What was the 3* tipping point for you?

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi everyone,

I've been playing for about 50 some days according to my daily rewards tracker. I have a pretty good, but typical, 2* star team - Wolverine 85, OBW 75, and Thor 69 (somehow missing covers for him!) I'm ready to move into the 3* game (the big leagues), but I'm having trouble hunting down covers. I can typically place in the top 45 for most events, but one 3* at a time makes it go very slow. I have at least one of each three star character, except Magneto. The only 3* I have with more than 3 covers is Patch (currently ~ level 45).

What was your 3* tipping point? Did you focus on lightning rounds? Did you buckle down and place first in specific tourneys? Did you get lucky with packs, or spend HP? Do the daily rewards start to pump them out?

Also, in regards to the 50 or so days played, what day did your 3* team really start to take form? Am I late to the 3* party, early, or right on time?

Thank you!


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  • For me it was PvE events. Mainly the Hulk one. I was able to get hull 4/2/2 in that event. It gave me some nice tank. Then I got lucky at tournaments and managed to finish all covers for punisher. But I was starting from where you are at the moment. Had first leveled IM 35 and Storm to 50/40. From that I moved to Wolvie and OBW. So you are getting at that moment where you will be getting 3* covers. Mainly from PvP but also from PvE.
  • I think I transitioned to 1x 3* around day 60. Before then, I didn't have the ISO to get a 3* character up to the level 95+ where the scaling begins to kick in. At that point, IM40 replaced Thor on my team of Thor/Wolvie/XXX. After that, BWGS started replacing Wolverine depending on the match.

    As for how I did it, I have yet to spend HP on covers - I just can't justify the cost /benefit. Part of it has been lucky with packs, but mostly it's dedication in the 6+ day PVE events. I snagged 4 or 5 Hulk covers in his event, and a number of Punisher covers from his. It's almost imperative to grab at least one cover from a release tourney b/c you know there will be exclusive missions for that character in the subsequent tourney. So in the run-up to any given Friday, I'd ease off the game a bit and sort of build up your stamina for the PVE grind that comes with a Friday. Then go full bore and shoot for a top 50 or higher.

    I would also suggest doing early morning LRs. With your Wolvie and OBW, you should be able to use the default hero/villain to place well enough to get the heroic token - competition is pretty light before 10 a.m. Plus it's great for the ISO that you'll need to level your 3*'s.

    Good luck!
  • It was months ago, I pulled a red cover of Rag from tokens, then spent money to get him 4/0, used him in LRs, won some rounds and finally 5/5 and lv114. He was OP, so by using him in events with some push, I got other 3* covers.
    It took me another 40 or so days to have a decent 3* team at lv100+.
    For now, your best chances should be PVE events and LRs, but you need to spend more time and try really hard.
  • The back to back Hulk events are probably what pushed me into the 3* territory, I was top 300 both times so my Hulk was pretty good, I got real lucky with pulling some spider man covers around then, and picked up some Punisher covers. Pushing hard to do well in a pvp tourney got me a full set of IM40 covers which was handy as the next event boosted him and I think I got some more Punisher covers. That reminds I need to log on and do a mission so I get my free Hulk cover from the daily rewards.
  • I got numerous top place finishes before I transitioned to a 3-star team. If you're struggling to make even at least top 15, I'd suggest to still work on your 2-stars.
  • Gigas Breaker
    Gigas Breaker Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Thick as Thieves sub events. Getting all my Patch covers except one more yellow. I placed top five in big thunder and no holds barred. So I am just now getting a bunch.
  • I maxed Thorverine, Mawkeye, OBW and c.Storm. It's important to have multiple characters maxed in order to keep making pushes in tourneys. Punisher covers rained in like a Seattle summer so I managed to max him out. When leveling a 3* star, lvl 115 is the optimal efficiency. Also, you could level two 2* for one 3* at level 115. It's a huge ISO sink and time consuming if you're not using hard currency.
  • Haven't had one. Have a few 3*s up to 2* or better stats and more that would be with sufficient ISO, but I'd still rather use OBW than Spider-Man if I can, and I actually like Ares, though admittedly nu-Thor is more likely to fit a mixed 2*/3* team.

    I'd say 2-day tournaments are mostly your best bet, because they don't require so great a time investment as PvE. There are exceptions like the TaT subs, though, which just rained Patch for days - anyone who wanted one could theoretically have at worst a near-13/13 Patch out of those, and the hard color to get in TaT was the easy one in Army of One. Top 15 or 5 for covers you want most obviously helps, and nearly requires shields. If you want to do that for free, enter as many tournaments you don't care about as you can and try to snipe top 45 late for 100-175 HP (100 placement, 50 progression, 25 if you don't even want the 3*).
  • 1) Starting team -
    2) got Wolv with enough yellow to swap IM35 as tank, at time of first Hulk hunt. Got first Punisher cover.
    3) with help of Wolv got enough covers to swap mBW with oBW, capped Wolv' covers
    4) with their combo pushed in some tourneys and PvE, got enough Punisher covers to start leveling him, cover capped oBW
    5) at time of TaT swapped Wolv with Punisher, got enough Patch covers to start leveling him
    6) leveled Patch enough for him to tank red and green, currently looking for way to swap oBW - into Spiderman? (3/4/3, doubts due to incoming nerf) Hood? (1/4/2, squishy).
    Just recently passed 60 days mark, so you're pretty much on-track.
  • octagon69
    octagon69 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    " I just can't justify the cost /benefit."

    You can't justify giving the developers any money for a game you obviously love?
  • octagon69 wrote:
    " I just can't justify the cost /benefit."

    You can't justify giving the developers any money for a game you obviously love?
    I've given them $25 for this account, and $10 for my second account. Spending the HP on covers doesn't have enough benefit compared to what else HP can buy. Feel free to park your high horse.
  • I jumped on Ares when he was released, and that allowed me to win one rage and ruin, finish top 15 in another, and take advantage of his boost in the event right after - that led to me getting most of the Patch covers, and Patch helped me get Punisher covers, so those two, plus my 4/0/2 Hulk (who gets his fifth green tomorrow), 3/3 Rags, and 3/2/1 Spidey, all of whom are at the max for their covers, have helped me field 3-star teams when I've needed them.

    It's been a combination of luck (gradually getting them out of tokens) and putting extra effort into tourneys I"m well-stocked for that have helped me. The Rage and Ruin I won happened mainly because I was home sick for a couple of days and able to take advantage of slow play times and shields.
  • For the OP, it's a safe bet that a new PVE will drop tomorrow. I'd start hoarding your ISO and wait until we see which characters are buffed in tomorrow's event. At that point, pick one of the buffed characters that you'll hopefully be able to use long-term and dump everything in there. If you need more ISO, do Shield training, or go through the prologue and grind any remaining 250 or 500 completion rewards you may have missed. And if possible, tank in the current PVP tourney (assuming you've already hit the 200 or 300 point progression rewards, whatever you're aiming for).
  • Grind iso in LR's till you hit 250 then decide if you can push and shield or just tank the remainder.

    Wait a day before entering pvp, will place you in a less active bracket.

    Make sure you have three active friends on facebook... free iso adds up.
  • I can't say there was any tipping point. You just play in everything you can and earn the best rewards you can. Eventually through the luck of RNG and winning placement prizes you will find yourself with a handful of use 3 star characters which you can then use to win bigger prizes.

    The best decision I made was to stop buying cover slots and instead use that HP to buy rare(r) covers for three star characters.
  • Thanks guys, these are great responses. One question I have as a Steam user is, what's the iso payout per friend on Facebook?
  • benomoth wrote:
    Thanks guys, these are great responses. One question I have as a Steam user is, what's the iso payout per friend on Facebook?

    The game randomly allows you to share rewards with FB friends (1 out 10-12 fights from my experience) so you'll be giving/receiving 70 or 140 iso or boosts.
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    The first time lightning rounds started was pretty much the game changer or me. Got full covers for all villains except Loki and rode on the rags coat tails for several months prepping a new team for this eventual nerf.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    The devs tend to hand out a ton of 3* covers for characters that have just been released (which typically coincide with a PvE event), so the best way to make the 3* transition is to focus on a recently released hero (not Daredevil since he's pretty bad) and try to grind out covers for that particular character. These recently released characters will typically be cover rewards for a PvE event and PvP tournaments in subsequent weeks, so focus on doing well on those. I'm currently in the progress of making the 3* transition, and this strategy was what allowed me to get a 3/5/5 Punisher and 4/4/5 Hulk.

    In terms of where I actually got my covers:
    Punisher - This was a placement reward for 4+ PvP tournaments, which I all placed in. PvE final progression reward also handed out a red cover as the final progression reward.
    Hulk - 4/2/2 for doing well in both Hulk events. 0/2/2 from progression rewards in Hulk Smash PvP tournament back when progression rewards were actually obtainable. 1 black cover as a lucky pull.
    Patch - 3/3/3 from the PvE event and 2 subsequent PvP tournaments, ~7/7/7 from winning every subevent in Thick as Thieves.
  • Grind iso in LR's till you hit 250 then decide if you can push and shield or just tank the remainder.

    Wait a day before entering pvp, will place you in a less active bracket.

    Make sure you have three active friends on facebook... free iso adds up.

    Not sure if I agree with waiting a day. Everyone waits a day for a less active bracket, so the day 2 brackets are always full of people hunting that advantage.

    I started Best There Is a couple hours in to the first day, and I'm sitting at #1 with a very humble 438 points. Not a single person has shielded yet. I've done this in basically every tournament, and an early start lets me build up a lead. When shields were cheap I could build it up and just wait the tourney out, now that they're more expensive I'll build that lead, lose it and quickly retake it, which seems to be the predominate strategy in all the brackets I've been in.

    In terms of making that progression, it was all about the Hulk event for me. I got a few of his covers, and as a newer character I was able to be an early adopter, giving me a leg up in the Hulk tournament that happened right after. Progression rewards were a thing you could get then, so I got a couple more covers for him there, as well as a bunch of Punisher covers.


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