Angel of Sanctions - That's Too Much!

babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2017 in MtGPQ General Discussion

Ah, Angel of Sanctions.

Angel of Sanctions

Looking at this really cool card, I just couldn't help but think of the game "That's Too Much" on The Price is Right. 

I would love to own this card.  It seems like it would be great in G3 and all other white walkers.  It combos as both a removal and a strong 7/8 body for just 16 mana.  And the true kicker is that it has embalm which will allow it to come back into play for yet another removal in many cases.

It's a well built card that is unique, powerful and really looks like fun to play with.  And yet, the $40 price tag is just TOO MUCH. There are so many other things I could buy for $40 that would give me way more pleasure.  Instead of speculating on the fun uses of the card, I start thinking about other cards that I own that are better than Angel of Sanctions.

Let me add that I give no value to the three white packs.  I am sitting on 140 packs of KLD and AKH because I prefer to look at the packs and hope they have value than open them and remove all hope. 

150 crystals is about 1 EmO or FiRF worth of crystals... not particularly exciting. 

160 jewels is somewhat attractive, although less so now that they are removing elite pack rerolls once the crafting system comes out. (And I expect the crafting system to be a complete dog).

Anyway, I wanted to get some feedback from the community.  What would you be willing to spend for this card?

Angel of Sanctions - That's Too Much! 72 votes

More than $40 - they priced this baby to move!
Laeuftbeidir 1 vote
$40 - Perfectly priced!
bk1234GamerXThésée 3 votes
$30-$40 - They just missed the mark for me.
$20-30 - I would love to own, but its not happening.
tinyaubabar3355James13trashbearHoudinMDsupaMickleberryarevalaSirchombli 9 votes
$10-$20 - Why can't they unbundle and run micro-transactions!!!
AmoXJSmadwrenandrewvanmarlekhurramShawnP1Mainloop25Daddystyxoctal9WiLDRAGEDologanZW2007-StormcrowCorn_NoodlesspadplCiotogUweTellkampfPhoenixRisenTilwin90PhillmooreFurks 34 votes
Less than $10 - Eh, not really my thing
mrixl2520aliasbardYawgmothLagarthafrostIvoryZero416TweeBlorbleflorp[Deleted User]_Daromax_DumasAGsteamerBeutimusnaphomciTomvd10DamienFirinmahlazer 17 votes
Free.99 - I guess I would take it if it was free...
majincobROYGBV00parasith77Emanon2000SussIworbMburn7joerginger 8 votes


  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    $20-30 - I would love to own, but its not happening.
    I voted $20-$30, but am closer to the $20 mark... although I might stretch to $25.
  • Blorbleflorp
    Blorbleflorp Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    Less than $10 - Eh, not really my thing
    I voted less that $10 not because I don't like the card, but because everything in this game is horridly overpriced. I would only pay $40 for a real mtg card and only if I absolutely needed it for a deck I really really enjoy playing. I did that with my playset of Primalcrux in my mono green rush deck, and I've never regretted it.
  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    More than $40 - they priced this baby to move!
    I missed the "I really don't care" option.
    Althought i have to admit - this single card should be worth more than a Planeswalker?
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017
    $20-30 - I would love to own, but its not happening.


    Odd choice to vote for the its way too cheap button if you don't really care.  Perhaps don't vote in the poll if you don't care about the poll :p

  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    More than $40 - they priced this baby to move!
    babar3355 said:


    Odd choice to vote for the its way too cheap button if you don't really care.  Perhaps don't vote in the poll if you don't care about the poll :p

    To clarify the confusion : The higher the price, the lower the incentive to buy it :
     more expensive = fewer to face, and easier to convince myself not to buy it :P
    It's not that I don't care, I just missed the neutral option to vote for.
    Still, the price of this card in relation to the prices of planeswalkers.. Anyone knows what Gideon /nissa had in terms of crystal /pink stuff?
  • octal9
    octal9 Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    $10-$20 - Why can't they unbundle and run micro-transactions!!!
    180 ^         
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    $20-30 - I would love to own, but its not happening.

    I understand, but neutral positions are just silly with voluntary polls.  You can view the opinions without voting. 

    The reason it matters is sometimes these polls get enough attention that @Brigby will bring them to his weekly meetings with the development team.  We don't want to invalidate the numbers by using inverse logic or picking randomly from the options.

  • octal9
    octal9 Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    $10-$20 - Why can't they unbundle and run micro-transactions!!!
    My stance remains the same since my question about bundling ( )
  • Matthew
    Matthew Posts: 605 Critical Contributor
    $10-$20 - Why can't they unbundle and run micro-transactions!!!
    I voted for $10-$20, but I'm on the lower half of that range. As the tagline to that voting option states, they need to unbundle stuff, and make the in-app purchases actual microtransactions. I'd value this card between $10 and $15 without all the extra stuff. And that's not even including the fact that paying for it now is just reinforcing the warped sensibilities that D3 appears to have.

    @babar3355, I do agree in part with @Laeuftbeidir, there should be a neutral option. Not including it is sort of like leading the witness.
  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor

    It would be nice if they reduced the prices, cost me 53.99 CAD

    Unfortunately, what I'm willing to pay is apparently more than what I would like to pay.

  • James13
    James13 Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    $20-30 - I would love to own, but its not happening.
    The fact that I considered it momentarily says something, but it had an alternate effect.  "You know what... I'm going to buy Persona 5 instead.  I can afford to drop some money on entertainment."   :)
  • Damien
    Damien Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    Less than $10 - Eh, not really my thing
    Everything in this game is way overpriced. For the money I did spend I should have pretty much every card there is. 
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    Free.99 - I guess I would take it if it was free...
    A fantastic card. Hopefully I'll be able to craft it. I'm not spending any more money on this game since I anticipate its demise when they release a terrible dupe conversion system.
    WiLDRAGE Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2017
    $10-$20 - Why can't they unbundle and run micro-transactions!!!
    Canadian here also, 53.99 is bloody moronic for a single card (the extras are inconsequential).
    The Steam Summer sale just started today, I'm pretty sure I can get better value for my money.
  • Infested
    Infested Posts: 98 Match Maker
    $10-$20 - Why can't they unbundle and run micro-transactions!!!
    Think that I will reserve my purchase for after the dupe system. That could be a nail in the coffin 
  • Sirchombli
    Sirchombli Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    $20-30 - I would love to own, but its not happening.
    I've paid for 2 cards since I started playing. I was fine with that until I cracked a dupe of one of them in a pack the other day. Now, I don't think I'll be giving them any more munny til I see this crafting system. I'm a ride it til the wheels fall off kind of guy, and I'm starting to hear some loose lug nuts on this. I want to be hopeful for the crafting system, but I'm starting to wonder if it could save things even if it were a home run. Plus, I would have at least expected an update by now. The communication from these clowns is top knotch
  • DumasAG
    DumasAG Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Less than $10 - Eh, not really my thing
    I would never pay that much for a card in this game, but that's just because I don't ascribe enough value to it. I could understand why someone with the spare cash might toss it at this card. 

    I don't understand why everyone is saying they think this might be the last straw? I felt the most recent update, while it brought a bevy of new bugs, made a lot of great strides and my thinking was the game was headed in the right direction. Did I miss something?
  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    $20-30 - I would love to own, but its not happening.

    @dumasag I think people are generally frustrated with the lack of ability to have a collectible card game actually have collectible cards (the ones you want). I think it's overstated that we will get a mass exodus once the crafting system is implemented.

    I have discretionary income I could spend... I just refuse to do so at these prices. I think Dologan's post put it in perspective.  You could practically buy the new Zelda for the cost of this one card.  That is just not reasonable for a card to join my 1000+ collection that would only be used circumstantially.

  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    $10-$20 - Why can't they unbundle and run micro-transactions!!!
    I think neutral options in polls are absurd. Look at the Elite Pack polls. The original intention was to glean meaningful data based on what people were opening from the Elite Pack. I don't care if 23% of the voters would open one if they had the jewels or if 37% have the jewels but aren't interested. The goal was to show how likely you were to get a masterpiece vs a mythic and to see if any of the mythics seemed to be weighted more heavily than others.

    As for this poll, the option of it being priced just right is essentially the "I don't care" option. My sweet spot for cards would be $15. Having the money to buy this card isn't the issue but the value just isn't there. I recently started playing Diablo 3 again and they are adding a new class to the game that will cost $15. I will buy that in a heartbeat because the value is there. I will be able to spend hours upon hours playing and enjoying that class. I will not be able to spend hours upon hours playing this one single card that costs nearly three times as much. This card, along with most the other things they sell in this game, is a ripoff. 

    I agree with majincob about the dupe system. They already broke the economy with the update to packs and the addition of jewels. If the dupe system makes even my jewels meaningless, then what's the point of even playing anymore?