Under 30s scored 12k pts for Sim sub normal??



  • Low levels taking the top spots does seem to raise some suspicion, but judging fromwhat I heard so far, looks like this is a common case. I guess it is an intended feature from the devs.

    I can understand incentives, and lowering difficulties toget newbies to be involved in these events. However, handing them the top prize is not what I was expecting. I mean, for a new player, getting like top 20 in a 200 bracket is good. But top place? Seems alittle too easy to me....
  • The highest point mission is worth 10500 point if you did all 5 non 1 point stacks at max rubberband modifier.

    At low level, Loki/Magneto/Doom combo might not even have max covers (the number of covers an opponent has seems to be tied to their levels) which would make them surprisingly easy when Magneto can't use 2 of his 3 skills quickly.

    Edit: Never mind that's normal not hard, but I think 12K is within reach for 2 rounds of 5 of the hardest missions plus whatever else that happens to be easy.