Is this game gonna get better?

Smash666 Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
Hi everyone
I'm just wanting to know if this game will get any better? Will there be any new planeswalkers coming and will there be more ( newer) events, stories, and sets? I'm the leader of Cemetery666 and I'm looseing good players who got sick of the " something went wrong " and " error " thingy, and they got annoyed with how there's no new planeswalkers or decent events and just quit playing. So if someone could tell me if or when new planeswalkers are coming and if or when something new is happening it would be awesome and I can relay this to the rest of my coalition before I loose anymore of them.


  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    At the moment, a lot of us are just barely clinging on hoping the new development team will be better than the old development team.

    There should be a new developer Q&A within the next couple of weeks.

  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Burnout, bugs and boredom are affecting many teams right now -- as we wait for the new developers to transition in, clean up the code and release new content -- (fortunately it's coming!), we as team leaders have to put a little effort into keeping our players engaged and the game fun. 

    Using your IGC or outside chat mechanism to challenge your players to find fun and different ways to make these events exciting is a great tool for retention.

    Try a speed contest for the title of BolasMaster -- least number of turns without cycling or fastest win, challenge your team to run through RotGP in all pauper, we had a player in our alliance recently beat Bolas with every PW, and I have been running through the entire event with a single PW trying to get all objectives (not as easy as it seems -- Nahiri almost bored me to death on some of those nodes). 

    Bring some brand-new-to game players in and challenge your team to get them through the entire event. 

    Just a few ideas.... I would love to see what other's are doing to liven up the downtime :)
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    bken1234 said:
    Burnout, bugs and boredom are affecting many teams right now -- as we wait for the new developers to transition in, clean up the code and release new content -- (fortunately it's coming!), we as team leaders have to put a little effort into keeping our players engaged and the game fun. 

    Using your IGC or outside chat mechanism to challenge your players to find fun and different ways to make these events exciting is a great tool for retention.

    Try a speed contest for the title of BolasMaster -- least number of turns without cycling or fastest win, challenge your team to run through RotGP in all pauper, we had a player in our alliance recently beat Bolas with every PW, and I have been running through the entire event with a single PW trying to get all objectives (not as easy as it seems -- Nahiri almost bored me to death on some of those nodes). 

    Bring some brand-new-to game players in and challenge your team to get them through the entire event. 

    Just a few ideas.... I would love to see what other's are doing to liven up the downtime :)

    Why not just post these challenges here? I'm sure others not in your alliance might feel intrigued/competitive enough to try to smash some records. 
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Touché @Ohboy — great idea!

    However for teams who don’t have players who visit the forums, these are also things they can do in IGC. 
  • Doomstat
    Doomstat Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    bken1234 said:

    Try a speed contest for the title of BolasMaster -- least number of turns without cycling or fastest win, challenge your team to run through RotGP in all pauper, we had a player in our alliance recently beat Bolas with every PW, and I have been running through the entire event with a single PW trying to get all objectives (not as easy as it seems -- Nahiri almost bored me to death on some of those nodes). 

    Bring some brand-new-to game players in and challenge your team to get them through the entire event. 

    Just a few ideas.... I would love to see what other's are doing to liven up the downtime :)
    I'm going to try the All with one Planeswalker thing for the next event. That sounds fun and complicated at the same time. Love that idea.
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do I get to pick you Planeswalker @Doomstat?  You get Saheeli this week.  If successful I won't be so kind next week
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    babar3355 said:
    Do I get to pick you Planeswalker @Doomstat?  You get Saheeli this week.  If successful I won't be so kind next week
    Saheeli is the most fun! I’m doing Dovin this week. Not excited about 3.3, but it’s doable with approach, archive and Nyx in my alt. 
  • blacklotus
    blacklotus Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    to the threadstarter: i can at least say the game won't get any worse. the bottom was v1.10.2, followed by the news that Hibernum closed shop.

    Currently, I would say things are looking slightly better, with the tweak to the rotgp event by Octagon, and the announcement in the forum that Octagon is working on booster crafting for release in time for the holidays.
  • Doomstat
    Doomstat Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    babar3355 said:
    Do I get to pick you Planeswalker @Doomstat?  You get Saheeli this week.  If successful I won't be so kind next week
    I accept. I don't have many good red cards, but I cannot wait to try. Dovin was going to be my choice since I have a very good white/blue combination. I'll let everyone know how I do in the other thread. :)
  • octal9
    octal9 Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    Honestly? We won't know until we see Oktagon's first patch. As shteev noted, we remain hopeful.

    The pessimist in me says no.

    The optimist in me says "yes, but there will be new issues."
  • Sirchombli
    Sirchombli Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    That's hard to answer. I'm not 100% convinced, but I hope that things will get better. My actual fear is that the players' idea of better may be unrealistic. Things have already improved in small ways, and it's still unrest amongst us peasants. It's ultimately hard to stay completely optimistic, but I'll be around to see what happens 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Match Maker
    bken1234 said:
    Burnout, bugs and boredom are affecting many teams right now -- as we wait for the new developers to transition in, clean up the code and release new content -- (fortunately it's coming!), we as team leaders have to put a little effort into keeping our players engaged and the game fun. 

    Using your IGC or outside chat mechanism to challenge your players to find fun and different ways to make these events exciting is a great tool for retention.

    Try a speed contest for the title of BolasMaster -- least number of turns without cycling or fastest win, challenge your team to run through RotGP in all pauper, we had a player in our alliance recently beat Bolas with every PW, and I have been running through the entire event with a single PW trying to get all objectives (not as easy as it seems -- Nahiri almost bored me to death on some of those nodes). 

    Bring some brand-new-to game players in and challenge your team to get them through the entire event. 

    Just a few ideas.... I would love to see what other's are doing to liven up the downtime :)
    That sounds like a lot of work for somebody not employed by MtG:PQ just to keep other strangers playing. I understand that coalition leaders have a vested interest in player retention but it really hits home just how much of a chore Puzzle Quest can be if you have to make up mini-games and challenges amongst yourselves just to find some fun in the game...

    ...Just saying.
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree it's a lot of work, but this is the _closest_ to the game I want, if I walk away it's over for me for the rest of my life. No other game will get this close because it's taken me twenty years to get this one... I have tried every puzzle quest and every magic variant and a lot of ripoffs of both and _this_ is what I want to live.