***** Jessica Jones (Alias Investigations) *****

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited March 2018 in Character Details

Jessica Jones (Alias Investigations)
Heroes, Defenders, Team Cap
5-Star Rarity (Epic)
redtilepng blacktilepng bluetilepng

"Jessica Jones was a Super Hero. It didn't take. Now she runs Alias Investigations, taking cases as a private investigator in a world full of aliens, gods, and super-soldiers.

Despite her personal demons, Jessica's fierce sense of justice leads her to begrudgingly take on clients who need her help, whether they can pay or not."

(All abilities are listed at level 255)
Defenestrate - 
redtilepng AP
Jessica gets fed up and needs to get her window replaced. Again. Deals 1,559 damage and creates 4 random Green, Yellow, or Purple Strike tiles of strength 66.
  • (Level 2) Deals 1,799 damage...
  • (Level 3) ...and creates 5 random...
  • (Level 4) ...of strength 93.
  • (Level 5) Deals 2,819 damage...
(At level 450) Deals 11,331 damage and creates 5 random Green, Yellow, or Purple Strike tiles of strength 373.

Body Check - 11 blacktilepng AP
Jessica runs into battle hurling herself at the first enemy that gets in her way. Deals 2,179 damage plus 363 damage for each color of friendly special tile on the board.
  • (Level 2) Deals 2,397 damage plus 399 damage...
  • (Level 3) Deals 2,615 damage plus 436 damage...
  • (Level 4) Deals 3,051 damage plus 508 damage...
  • (Level 5) Deals 3,922 damage plus 653 damage...
(At level 450) Deals 15,764 damage plus 2,626 damage for each color of friendly special tile on the board.

Damning Evidencebluetilepng Passive
Jessica hunts for dirt on her enemies. At the start of the turn, create a Red, Black, or Blue enemy Trap tile if fewer than 4 exist. When you match one, gain 2 AP in your strongest color and deal 1,949 damage. At the start of the turn, if you have at least 9 Blue AP, Jessica gets a lead on her suspect, briefly revealing enemy Trap tiles.
  • (Level 2) ...deal 2,129 damage...at least 8 Blue AP...
  • (Level 3) ...gain 3 AP in...
  • (Level 4) ...deal 2,339 damage...
  • (Level 5) ...deal 2,519 damage...at least 6 Blue AP...
(At level 450) At the start of the turn, create a Red, Black, or Blue enemy Trap tile if fewer than 4 exist. When you match one, gain 3 AP in your strongest color and deal 10,123 damage. At the start of the turn, if you have at least 6 Blue AP, Jessica gets a lead on her suspect, briefly revealing enemy Trap tiles.

What do you think is Jessica Jones's best build? Vote down below!

***** Jessica Jones (Alias Investigations) ***** 38 votes

Quebbsterstochasticismy4747Punisher5784zodiac339BlackBoltRocksD4Ni13krak0Cactus_Jack_87gmtosca 10 votes
Ragnoluce 1 vote
ContinuedClockscotteeIridiousrdevil32PongieMoosePrimePlayer1575AnonRodeo1488Doragon 10 votes
Omegased 1 vote
sinnerjflrixmith_M4ru_DudeBronotamutantwymtimeaxmossPiro_plockDukeUpdateESN91Black DukeCharlieCrokerCormackieKhazaqRabbiaRogue4Lyfe 16 votes


  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man I wish she was a 3/5  :(
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Switch to 5/3/5 if you’re actually facing a trap user, but otherwise, no additional AP gain and minor damage change by going from 3 to 5 on her blue.
  • Piro_plock
    Piro_plock Posts: 287 Mover and Shaker
    Let's be honest, you'll never use her red. Not in a meta where Gambit exists. 3 to 5 blue is ~1500 difference in damage per trap at 450... But she creates them automatically, meaning you'll get a lot of chances to match them. Also lowering trap preview threshold to 2 blue matches makes a difference.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's be honest, you'll never use her red. Not in a meta where Gambit exists. 3 to 5 blue is ~1500 difference in damage per trap at 450... But she creates them automatically, meaning you'll get a lot of chances to match them. Also lowering trap preview threshold to 2 blue matches makes a difference.

    In PvP... Sure, she doesn't replace Gambit so there's Little Point in 5 red. But red makes her black hit a lot harder (how many other fivestars can creat friendly special tiles in different colors? Daredevil can do it if there is special tiles to steal, other than that I am drawing a blank.) So the question is if she is good enough to use without her red?

    I am leaning towards running her 5/5/3 and mostly playing her in PvE, possibly flanked by Thor and/or Daredevil.

    She would probably work very well for fivestar transitioners though - there are a lot of interesting potential partners at the fourstar level!

  • Piro_plock
    Piro_plock Posts: 287 Mover and Shaker
    Quebbster said:
    (how many other fivestars can creat friendly special tiles in different colors? Daredevil can do it if there is special tiles to steal, other than that I am drawing a blank.)

    Gambit can. Countdowns are special tiles, after all.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster said:
    (how many other fivestars can creat friendly special tiles in different colors? Daredevil can do it if there is special tiles to steal, other than that I am drawing a blank.)

    Gambit can. Countdowns are special tiles, after all.

    If it Counts (should, but you know what they say about assuming...) then yeah, 3/5/5 is probably a good way to go. Jessica is certainly a better way to fill out the black/blue gap Gamthor leaves than Archangel.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    I´ve two questions concerning her @Brigby

    1.) Are Gambit´s CD tiles also counted as friendly special tiles?
    2.) In the power description of her blue ability it says "When you match one, gain AP in your strongest color and deal damage." Does that also apply if the enemy matches the trap tile?
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    2.) In the power description of her blue ability it says "When you match one, gain AP in your strongest color and deal damage." Does that also apply if the enemy matches the trap tile?
    I am assuming "No", since it would have said "when this trap is matched" if any match would trigger it. Jessica needs to be the one that finds the proof, if the enemy matches it I assume they successfully covered up her lead...
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor

    After 4 turns, you have 5k damage a turn from Black Bolt, 10k from Jessica (may take more turns to have enough traps out), plus every other turn have Gambit red and purple going off, with BB green and Jessica black skills for additional damage.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2018
    @Brigby do we have her match damage?
    Here you are!
    • Max health: 57846
    • 72/678/525/80/84/602/4.0/341

    PS: I don´t have a championed JJ, I´ve just made some calculations. ;)
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,706 Chairperson of the Boards
    "Defenestrate" is my favorite word in the English Language.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    fahq1977 said:
    Can confirm that she is awesome, and she pairs wonderfully with Gambit.

    She needs blue to see the trap tiles, including the ones she places.  They flash real quick at the start of the turn; they aren't displayed like when you make your own trap tiles. But the good part is that she doesn't need to be the one making the match, it happens a lot even if you do NOT know where they are, and 10K is AMAZING passive damage for making a match.  The 3AP gain makes it downright nasty.

    I have NOT tested her against other trap tile creators, mostly because I cannot find any in PvP against which to test. That doesn't really happen in the 5* tier (and does it in the 4* tier anymore??)  But the good news is that you don't really need the opponent to make trap tiles; she does it passively and often.

    Her red is good on its own, if you don't have Gambit.  But if not, then what are you doing??  Go get Gambit.

    Because, her black DOES factor in Gambit's CD as special tiles.  And at 11, it is just cheap enough to be affordable for the massive damage it can do.  

    She would be a super annoying 5* to face though being able to match away the trap tiles helps somewhat. She is a much better third for Gambit/Thor SS teams than the common Daredevil, though still not as speedy as America Chavez.

    But the best part is she encourages you to think and be involved.  Want to activate the trap tiles for that last 10K health?  You better have been paying attention when they flashed at the start of the turn.  

    I'm really enjoying the playtesting so far.

    Certainly looks promising, thanks for the analysis!

    Maybe try her out in Dr Doom's Lightning round some time? That seems like a good place to test her trap spotting ability.

  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,002 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am curious about how she pairs with 5* Thor, particularly with his ability to generate cascades. The blue description states that the trap has to be matched but how does that work out if a trap is matched during a cascade generated by his God of Thunder passive?
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am curious about how she pairs with 5* Thor, particularly with his ability to generate cascades. The blue description states that the trap has to be matched but how does that work out if a trap is matched during a cascade generated by his God of Thunder passive?
    It should count. With Thor removing red, green and yellow from the board it gets easier to make a blue match too.
  • fork1977
    fork1977 Posts: 94 Match Maker
    I am curious about how she pairs with 5* Thor, particularly with his ability to generate cascades. The blue description states that the trap has to be matched but how does that work out if a trap is matched during a cascade generated by his God of Thunder passive?
    I'll verify that tonight, and thanks @Quebbster for the lightning round rec against Dr. Doom.  That should be easy to test.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I lucked into Jessica's blue cover yesterday (the day she was released) and she's totally usable with just that one cover. I partnered her with Hulkbuster against Ultron because I knew I'd be chasing red, blue, and black (HB's colors and her trap colors). She did 6k worth of damage off that passive during what was a quick match, plus it generated 2 red AP every time feeding HB's nuke punch.
  • LLohm
    LLohm Posts: 84 Match Maker
    Can I confirm with guys who have tested her that damage is taken by the enemies if they match her trap tiles too?
  • fork1977
    fork1977 Posts: 94 Match Maker
    LLohm said:
    Can I confirm with guys who have tested her that damage is taken by the enemies if they match her trap tiles too?
    Nope. Only if you do
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2018
    I am curious about how she pairs with 5* Thor, particularly with his ability to generate cascades. The blue description states that the trap has to be matched but how does that work out if a trap is matched during a cascade generated by his God of Thunder passive?
    Matches that occur after Thor destroys random tiles will definitely trigger JJ's passive if they include one of her trap tiles. It's just a normal match after all. 
    Be warned a bit though, if her traps happen to be on red, yellow, or green tiles, God-mode Thor does Not attempt to avoid randomly destroying them, because they aren't Your traps after all. 

    Edit: mistakenly listed the possibility of yellow or green traps, but red traps can be an issue