November Q&A Question Submission (11/6/17)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
Hi Everyone,

It's that time again, where we begin collecting questions you'd like to have answered by the developers at Oktagon. To make it easy to collate and compile all questions, please keep them clear and concise. (Brief explanations are fine, but please no novels)

Just like last month's thread, we will be closing this thread at the end of the week, this time on 11/10 at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm UTC. We will then compile the questions, and send it over to Oktagon the following week, for review and answering. Once they have done that, we will format it and prepare it for posting in the forum the last week of November. 



  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like all of Babar's questions, and to go further: will the release of Ixalan introduce any new types of  gameplay events? It has been basically the same format of pvp/PvE events since Shadows over Innistrad was released, and it would be exciting to hear that we can anticipate new modes of competition instead of just putting a new skin over what already exists. 
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is there anything that has been posted in the feedback/suggestion forum that has directly influenced a design decision? You don't have to point to anything specific, but it would be great to know there is someone reading that section of the forum.  
  • luckyvulpi
    luckyvulpi Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Is mtgpq going to be a part of Magic Digital Next along with Magic Arena, or is it more like Duels?
  • Furordraco
    Furordraco Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    1) Will Ixalan be released before the end of the year?

    2) There seemed to be an intention in making some events in Legacy from Standard but instead we had HoR removed, will any new coalition events be implemented?

    3)Will we get a chance to buy once again Amonkhet Cards?


  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    What is the future of Limited format? Will it follow closely with paper Standard Format (Current Block, Last 2 Blocks and Origins), or will it continue on the same path as we currently have (Current Block, Last Block and Origins)?

    The social aspect of the game is a great source of retention for many players, any plans to enhance that, such as letting us vote on decks we play or introduce live PvP?

    Any plans for a more attainable way to earn runes? Inability to level PW is a huge deterrent to new players. 
  • Koolmind
    Koolmind Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    Hi, do you think rebalancing old Pw?
  • TheDragonHermit
    TheDragonHermit Posts: 465 Mover and Shaker
    1. What walkers do you plan on releasing with Ixalan and when can we expect to see them?

    2. Are there any plans on rebalancing walkers that will get nerfed by the mechanics, or creature type, they are built around moving out of standard.

    3. Have the triggers for the SWW bug been identified yet and how far along are you guys in rectifying it?

    4. Can we get a sneak peek at the current ideas behind booster crafting? I have noticed a bit more nervousness, partially my own, about whether this will simply craft boosters filled with more dupes, how many cards will be in the booster, and what targeting mechanism there will be (if any). 
  • Elspeth_Tirel
    Elspeth_Tirel Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    1) When can we expect to see Ixalan in Puzzle Quest?

    2) When can we expect booster crafting to arrive, and can you give us an idea of how it will work?

    3) Are you considering any aesthetic improvements to the game? I already created a thread about this, but I would suggest using actual card artwork for the Amonkhet planeswalkers rather than the art we have now, and getting rid of the solid-color backgrounds the planeswalkers have now in favor of the backgrounds from their art (along with some other indication of the planeswalker's color).

    4) Do you have any plans to release content outside of the most recent sets? I'd love to see some legacy content (older planeswalkers, etc.).
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Which three buzzwords would you use to describe the new opportunities which you soon hope to be able to offer the players of MTGPQ?
  • TheDragonHermit
    TheDragonHermit Posts: 465 Mover and Shaker
    1) When can we expect to see Ixalan in Puzzle Quest?

    2) When can we expect booster crafting to arrive, and can you give us an idea of how it will work?

    3) Are you considering any aesthetic improvements to the game? I already created a thread about this, but I would suggest using actual card artwork for the Amonkhet planeswalkers rather than the art we have now, and getting rid of the solid-color backgrounds the planeswalkers have now in favor of the backgrounds from their art (along with some other indication of the planeswalker's color).

    4) Do you have any plans to release content outside of the most recent sets? I'd love to see some legacy content (older planeswalkers, etc.).
    I remember hearing something about an Urza and Mishra card in the works along with other pre mending Walkers, that would be hilarious in MtGPQ.
  • Coilbox
    Coilbox Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    Hello guys,

    It's been a while since the last time I saw Kaladesh and Amonkhet sets rotating around the vault. Are you not gonna bring them back from time to time as you used to do? I'm still missing many cards of these 2 sets and im sure a lot of people will be in the same situation. Only thing that keeps rotating are these color packs that have the chance of pulling cards from the mentioned sets. But honestly, hiding them behind a thick wall of RNG and behind a (in my opinion) a quite expensive price (little bit abussive in my opinion, but well, yeah, maybe just my opinion) feels a little bit... poor.
    Are you planning to bring them back into rotation again every other few days in the vault?

  • Gunmix25
    Gunmix25 Posts: 1,442 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017

    1) Can we expect Ixalan to be released before the end of the year?

    2) Will Training Grounds receive a standard format so we can test our builds without legacy competition?

    3) Rebalancing was mentioned to be in the works, will this include older PW? Some have parasitic abilities that are tied to sets that are legacy or will soon be legacy. Of that pool, those abilities affect or are affected/empowered by a small portion of cards.  

    4) Since Ixalan does not have masterpieces, what is Oktagon's plan for elite packs going forward?

    thank you

  • MTG_Mage
    MTG_Mage Posts: 224 Tile Toppler
    edited November 2017
    What are the developers plans on the following:

    - card balances?

    - PW balances? (such as raising Koth's first ability to 9, and beefing up the original 5)

    -new event formats such as: Planechase, Commander, sealed/draft events, weighted events (limit rares/mythics, decks of certain point range...)

    Since MtG is moving away from 'blocks' after Ixalan, how will MtGPQ be handling formats?

    - is training grounds going to change? 
    Training grounds should allow you to select standard or legacy when you enter it. Additionally it should go from 'first 4 wins gets you rewards' to being 5 nodes (one of each color) and first win in each node gets you prizing.

    - will we ever be able to play against our own decks?

    - is cycling going to be adjusted? (simply adding 'whenever this supports effect is triggered it loses a shield' to New Perspectives, Drake Haven and Faith of the Devoted is an easy fix)

    -is the RNG (random number generation) going to be fixed? this applies to card packs, in game card draw, and matchmaking! (I am quite certain the last one you got has a direct influence on the next one, be it in packs, draw or opponent!) 

    - will there ever be sales on deck slots (as they are wayyy overcosted) or giving all PWs 2 free custom deck slots, one for standard and one for legacy?

    - you mentioned more story mode, but what about heroic encounters for each PW?

    - looping combos often become problematic (with old Baral, and now cycling/omniscience) what about a cards in deck cap or having the turn end and go to combat after casting ~10 spells?

    - when we start getting items in the vault again, will you consider a one day overlap for all things entering in and out of the vault?

    - just an idea: would you consider allowing decks to have a minimum of 10 cards but a max of 12?

    - what is the future of the Tier system? 
    I think it needs to be relooked at now with so many cards in the game. The cutoff line for the 3 tiers needs to be reestablished with each expansion, or a new tier made (this is fine if it means people suddenly being in a different tier at each expansion)
    or possibly take the tier system away from card mastery completely and base it on games and events played with win/loss record considered

    Please see the following links on format and balance ideas:


    Atherised and Race

    Deckweight and Planeswalker weight values
  • Yirrixees
    Yirrixees Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2017
    One of the most important things that has yet to be covered is the prominence of duplicates with purple gems purchases (whatever they are called). I have gotten THREE duplicates for my last three masterpiece buys and i only have THREE cards of the entire options! I love this game, but if ANYTHING makes me want to quit it is that. I have only been here about four months and I am sick of it and so is the rest of the community from what I can tell. The thrill of the chase is one of the critical aspects that keeps this game alive, but it is the GRIND for those oh so precious purples so that you can expand your collection just a little bit more that directly validates the time and effort one puts into the game. It isn't a random rare or mythic you pull from a pack, it is a DIRECT relationship between your effort and hard won placement over multiple events over multiple days with the promise that it will be worth it... so getting constant duplicates just feels like a kick in the pants. So please, pretty pretty please, will you do something about masterpiece duplicates?
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yirrixees said:
    One of the most important things that has yet to be covered is the prominence of duplicates with purple gems purchases (whatever they are called). I have gotten THREE duplicates for my last three masterpiece buys and i only have THREE cards of the entire options! I love this game, but if ANYTHING makes me want to quit it is that. I have only been here about four months and I am sick of it and so is the rest of the community from what I can tell. The thrill of the chase is one of the critical aspects that keeps this game alive, but it is the GRIND for those oh so precious purples so that you can expand your collection just a little bit more that directly validates the time and effort one puts into the game. It isn't a random rare or mythic you pull from a pack, it is a DIRECT relationship between your effort and hard won placement over multiple events over multiple days with the promise that it will be worth it... so getting constant duplicates just feels like a kick in the pants. So please, pretty pretty please, will you do something about masterpiece duplicates?

    In case you didn't know, if you get a duplicate, you can ask for a re-roll until you get a non-duplicate. You have to go through the whole customer service process. though.
  • Yirrixees
    Yirrixees Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    Yirrixees said:
    One of the most important things that has yet to be covered is the prominence of duplicates with purple gems purchases (whatever they are called). I have gotten THREE duplicates for my last three masterpiece buys and i only have THREE cards of the entire options! I love this game, but if ANYTHING makes me want to quit it is that. I have only been here about four months and I am sick of it and so is the rest of the community from what I can tell. The thrill of the chase is one of the critical aspects that keeps this game alive, but it is the GRIND for those oh so precious purples so that you can expand your collection just a little bit more that directly validates the time and effort one puts into the game. It isn't a random rare or mythic you pull from a pack, it is a DIRECT relationship between your effort and hard won placement over multiple events over multiple days with the promise that it will be worth it... so getting constant duplicates just feels like a kick in the pants. So please, pretty pretty please, will you do something about masterpiece duplicates?

    In case you didn't know, if you get a duplicate, you can ask for a re-roll until you get a non-duplicate. You have to go through the whole customer service process. though.
    From what I heard, that ONLY applies if you spent the 400 purples on it, not the 120 (which is bad enough as a grind as it is). Also, from what i heard, that comes with a limited amount of 're-rolls' which could very well end up being another duplicate. Assuming I have misread BOTH of those things, it is still a huge quality of life change that should be implemented.
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