Temporarily Discontinued



  • OhanaUnited
    OhanaUnited Posts: 85 Match Maker
    5 pack (bought from crystals earned through tournament placed 17th)
    1C, 4U
  • FP PB


    I think you should rename some categories. PP and PB are just too similar.
    Also QP should be QB for quick battle instead imo.
    In the description of PP I would add the info that you mean patch 1.31

    Ideas for alternatives to PB
    BV bought in the vault
    BC bought with crystals
    VB Vault booster
    CS Crystal shop
  • Fatpacks

    DR - 21 Packs
    QB - 21 Packs
    PP - 42 Packs
    Total - 80 Packs

    Average Draw Rates PER CARD:

    Common: DR - 34.05% QP - 36.43% PP - 35.24% Total - 31.19%
    Uncommon: DR - 48.81% QP - 49.29% PP - 49.05% Total - 52.00%
    Rare: DR - 14.52% QP - 13.81% PP - 14.17% Total - 14.44%
    Mythic: DR - 02.62% QP - 00.50% PP - 01.55% Total - 02.375%
    I thought a bit about my suggestion to rename some categories and I asked myself, why not use symbols. Lets see what it looks like

    Fatpacks - FP

    star.png - 21 Packs (Daily Reward)
    strike.png - 21 Packs (Quick Battle)
    manacrystal.png - 2 Packs (Bought With Crystals)
    healthpack.png - 38 Packs (Pre 1.31 Data)
    Total - 82 Packs

    Average Draw Rates PER CARD (FP):

    Common: star.png 34.05% / strike.png 36.43% / manacrystal.png 34,12% / healthpack.png 35.24% / Total 31.19%
    Uncommon: star.png 48.81% / strike.png 49.29% / manacrystal.png 49,12% / healthpack.png 49.05% / Total 52.00%
    Rare: star.png 14.52% / strike.png 13.81% / manacrystal.png 14,91% / healthpack.png 14.17% / Total 14.44%
    Mythic: star.png 2.62% / strike.png 0.50% / manacrystal.png 2.52% / healthpack.png 1.55% / Total 2.375%

    I added some bought packs, just to see how it looks when we have all the different categories present.
    I changed post patch to pre patch because it's in my opinion the more interesting data. Also that way people will be able to see how you come to a total of x packs.
    Plus, there would be a simple little legend for every category.

    Just wanna mention that this is meant as a suggestion. It's up to you how you do it.
    I just love this thread! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    QB Fat pack

    C: 8
    U: 10
    R: 2
    M: 0

    Crystals Fat pack

    C: 8
    U: 10
    R: 2
    M: 0
  • Coconut99
    Coconut99 Posts: 212
    Am I reading the data here correctly, that there's a bit of a better chance of mythics from FPs than from BBs? I've yet to get any mythic from any kind of pack I've drawn so far, and had been saving up for a BB thinking it was the best odds for finally getting one (little over 400 crystals now; gotten muuuuch slower since they changed the 2nd story rewards in the patch to not be crystals anymore). But if FPs actually edge out the odds a little, maybe I should drop what I have and get 2 of them now instead of waiting for a BB who knows how long in the future...
  • Coconut99 wrote:
    Am I reading the data here correctly, that there's a bit of a better chance of mythics from FPs than from BBs?

    A few days ago I would have said that I think that that's right.

    But now it looks that Bigboxes are a bit better than we thought. About the same percentages as fatpacks but more packs.

    We don't have enough data yet but I guess that bought packs and daily rewards have about the same percentages, only qb rewards are terrible.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nerimos wrote:
    We don't have enough data yet
    This pretty much sums it up. I'd caution against any assumptions that directly contradict the stated values at this point.
  • The_Leftist
    The_Leftist Posts: 224
    Nexus! I had a Reddit Big box with 4 mythics as well, and after using his stats to configure ratios, I determined that thus far, Big Boxes have approximately 1 in 70 chance of having 4 mythics.

    Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
  • Coconut99
    Coconut99 Posts: 212
    Okay...I'll continue the slow (probably another month-long) saving up to get a BB, then. Thanks!
  • I originally bought a BB and am saving for another. I got 4 mythics and 6 rares so I am happy with my draw, however, I didn't get the uncommon, common counts so I did not add my info on this thread
  • Nexus! I had a Reddit Big box with 4 mythics as well, and after using his stats to configure ratios, I determined that thus far, Big Boxes have approximately 1 in 70 chance of having 4 mythics.

    Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

    We have now a total chance of 1,6% to get a mythic per card.
    Using this 1,6% I get a 1.295% chance to draw 4 mythics in a Bigbox.
    That's more like 1 in 77. I guess with the reddit box you mentioned your number is valid.

    Just having some fun with numbers because I'm bored icon_cool.gif
  • The_Leftist
    The_Leftist Posts: 224
    Nerimos wrote:
    Nexus! I had a Reddit Big box with 4 mythics as well, and after using his stats to configure ratios, I determined that thus far, Big Boxes have approximately 1 in 70 chance of having 4 mythics.

    Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

    We have now a total chance of 1,6% to get a mythic per card.
    Using this 1,6% I get a 1.295% chance to draw 4 mythics in a Bigbox.
    That's more like 1 in 77. I guess with the reddit box you mentioned your number is valid.

    Just having some fun with numbers because I'm bored icon_cool.gif

    Ya, sorry. I reconfigured percentages on my birthday and then did that Reddit post for that guy during my Hangover period, so I must have made an error in my math somewhere.

    It will be interesting to see the new draw rates after we get a few more boxes and get your draw in there
  • The_Leftist
    The_Leftist Posts: 224
    Coconut99 wrote:
    Am I reading the data here correctly, that there's a bit of a better chance of mythics from FPs than from BBs? I've yet to get any mythic from any kind of pack I've drawn so far, and had been saving up for a BB thinking it was the best odds for finally getting one (little over 400 crystals now; gotten muuuuch slower since they changed the 2nd story rewards in the patch to not be crystals anymore). But if FPs actually edge out the odds a little, maybe I should drop what I have and get 2 of them now instead of waiting for a BB who knows how long in the future...

    According to statistics, yes, and that number actually raises even more when you don't count the Quickplay Mythic rate

    However. It does seem like the devs have taken notice to this thread as since the update, 5 Card Boosters are a bit more mythic friendly, fat packs have a slightly less mythic draw than they used to, and Big Boxes have a MUCH better mythic rate than pre-patch. Before the update, 8 Boxes had drawn 4 mythics total.

    Perhaps they adjusted draw rates, or perhaps we just had very bad luck among people buying boxes.
  • The_Leftist
    The_Leftist Posts: 224
    Nerimos wrote:
    FP PB


    I think you should rename some categories. PP and PB are just too similar.
    Also QP should be QB for quick battle instead imo.
    In the description of PP I would add the info that you mean patch 1.31

    Ideas for alternatives to PB
    BV bought in the vault
    BC bought with crystals
    VB Vault booster
    CS Crystal shop

    Great ideas! Especially the symbols! I'll look into this soon. Once my reputation points replenish, I'm definitely sending them your way.
  • Nerimos wrote:
    Nexus! I had a Reddit Big box with 4 mythics as well, and after using his stats to configure ratios, I determined that thus far, Big Boxes have approximately 1 in 70 chance of having 4 mythics.

    Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

    We have now a total chance of 1,6% to get a mythic per card.
    Using this 1,6% I get a 1.295% chance to draw 4 mythics in a Bigbox.
    That's more like 1 in 77. I guess with the reddit box you mentioned your number is valid.

    Just having some fun with numbers because I'm bored icon_cool.gif

    Ya, sorry. I reconfigured percentages on my birthday and then did that Reddit post for that guy during my Hangover period, so I must have made an error in my math somewhere.

    It will be interesting to see the new draw rates after we get a few more boxes and get your draw in there

    I have to say, that I only calculated the chances to get exactly 4 mythics using Bernoulli trials formula. The chance to get at least 4 might be slightly higher so perhaps 1 in 70 is correct.

    And congrats on your birthday. Don't know how to properly say it in English when the congratulations are late icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Also I'm glad you like some of my ideas. Keep up the great work that you do.with this thread
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nerimos wrote:
    And congrats on your birthday. Don't know how to properly say it in English when the congratulations are late icon_e_biggrin.gif
    "Happy belated birthday"
  • QB FP

  • QB FP

    C: 11
    U: 7
    R: 1
    M: 1
  • The_Leftist
    The_Leftist Posts: 224
    Just got a new all time low Big Box


    I personally feel like Big Boxes should have an absolute minimum of 2 mythics and 6 rares, with a decent chance of getting more.
  • raidan
    raidan Posts: 128
    Here's my terrible QB FP:
