the game economy, or it's due to negotiating with the bean counters.

    I'm definitely getting more for the same amount of time/effort put in. More CP, more 4* covers, better tokens. Without a doubt, I'm the only in this forum experiencing this. Everyone else is experiencing losses.

    8) In your estimation, who is CL10 “for”? While I know each player has to figure out what works for them, what kind of rosters did you envision competing or even reaching progression when putting CL10 together?

    This was stated in the first post of the SCL 10 thread:

    "for players that are itching for harder fights and better rewards."

    This looks like a trick question to me. Regardless of how the dev answers it, someone will simply twist and turn their words into something negative. If you have a lot of difficulty with SCL 10, simply go back to where you were. I had, and I went to where I were.

    12) Has there been any thought, with the significant increase in difficulty in CL10, to increase the base number of health packs from 10 to 20? See answer to question 8, or use HP to buy them.

    13) Has there been any thought to adding health packs to node/ progression/ bonus rewards to help with the increased health pack usage for CL10? See answer to question 8, or use HP to buy them.

    Just having fun here. All the emojis are gone, so I can't litter them around.

  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards

    It seems we won't agree on the value of Tony Foot's post which is fine. I do acknowledge the discussion has drifted from your intended purpose so I will agree to remove any further posts that deviate from that purpose.

  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards

    **Mod note: Please keep the thread on topic. Thank you.

  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor

    I don’t know the entire landscape of mobile games. I only know what I play. The other mobile game which gets the same degree of time and money from me is a hidden object game called June’s Journey.

    There is much more communication happening there. The developers, Wooga, have a Facebook group instead of a forum. They take monthly Q&A from players. They release a monthly newsletter with teases of upcoming features. They just implemented their version of alliances and they have been answering questions non stop since it started two weeks ago.

    There are other mobile games out there who do communicate even if it is only the specific one I play.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards

    Takes a minute to head over to this very publisher’s GI Joe forum and you will see some players’ gameplay questions being answered by official people (not just other players).

    But then GI Joe is brand new and they are motivated to build a player base. Not just trying to maintain the existing one. There’s probably a lot less ROI round these parts. Most players have been here for years.

  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards

    Sadly, I think this thread will disappear without any proper answer from the Devs.

    I was really looking forward to some of the answers, specially 8 and 10. I know some people like scl10 in PvE but for me it is a fricking disaster (coupled with the loss of CPs in scl9), and has made the game completely unfun.

  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards

    What's not fun about seeing how far you can throw your phone during the challenge node?

  • supergarv
    supergarv Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker

    Just to explain myself. I‘ve been giving the game a 1* review for a longer time. It‘s mainly because the direction of the game is not going where I believe the players that are represented here and in my alliance family would want it. These are the official forums - the majority of players has serious issues with the game. If they do not get addressed here, they will not be anywhere else. Thats where my frustration stems from. So many open issues that are ignored and making the game stale and irrelevant, where in fact it has potential to flourish.

    Much of the vitriol could be prevented with active community management. I am cynical, sure. The game has taught me to be. ;)

  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker

    After re-reading a few posts I think I finally get the answer to question #1.

    They said “The shot in the original post is for a new Challenge Node available only in SCL 10. These nodes give additional rewards, but at current don't add points to the overall event scoring.”

    I think what they meant was that overall possible points wouldn’t be affected. If there were 50k points possible in SC9, then there will still be 50k possible in SL10. They accomplished that by having the challenge node replace the 2* essential node. They were trying to say that adding this node doesn’t mean there will be much more points possible in SL10.

    Poorly worded, or poorly interpreted, but I think I get it now.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards

    I believe the actual intent was this:

    The Challenge Node points are not required for reaching progression when playing in SCL10. Probably due to the high difficulty. So in that sense they do not "add to the overall event scoring" but obviously they add points to your individual score when you clear them.

    Similarly, in lower SCLs, the 5E points were never required for progression, probably because rostering every 5 is obviously not easy for many players as they come up and qualify for SCL7 and above. Also, they are the hardest nodes in SCL 7-9.

    The game has always had more points in SCL9 over 8, which has more points than 7, and more points than 6. All due to the 5E points increasing as difficulty increases, of course.

    10 has the same points as 9, and in both you can skip the hardest node if need be and still get progression (probably, I assume, using the 5X rule). This is good in the sense that you as a player can not feel forced to play in 10 in order to get the highest score; in fact, in most events playing fast in 9 will result in more points than most players can ever get in 10.

    Now....the progression point targets have been higher, as events roll in under the new scoring, from prior runs. It also seems like the points in various essential nodes have gone up in all SCLs compared to prior runs. It's not entirely clear - but it seems it is possible - that the old rule of not needing to play the 5E still holds true. (Don't hold me to this.) Presumably the scoring formula required some tweaking for some reason but of course we have no idea why.

    I have heard that at least one player skipped the first sub of one SCL10 event and still hit progression, so it seems like the various point changes didn't impact the actual play (clear) requirements much. However, of course, playing in 10 will certainly require more playtime over lower SCLs.

    Again, these are the kinds of questions to which I would think some basic communication would be much appreciated.

    There are plenty of questions that are listed in this thread that I am sure most people who have been around a while don't realistically expect an answer on, given the past history and how they are reluctant to discuss future plans. Ex: Feeder plans? They have never communicated that. But event scoring tweaks/changes? I don't understand why that can't be clarified.