Patch Notes - R103 (06/20/16)



  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Things still needing fixed:

    The huge delay that is the AI's turn since the last patch, especially with goon CD tiles, and super especially with goons with CD tiles AND passive abilities like the symbiotes (also called lag by some).
    The delay from the time you use your last ability and get the "VICTORY" banner to the time the match ends.
    The delay in calculating passive abilities.
    The delay from the time a goon CD tile hits zero to the time damage is dealt.

    Wave Nodes:
    When you start the second wave node, a banner comes up and overwrites it with "Wave 1".

    Trap Tile Goons:
    When you make a match or a cascade that springs the trap of a dead character, the trap still resolves (I'm looking at you caltrops).

    Anything else that the devs should be looking at, but haven't decided to fix/don't realize is a bug?
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Obviously it's an anagram.

    Normally, reimagined would mean that the prior words for the anagram, but "a hero" makes poor anagram fare.

    But using all of it, I found "I Hide Eager Namor". Which makes self-referential sense, in that I Hide means that it's in the anagram.

    So, Namor. Then again, he's sleeping with the fishes, so maybe it's Dazzler.
  • DTStump
    DTStump Posts: 273 Mover and Shaker
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Obviously it's an anagram.

    Normally, reimagined would mean that the prior words for the anagram, but "a hero" makes poor anagram fare.

    But using all of it, I found "I Hide Eager Namor". Which makes self-referential sense, in that I Hide means that it's in the anagram.

    So, Namor. Then again, he's sleeping with the fishes, so maybe it's Dazzler.

    Yes, it is obviously Namor. "A hero reimagined" is an anagram of "Hi, dear marine ego". icon_cool.gif
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]It's time to take a look at what's planned for the next Marvel Puzzle Quest update.
    (As always, anything listed below is subject to change before release)


    A hero reimagined…

    What’s New
      - Versus action with Black Panther! -
    This space reserved for something cool!

    So I am guessing this something cool is the VIP button that keeps flashing a disappearing when I load the game. My question with VIP is this just going to be resources or are the developers making this game pay to play. In other games I have payed a VIP will gain access to other game modes locked out to free to play players. So are we suddenly going to be getting a VIP 4* PVP? A VIP double ISO PVE? A VIP simulator with much better rewards? And if so what is that going to do to alliances? Think about if you have a 4* PVP instead of the 3*. Suddenly all the high scorers will be going into the VIP room and all the players trying to get to 1000 in 38 non VIP PVP will struggle to get past 800 points because there are no big players running up scores.
    The VIP can be a very good feature and it can lead to some good things, but remember D3 this could lead to a very pay to play game and when new players join and pay their money to get into the VIP section will be rudely greater by 4-5* players. Done right VIP can be good for the game. Done wrong and it will severely shrink the player base and it will be a very downward cycle. Please tread carefully D3. Once you add VIP there is no going back.
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    wymtime wrote:
    So I am guessing this something cool is the VIP button that keeps flashing a disappearing when I load the game. My question with VIP is this just going to be resources or are the developers making this game pay to play. In other games I have payed a VIP will gain access to other game modes locked out to free to play players. So are we suddenly going to be getting a VIP 4* PVP? A VIP double ISO PVE? A VIP simulator with much better rewards? And if so what is that going to do to alliances? Think about if you have a 4* PVP instead of the 3*. Suddenly all the high scorers will be going into the VIP room and all the players trying to get to 1000 in 38 non VIP PVP will struggle to get past 800 points because there are no big players running up scores.
    The VIP can be a very good feature and it can lead to some good things, but remember D3 this could lead to a very pay to play game and when new players join and pay their money to get into the VIP section will be rudely greater by 4-5* players. Done right VIP can be good for the game. Done wrong and it will severely shrink the player base and it will be a very downward cycle. Please tread carefully D3. Once you add VIP there is no going back.
    My guess is that the VIP feature will look a lot like the "Avengers Battle Kit" that they did an in-game poll about last month (here's the thread about it). In that poll, you get the following over the course of a month:
    700 heropointsbig.png
    10000 iso8big.png
    2 token_legendary.png
    4 token_heroic.png
    9 commandpointsbig.png
    The poll was randomly asking people if they would pay $9.99 or $14.99 for it. I expect the VIP button will act like the SHIELD Resupply button in that you could see what your next daily VIP reward will be.

    There were quite a few negative forum responses to the poll, but as I said in my lengthy post in the thread, I think a feature like this is tailor-made for casual players, which I estimate is 98% of the MPQ user base (and the hard-core forumites make up the other 2%).
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Any fix for this coming out of a match? Seems very common lately. Only took a few rounds to get the screenshot.

  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, a smattering of tiny extra rewards, for $10/month. Hmm, doesn't seem worth it.

    Yes, I'll do it every few months with the money I gain from google surveys, and that's as good as real money to the devs... but I won't like it!! icon_lol.gif I'm more paying them with this real/fake survey money because I want to support the game, but it won't be a prize that really does much to advance my progress.

    I just opened up 3 LTs this morning, and they were all useless, so it was a lot of work for nothing. And that's how this game feels in general! RNGesus hasn't been smiling on me lately.
  • Virus_Type_V
    Virus_Type_V Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    PorkBelly wrote:
    I'm hoping for another old man.


    cool.. they fused Blanka, Gouken and Akuma? icon_e_wink.gif
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Steve Rogers (Hail Hydra)?
    I doubt this. This version of the character will be revealed to be a ruse or an alternate universe version or something within a year. He probably won't go six months without a big reveal of what's really going on.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    firethorne wrote:
    Any fix for this coming out of a match? Seems very common lately. Only took a few rounds to get the screenshot.


    At least for me, clicking on the "Recruit Heroes" button on the bottom left and going back to events tends to fix that, but I'm not sure if it's the same issue that's causing your events to go away.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    VIP is billed as being $9.99 every 4 weeks, how much will that be in other currencies?

    £6.50 approx doesn't sound too pricey however if it will be £9.99 then that is a no way and too overpriced, I don't see why us in the UK should be paying almost half as much again.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    So, the "cool" feature is actually more "cool" for developers than for players.
    As long as VIP doesnt solve lack of ISO (it seems it gives only tokens, and HP), there is no reason why should i buy it...
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    VIP is billed as being $9.99 every 4 weeks, how much will that be in other currencies?

    £6.50 approx doesn't sound too pricey however if it will be £9.99 then that is a no way and too overpriced, I don't see why us in the UK should be paying almost half as much again.
    It'll be half of whatever a Logan's Loonies costs in your local currency.
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    firethorne wrote:
    Any fix for this coming out of a match? Seems very common lately. Only took a few rounds to get the screenshot.
    At least for me, clicking on the "Recruit Heroes" button on the bottom left and going back to events tends to fix that, but I'm not sure if it's the same issue that's causing your events to go away.

    The workaround fix is easy, but this has been happening with increasing frequency for me as well. It's mildly annoying from a player's standpoint, and disappointing from a developer's.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    The new character's clue has to have something to do with reality warping; "a hero reimagined" is an obvious play on "a hero reimaged", but involving the power of dream or thought affecting reality or indeed the power of (re-)creation itself.

    So, that leaves us with what?
    DFiPL wrote:
    5* God Emperor Doom, clearly.
    I'm kind of partial to Doom as well, but the problem is that Doom was never really that much of a heroic character. Even when he saved all reality as God Doom, eventually it just boiled down to a power trip again. His most recent appearance has sofar been a heroic appearance though: he had a heel-face turn in Invincible Iron Man, where his face is fully healed and he's teleportinng about without the armor, saving Tony's bacon on several occasions and standing in for cases that would otherwise be handled by Dr. Strange.

    So I guess it kind of works? If you see the 'hero' part of the clue as the destination, and not as the origin?

    Other than that? We have potentially anyone that was around Pleasant Hill and was affected by Kobic
    Did anyone keep track?
  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    I'm just hoping they rebalanced a 3 or 4 that needs it instead of putting out another 4 or 5.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    DTStump wrote:
    I'm surprised nobody suggested that this might not be a new character, but instead a complete revamping of an old character. Am I crazy for thinking this?

    Wishful thinking doesn't make you crazy.

    Just be careful not to indulge in it too much around here.
  • Marvelfamily
    Marvelfamily Posts: 208
    Since updating, the sounds are broken sometimes. Downing an enemy happens before the attack runs, that's confusing.

    Nice to see that for example Loki is quicker in clearing his green ability tiles (the stealing).

    But I can't understand that. Launching an update which brings new bugs. :/
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since updating, the sounds are broken sometimes. Downing an enemy happens before the attack runs, that's confusing.

    Nice to see that for example Loki is quicker in clearing his green ability tiles (the stealing).

    But I can't understand that. Launching an update which brings new bugs. :/
    Yeah, the order-of-operations thing has been an ongoing battle for them for some time now. But I've never seen it manifest like that. I tossed a Star Spangled Avenger at an enemy, and it animated in this order: enemy downed (should have been last), Steve throws the shield (should have been first) damage number displays (should have been second IIRC), chosen tile changes to red CD (should have been third IIRC).

    I wonder what kind of spaghetti mess is in that code that keeps causing stuff like this? The Vision bug that they caused, fixed, caused again, then fixed again is another red flag for quality control.
  • PeterGibbons316
    PeterGibbons316 Posts: 1,063
    I don't understand why they can't get the order of operations right. When you attack the health bar drops, then the damage shows up....unless you are downing them in which case you get the downed flag followed by the damage, followed by the health bar drop, followed by the character actually falling. I got hit with a Devour from yet another Dark Avenger node and the damage never showed. My health bar was cut in half, but no numbers showed up.

    They obviously spent all their effort on the VIP feature which they still couldn't even get right. What a joke. For as much revenue as they do manage to successfully take from us you would think they would figure out how to make the game operate better than a high schooler's science fair project.
