***** Jessica Jones (Alias Investigations) *****



  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    akboyce said:
    I know the forum opinion on supports is not great, but I have been getting some nice bonus from them with Jessica.

    Vibranium Tier 2 and Avengers Tower Tier 3 both grant a protect tile in a random color whenever you make a match four+. Unlike a lot of the support things that happen X% of the time these are 100% activations even at level 1.  Obviously the protect tiles themselves are very weak but upping her black damage for any match 4+ is nice. There is a small risk of it overwriting a trap but probably worth the risk.  

    Not relevant in PVP yet but when they do come be sure to watch out for JJ teams sporting supports that make free special tiles. 
    I've had the Vibranium Ore on my JJ for a while and this is definitely accurate. The best part is that you don't even have to level up the support if you don't want to, even strength 15 protect tiles will amplify the damage from her black. If you are using her with America Chavez, you are likely getting one or more match 4/5s every turn so her black will hit very hard by the time you have the AP to fire it.
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    Any further opinions on what her best build is? Was easy when you were constantly using her with Gambit, but now it's a more difficult choice. Black and red both gain a lot of damage with that 5th level, but dropping the blue AP necessary to see the traps to just six can also be very useful. Right now I have her at 5/3/5 largely because the red is available to fire more often due to being cheaper. But paired with Thor I'm tempted to push his red power to 5, use that instead, and then focus JJ on black and blue.

    What do we think in a soon-to-be-post-Gambit world?
  • fork1977
    fork1977 Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Richyyy said:
    Any further opinions on what her best build is? Was easy when you were constantly using her with Gambit, but now it's a more difficult choice. Black and red both gain a lot of damage with that 5th level, but dropping the blue AP necessary to see the traps to just six can also be very useful. Right now I have her at 5/3/5 largely because the red is available to fire more often due to being cheaper. But paired with Thor I'm tempted to push his red power to 5, use that instead, and then focus JJ on black and blue.

    What do we think in a soon-to-be-post-Gambit world?
    I have found the Blue AP find ability to be far less important than the extra damage when you trigger Damning Evidence.  I rarely match specifically to trigger it, and it will happen quite a lot even when not trying.  I will usually go 544 or 553, since black is expensive and red is so devastating, especially now that Gambit will overwrite her tiles less often.  The good news is that however you build her, she will be very useful.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Richyyy said:
    Any further opinions on what her best build is?
    Jessica is a bit like Kate Bishop - no matter how you configure her, she's gonna get ya. Her only color, in my opinion, that needs to be left at 5 is blue. Damning Evidence is her best power and since it doesn't need any AP to trigger it doesn't matter if you have another blue user on your team or not.

    Most of the time I have her at 5/3/5.
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    When running her with Thor, he should be leaving more black matches available on the board due to his removal of Y-R-G. I really think 3/5/5 is her best default build, whether with Gambit or not. 
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    So I guess it's fair to say that opinion is split :).
  • frederec
    frederec Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    I had her at 3/5/5 for a while, but then I leveled her enough so she tanked red over Thor.  So between damning evidence and half health Thor, she generates red pretty quickly.  I found that I would fire her red way more frequently than her black, even when I felt like I was making a ton of black matches.  So I came around to having her at 5/3/5, and I haven't really looked back.
  • VizMantis
    VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I run her with Okoye, who makes the strongest color black.  So I usually have Jess at 3/5/5, because her black fills pretty quickly if I can match a trap or two.  Okoye’s black passive adds the bonus dmg to the traps and Jess’ black, so that’s cool.  Okoye is happy to use the red instead of Jess.
  • Rogue4Lyfe
    Rogue4Lyfe Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    Her Blue (Damning Evidence) is very nice.

    Also, Defenestrate is a good word.
  • Arthurdillard22
    Arthurdillard22 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    I have been using her with 4star r&g and 4star meh my fav team rn
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    You mean she is casting it on the same spot, if that is the case no, that is not how it should work.  But how do you know she is casting it on the same spot more than once?
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    OJSP said:
    I’ve just noticed the opponent’s JJ making a trap on the same black tile 3 turns in a row. Not that I’m complaining, but is that how it’s supposed to work?
    Are you just seeing the 'reveal' of one of 'your own' enemy traps?
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    You mean she is casting it on the same spot, if that is the case no, that is not how it should work.  But how do you know she is casting it on the same spot more than once?
    RickOShay said:
    Are you just seeing the 'reveal' of one of 'your own' enemy traps?
    This was the first 3 turns. The trap was created on the same black tile 3 turns in a row, no other traps were made.
    Can't say I've ever seen that, although, I suppose it's possible. You can't see your opponent's trap tiles, so presumably you could overwrite one with an effect that creates a trap tile for your opponent.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, after almost 2 years of wasting away on my roster at various, unchamp-able versions of x/8/x, I have *finally* managed to champ JJ.  Yay!

    Now I have to decide how to build her.  From looking at my usual sources (various players on top alliances whose judgment I have found reliable in the past), there doesn't seem to be a consensus best build for her.  And she is definitely one of those characters with 3 good powers that I wish I could run 5/5/5. 

    So how do people use her, and what is the thought process behind that decision?  is it just whether or not you run her with someone who has a better red?

    For pvp, 5 blue seems valuable as her defensive utility is from those traps.  but as between black and red, I don't know which is superior. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Five in blue is pretty standard. I think 5/3/5 is the most common I see. To make 3/5/5 really work, you want not only a better red on the team, but also probably someone else making Specials to boost it.
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    I used to switch her red and black around quite a bit depending on partners and when versus specific opponents. After about a year, I've settled on 3/5/5. 

    As stated, her blue does the user a tremendous advantage at level 5, since it reveals your traps at just 6 blue AP instead of 8 (and deals a bit more damage). 

    The main rationale I've used to determine my build on the other colors is simply how do I take out a near 50+% Thor? 
    He is a very common opponent in PvP, and that 50% health is very often somewhere around 30K. 
    Quite simply, enemy Thor can be taken out with more certainty in one round when JJ's spec is 3/5/5.
    One hit from her red is around 8500 (lvl 471), and then black does a tremendous amount of damage at 18,500 + 3000 per 'special-tile color'. This almost always means the one-two punch deals 35K+ in total damage. That number is quite important to keep Thor from getting too close to his 'god mode'. 
    If spec'ed at 5/3/5 the red deals 13K plus 5x400 strike tiles. But black deals only 12K plus 2K per color of special. 
    This means the total damage deals from both powers is dangerously close to 30K-32K. You just have to make sure enemy Thor doesn't live through this round by falling short on damage. 

    Versus many other enemies her spec probably doesn't make as much of a difference overall. But I choose  to play JJ because i plan to user her black, even if it is expensive, and I want the most out of it. 

    And as you were thinking, what color is your team's strongest at the moment? If it happens to be red itself, the Traps will earn you plenty of red AP.  If Jessica is your red user then maybe here you spec this up to level 5. Maybe you spec it down if someone else uses a strong red. 
    On my teams, the traps will earn green due to Thor, or black due to Okoye, and that's great. If the traps earned red I would potentially consider going 5/3/5 since I'd be able to fire it off more often. 
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,040 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2020
    Ive been running her 5/5/3 and haven’t looked back. 

    I spam that red often (Jess is my 5th highest character so the traps create red on most teams I play her on). Especially when paired with Worthy/Hawkeye and losing 5K damage plus weaker strikes per cast is not worth it. 

    Black I maybe get off once a game but it’s a big finisher. Most teams I play her on, she’s the only black outlet and so would like to keep this one maxed. I’d lose about 5K again plus about 600 per special tile color. This adds up. 

    Blue from 5 to 3 I lose about 1500 per trap. I get that I’m leaving some passive damage on the table, but it’s less than a match 3 in any of her strong colors. So very minimal.  Professor X has essentially replaced her as Thorkoye’s third, so her best use for me is as my defensive shield with either broken Bishop or Hawkeye/Worthy. The enemy AI does not benefit at all from “seeing traps” as far as I can tell and so you lose that utility in that half of the game. On offense; half the time, broken 4s give enough blue to sneak peek the board. The other half I’m likely chasing all the black/red (sometimes blue) matches I can make regardless of if there is a trap or not. So 5/5/3 unless I hear a better argument.