Thick As Thieves Reward Format Is Terrible



  • The only reason I'm irritated is because I don't know what I did wrong. Was it that I tanked missions down to reasonable levels or something like I did the main missions to early? To go from 1st to 85 and down by 6k points is pretty disheartening.
  • Veracity wrote:
    Aren't you more a semi-retired grinder? Heart not quite in it for the gut-wrenching slog, but know what to do to maximize the pay-off from the effort you expend? Not prying, just I think that's distinct from someone who logs in, is all pleased with themselves for playing through all the missions whenever, then wonders how the hell that guy has 11,000 points when they haven't broken 4,000 yet and they did all the missions the game gave them to do. I do suspect the experimental difficulty scaling these geniuses rolled out on a Friday afternoon is biting only the grindmonkies among us really hard, but I also can't imagine the bizarre scoring rules don't end up incredibly disheartening for a lot of the more casual crowd.
    If you're asking me, I've never been a grinder. I am more like the final person you describe: I'm disheartened that I can't figure out how to break the top 10 without grinding and/or playing at specific times. I find it weird that they seem to have designed this event to cater to super-casual (sweet, a heroic token!) or super-hardcore (sweet, a 3* Patch!) with no middle ground (oh... another Heroic Token and no HP...).
  • The funny part is how winning two of the sub events in the first 5-6 hours puts you in first because everyone is sitting and waiting for the maximum rubber band moment.

    The system is stupid. If it's to reward new users or casual users why does it always have to be this way?

    So you have two thing, the noob friendly pve or the hardcore everyone has Thor and wolvie HtH events.

    Expand the prologue single player part of the game and throw some nice rewards in there please.
  • Stillhart wrote:
    I just wanted to give some fgeedback to the devs that I really REALLY dislike the rewards format for Thick As Thieves.

    Only giving the good rewards to the top 5 players (2.5%) is just awful. Here are some reasons why:

    1 - You need an amazingly good team to place highly, which means that Heroic Tokens are next to useless as a reward. Anyone good enough to place in a bracket where you reward Heroic Tokens has a very small chance to get something useful from them. I pretty much only need 3* covers at this point so I'm as likely to get something useful from a Standard pack as I am from Heroic.

    2a - To get top 5 in these tournaments, you need some VERY specific knowledge on how to do it (i.e. understanding rubberbanding and reset times). This knowledge isn't widely available so it skews the results at the tops of the brackets towards the OCD among us.

    2b - To get top 5, you need to play at very specific times. As someone with a baby and a job, I can't play at the perfect time every time.

    3 - I score a pretty solid top 25 in these tournaments and getting 2x Heroic Tokens and no HP is basically like rewarding me 250+125+125 = 500 ISO for being in the top 10% or better.

    It really kills my desire to play when I know that it's impossible for me to earn good rewards simply because I have a life.

    Here's my suggestion: Either restore the rewards structure from previous tournaments, or change the structure of the tournaments so that you can win even with a life. I've given up on ever winning a tournament, but I enjoy the fact that I can still profit from a decent showing.

    I've been really happy with this game and I even dumped $20 in for some garbage rewards (hooray, tinykitty lottery system!) just to tip the devs. Let's keep the game fun for EVERYONE!

    EDIT - Oh and by the way, there's NO WAY IN HELL I'm paying 300 HP to enter a tournament when you structure them so that you have to pay to win (shields!).

    My teams isn't incredible and I've been #1 in like every sub and the Main consistently.
    I've used a combo of
    Lvl 85 2* wolvie
    Lvl 70 spidey
    Lvl 60 GWBS
    Lvl 40 patch
    Lvl 15 OBW

  • My teams isn't incredible and I've been #1 in like every sub and the Main consistently.
    I've used a combo of
    Lvl 85 2* wolvie
    Lvl 70 spidey
    Lvl 60 GWBS
    Lvl 40 patch
    Lvl 15 OBW

    Your team is pretty good, maybe not lvl 100+, but with a buffed lvl 40 patch and those others you can pretty much win all battles relativley easily. What's your strategy? play through a few missions and then wait until the last hour to grind to get max rubberband pts?
  • I just wanted to update this thread to say thanks to the devs for listening and changing the rewards on Thick As Thieves to Patchwork Tokens instead of Heroic Tokens. That's a great change and it was needed!

    Unfortunately, since the nerfs to boosts and the fix to Patch, I can't get even close to top 50 to earn one of these anymore. It's kind of depressing to have gotten no reward (okay, a few hundred ISO) for the first few rounds where I got top 10-25 and now that you've fixed the rewards, I can't place.

    Anyways, kudos for at least fixing one problem. Color me impressed.