Any plans to stop cheating?



  • The matchmaking still trumps any cheats -- people can finish on top by fighting only lesser opponents and not offered out for beating to stronger teams.

    In PVP why on earth I can't attack the N people that are before me in the standing directly, from the list?
  • I think one of the best ways to stop cheaters will be the skip tax. I honestly think the most commonly used cheat is manipulating the time clock to speed up character heals. Adding in a skip tax will slow people down from spam attacking easy wins.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    kiergi wrote:
    Some one said (meaning I can't work the quote system) "I assume they banned the account later. "

    If you pay money, you expect service. What else would invisible be about? No one cares about how anyone FEELS. He wasn't automatically banned because they had to satisfy his game play and time paid for. If you take the money out of the equation, then we can have a real game. The writers and developers deserve to get paid, but if you offer the game as a "buying enhanced experience" it really should not make it almost impossible to really compete without spending. The words fairness, dignity, and perhaps even competition come to mind.


    That was my quote talking about the guy who was obviously running hacks through a steam account. I don't even know where you get the idea that he even paid money into the system.

    But even if he did pay in, most sports or clubs will terminate your membership if you are caught cheating so I still don't see where there would be a need to honour any payment.

    If it does turn out that cheating only puts you permanently in a sandbox where you can easily win first and never get retaliated then I might consider it. I want the covers and gameplay experience and I don't need to beat people on a leader board for validation. That's why I assume thy eventually ban he accounts.
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Hey, let's say they catch someone cheating after a tournament winds up. Then what? I mean, they ban the offender, obviously, but do the rest of the players move up?

    I finished 2nd way back in one of the Hulk events to a guy who was pretty widely accused of cheating. I'm not saying he was, but he hasn't been around the forums since all those accusations, so he might have been banned. If he got first by cheating, that means I won, right? I'm not really expecting a month old IW cover, but it would be nice.

    Man, I would be so happy if they did that. So many times I've been kicked out of the top 5 or top 15, knowing the top 2 or 3 were cheaters. So many 3 star covers icon_e_sad.gif
  • Linxis wrote:

    I really wonder where you're getting the "almost impossible to really compete without spending" from. I'm only on 60 days played and have not spent any money on this game (I want to support the devs, but imo their price/value is seriously out of whack) and I've already won multiple tournaments and regularly place in top 15.

    Granted, unbracketed events like lightning rounds or avengers elite can be extremely competitive, but for the mass majority of events there should be nothing stopping you from competing effectively, even if you choose not to spend on the game.

    Those of us who were here at the beginning are facing off against unfair odds because we were supposed to have powerful characters by the time the filthy casuals came in. Yet it is these same filthy casuals that are saying, "hey, i placed top 10 the other day and I didn't have a hard time." I'm sorry to say but you didn't have a hard time because your team sucks bigtime and the game is feeding you to get you hooked until you run into really difficult teams that you cannot beat with your nerfed characters.

    When that day comes, you will complain as well and more filthy casuals will tell you to suck it up.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linxis wrote:

    I really wonder where you're getting the "almost impossible to really compete without spending" from. I'm only on 60 days played and have not spent any money on this game (I want to support the devs, but imo their price/value is seriously out of whack) and I've already won multiple tournaments and regularly place in top 15.

    So you're placing zero value on 60 days of playing / entertainment? You can't throw in 5 bucks to pay for that because there isn't enough extra stuff being offered on top of said 60 days.

    If you had any gratitude or desire to support them it would be inconsequential to go here's pizza money in exchange for the 2 months you've given me. Your unwillingness to compensate them because you wouldn't get enough extra stuff shows you couldn't give a rats about supporting the devs, it's all about you.

    Nobody has to pay, but it annoys me when people start finding excuses why they cannot support for services rendered beyond being broke, which I totally sympathise with. But angling for more stuff after 60 days and multiple competitions is cheap and ugly.
  • kidicarus
    kidicarus Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker
    In my current bracket, there's a player topping the leaderboards with a really suspicious roster with a whole bunch of 141 lvl 3s and 189 5/5/0 xforce wolvie and 189 0/5/5 IW. And to taunt the rest of the field, an 85 bag-man. I have reported the user but I would really love it the developers could be quicker in adjusting the leaderboards so that I know if I should make a push for it again.

    Normally I'm the sort of person to suffer in silence, but after making a push for a yellow IW cover only to be overtaken by a possible cheater with a 189 IW (which already had 5 yellow covers) is not something I would like to experience again. And I don't really want to go through another pve event requiring IW to place decently.
  • 0/5/5 is a 0 yellow IW.
  • jozier wrote:
    0/5/5 is a 0 yellow IW.

    She granted invisibility on the number of covers
  • kidicarus
    kidicarus Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker
    I know that the current guy does not have yellow covers, I was relating my experience from a previous tournament.

    I try to tank to get a decent bracket and everyone else in my bracket is pretty reasonable, except for this one guy shielding at 700 points.
  • kidicarus wrote:
    I know that the current guy does not have yellow covers, I was relating my experience from a previous tournament.

    I try to tank to get a decent bracket and everyone else in my bracket is pretty reasonable, except for this one guy shielding at 700 points.

    Your bracket is determined by the first battle you complete in that particular tourney.

    Tanking doesn't affect it. You might mean mmr but again that won't affect your bracket and any potential high level players in it.
  • kidicarus
    kidicarus Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    Your bracket is determined by the first battle you complete in that particular tourney.

    Tanking doesn't affect it. You might mean mmr but again that won't affect your bracket and any potential high level players in it.

    I get what you're saying there but I thought your MMR determines which bracket you join in the first place (and my brackets have all been pretty doable competitively). My featured/bag-man/Yelena team has been giving free wins to everyone throughout the duration of the lightning rounds and that has definitely effected the match ups I have been getting.

    In any case, if you think I'm just being sour grapes then by all means please ignore my posts - but I really do think that my the user topping my leaderboard has a really suspicious roster - as in a lot of odd levelling choices.
  • kidicarus wrote:

    I get what you're saying there but I thought your MMR determines which bracket you join in the first place (and my brackets have all been pretty doable competitively). My featured/bag-man/Yelena team has been giving free wins to everyone throughout the duration of the lightning rounds and that has definitely effected the match ups I have been getting.

    In any case, if you think I'm just being sour grapes then by all means please ignore my posts - but I really do think that my the user topping my leaderboard has a really suspicious roster - as in a lot of odd levelling choices.

    Your leaderboard/bracket is determined by time of entry. The opponents you face are due to your MMR. Brackets and MMR aren't related.
  • kidicarus wrote:
    In any case, if you think I'm just being sour grapes then by all means please ignore my posts

    Not judging your post in anyway. Just wanted to make sure you got the correct info:
    jozier wrote:
    Your leaderboard/bracket is determined by time of entry. The opponents you face are due to your MMR. Brackets and MMR aren't related.
  • quadiak
    quadiak Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    Puritas wrote:
    Hahaha that was a pretty good read
    It's actually a pretty good method of pooping on cheaters
    Stops them from coming right back and starting a new account

    Personally I find this both hilarious and slightly disturbing. The whole sandbox concept brings a possibility to reality that the entire game is a hoax. I mean I know alot of the lightning rounds begin with a few rounds against developer built bots, but this is sort of justifiable early on since enough human players may not have signed up yet. The lack of historical match data and the fact that we are only ever playing against AI is starting to make me wonder lol.

    So any of you ever had a match vs. Me? I am curious now if we all spend time in a sandbox. Lol
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    quadiak wrote:

    Personally I find this both hilarious and slightly disturbing. The whole sandbox concept brings a possibility to reality that the entire game is a hoax. I mean I know alot of the lightning rounds begin with a few rounds against developer built bots, but this is sort of justifiable early on since enough human players may not have signed up yet. The lack of historical match data and the fact that we are only ever playing against AI is starting to make me wonder lol.

    So any of you ever had a match vs. Me? I am curious now if we all spend time in a sandbox. Lol

    The cheater example earlier proves that we aren't. We were tracking the performance of forum regulars against each other in the tournament, and some of the top place getters including the winner were forum regulars.

    I know I have seen nemek as a pvp target once, and been in jozier's bracket a couple of times. YOu do need to poke your MMR above a certain threshold before you regularly see people from here.
  • Avengers Elite was a nice way to see who was real and who got sandboxed. The top 10 that you could see (people like Nemek, Walkyourpath, Clint, thereck) are all not cheaters because they haven't been sandboxed.
  • I can not decide whether I think the system they use for cheaters is genius or dumb.

    It's novel to me if nothing else. But I like the idea of moving them aside, since they do not impact the other players the least.
  • quadiak
    quadiak Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    Has anyone actually compared screenshots in realtime? Maybe everyone one has similar but different leaderboard views. I know I have battled some recognisable names that i have also seen on the leader boards, however simply because I recognize a name doesn't in anyway support whether or not the game is legit.

    Before the big nerf I was a fairly consistant top 15 finisher in the pvp matches, and nearly always rode out the first 24 hrs top 3. Simply because i had more time to play than most.

    Since the lauch edition updates and selling of my thorverine I haven't dedicated anywhere near the amount of time I had previously, partly because the game is no longer as fun as it once was and partly because without buying boosts I am quite often getting killed with only 55 patch, 50 x-force and now 6 astonishing while trying to compete against 85 thorverine paired with BWO in the latest wolvy pvp. Who knew?
  • I think it's a really elegant solution for cheaters. Give them something where they're still having some fun, so they don't feel compelled to create new accounts and grief the regular playing population. Your non-cheating players are the ones who will actually put money into the game, so it's worth the server resources to sandbox the cheaters to create a better experience for those who might actually support the devs.

    It's very similar to how game companies struggle with DRM. Companies with restrictive or draconian DRM tend to see higher rates of piracy than others who embrace a more open model.


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