Out of Universe thread (FF and Nintendo)
Final Fantasy IV Boss Monsters:
Mom BombLevel 2 Boss Monster
History: This monster mother in game would explode, dealing damage to the whole party and turned into a bunch of individual bombs that needed to be dealt with. In game, the Mom Bomb will explode out little bomblets that do individual attacks. As long as any bomblets are on the board, the Mom Bomb cannot be killed.
Elemental Affinity:-
Strong: None
Each turn Mom Bomb generates 2AP and 1 MP.
Make Bombs (passive)
Consumes 4AP. Randomly place 3 3-turn Mom Bomb CD tiles on
basic tiles. When the CD reaches 0, deal 1/8th of Mom Bomb's current HP in damage to Mom Bomb and the enemy party and randomly place 3 Bomblet Tiles on the surrounding tiles.
Bomblets (passive)
At the start of each turn, deal X damage to a random enemy for each Bomblet tile in play. As long as there are any friendly Bomblet tiles in play, Mom Bomb's HP cannot be reduced below 1. If Mom Bomb would take lethal damage while a Bomblet tile is in play, destroy a Bomblet tile instead.
Self Destruct (passive)
If there are more than 3 Bomblet tiles in play at the start of turn: Consume 8 MP and turn 3 random Bomblet tiles into 3-turn Self Destruct CD tiles. If the CD reaches 0, deal X damage to all enemies.
BaiganLevel 2 Boss Monster
History: This monster pretended to be your friend, until Palom and Porem suspected he wasn't. Then he turned into a monster. In game, Baigan's Left Arm and Right Arm were separate enemies to be defeated. If defeated, Baigan would bring them back to life. If they weren't destroyed at the end of the battle, they self-destructed on the party. Further, Baigan himself would respond to magic by casting reflect on himself, making his weaknesses difficult to exploit.
Baigan is represented in this game with two tiles that Baigan can regenerate with AP. The Left Arm will stun party members. The Right Arm will syphon HP and MP from party members. Baigan will do simple attacks and counter magic with wall.
Elemental Affinity:-
Absorb: None
Each turn Baigan generates 2AP and 1 MP.
Baigan's Will (passive)
Consume 3AP to place a 1-turn Baigan's Will CD tile on a random
tile. When the CD reaches 0, deal X damage. If Baigan is downed, destroy all Left Arm tiles in play and deal Y damage for each and destroy all Right Arm tiles in play and deal Y damage for each.
Arming (passive)
At the start of battle, randomly place a Left Arm tile and a Right Arm tile. At the start of your turn, if there are any Left Arm tiles in play, stun a random enemy for 1-turn and if there are any Right Arm tiles in play, absorb X health and 2 MP from a random character.
Defensive Action (passive)
At the start of the turn, if there are no Right Arm tiles on the board or there are no Left arms on the board, consume 5 MP and 1AP, neutralize all Right Arm and Left Arm tiles on the board, and randomly place a Left Arm tile and a Right Arm tile. If Baigan is damaged by a spell, Baigan gains 4-turn [Reflect].
CagnazzoLevel 3 Boss Monster
History: Cagnazzo builds up water and then unleashes his nuke: Big Wave. However, the waters will recede if he is struck with his elemental weakness. And since hitting enemies with their elemental weaknesses is pretty much the bread and butter of JRPGs, people very naturally found Cagnazzo pretty easy. When he wasn't gathering water, he was casting sleep, slow, or attacking. When he got low on health, he would hide in his shell to regenerate.
In this game, I have decided to keep his nuke and vulnerability intact. Cagnazzo will unleash CD tiles that will deal hugedamage to your party, unless you hit him with lightning magic. So... I guess do that. When Cagnazzo has taken enough damage, he retreats into his shell to heal, losing his lightning elemental weakness and gaining ice weakness. He will stay in his shell until he regains enough health, so you need to hit him hard enough to do more damage than he heals.
Elemental Affinity:-
Each turn Cagnazzo generates 2AP and 2 MP.
Gathering Water (passive)
If there is no Gathering Water or Cagnazzo's Shell tiles in play, consume 3AP to randomly place a 2-turn Gathering Water
tile on a basic tile of any color. When the CD reaches 0, deal X
damage to all enemies and inflict them with 10-turn [Countdown] status. If Cagnazzo is dealt
magic damage, neutralize a Gathering Water tile.
Cagnazzo's Gambit (passive)
At the start of Cagnazzo's turn, if there is no Cagnazzo's Shell tile on the board, consume 3 MP to randomly do one of the following: (a) 1-turn CD Slowga; (b) 2-turn [Sleep] on each member of the enemy party (35% chance each); (c) deal X direct damage to the enemy.
Cagnazzo's Shell (passive)
At the start of the turn, if Cagnazzo has less than 40% of his maximum health and there is no Cagnazzo's Shell tile on the board, place a Cagnazzo's Shell tile in one of the 4 corners of the board. While a Cagnazzo's Shell tile is in play, Cagnazzo is strong against, weak against
, and has [Protect] status. At the start of the turn if Cagnazzo has greater than 75% health, neutralize all Cagnazzo's Shell tiles; otherwise, Cagnazzo regains 7% of his max health and loses 1
AP and 1 MP.
Dark ElfLevel 3 Boss Monster
History: This is where Edward the Bard really showed his value... playing music so that you could equip metal when fighting the Dark Elf. When the Dark Elf was defeated, his true form would emerge, reborn as the Dark Dragon. Both are weak against Fire and Holy attacks, so there's lots of good damage options. Both are also susceptible to silence, poison, and slow.
In this game, we are going to skip the part where the party gets nuked and Edward's music saves the day. However, we kept the part about Dark Elf transforming into the Dark Dragon. That makes this two battles in one, with no chance to respec your party between battles. Fortunately, this time, the same party that would be effective against the Dark Dragon will have been effective against the Dark Elf. However, I promise to design some battles where that won't be the case. Love you.
Elemental Affinity:-
Strong: None
Each turn Dark Elf generates 2AP and 2 MP.
Elf Magic (passive)
Consume 3AP and 1 MP to place 3 2-turn Elf Magic tiles on random
basic tiles. When the CD reaches 0, casts a level 3 Black spell of the same element as the CD tile against a random enemy. Can be slowed.
Dark Elf Attack (passive)
Each turn, deal X damage to a random enemy and steal 2AP and 1 MP.
Dark Transformation (passive)
If Dark Elf is downed or if at the start of the turn Dark Elf has less than 20% of maximum health, neutralize all Elf Magic tiles and transform Dark Elf into a Dark Dragon of the same level with full health and MP equal to the MP total Dark Elf had.
Dark Dragon
Level 4 Boss Monster
Elemental Affinity:-
Strong: None
Each turn Dark Dragon generates 3AP and 2 MP.
Dark Breath (passive)
Consume 2AP and 1 MP to place 1 1-turn Dark Breath tile on a random
basic tile. When the CD reaches 0, deal X
damage to all enemies. Can be slowed.
Dark Dragon Attack (passive)
Each turn, deal X damage to the enemy.
Dragon Status(passive)
If the Dark Dragon has at least 5 MP and receives damage greater than 5% of his current HP, consume 5 MP to heal all negative status effects and gain 2-turn [Protect] and [Shell].
The Magus SistersLevel 4 Boss Monsters
History: Sandy, Cindy, and Mindy. Until you figured out how to beat them, they were the toughest enemy in the game, because you couldn't just blindly deal damage until they were dead: there was a method to this battle. Once you figured it out, the battle was a joke. Sandy acts first and always casts reflect on Cindy. Cindy then orders Mindy to cast magic on her, which would then be reflected back on the enemy. If you killed Sandy or Mindy first, Cindy would revive them with full health. Sandy would inflict the party with status ailments when reflect was in place.
While there were many ways of easily defeating the Magus Sisters in the FF IV version, I have removed some of those tricks to make this a more interesting battle.
Elemental Affinity:-
Absorb: None
Strong: None
Neutral: All
Weak: None
Each turn Sandy generates 2AP and 1 MP.
First Step (passive)
If Cindy is in your party and is not downed and does not have [Reflect] status, Consume 1 MP and add 5-turn [Reflect] to Cindy and stun Sandy for 1-turn.
Sandy Attack (passive)
If Cindy is not in your party, is downed, or has [Reflect] status, consume 3 MP and place a 2-turn Status Attack tile on a randombasic tile. When the CD reaches 0, deal X damage and randomly inflict 2-turn [Poison], [Slow], or [Confuse] at a 75% rate.
Sandy Amazon Attack
Enraged by losing her sisters, Sandy grabs her spear and leaps high into the air, determined to cause you the same pain you caused her. At the start of the turn, if both Cindy and Mindy are in your party and are downed or either or both are not in your party, consume 4AP to gain [Airborne] status for 2-turns. Upon landing, deal X damage to the enemy with the lowest current health and Sandy gains 1-turn [Stun] status.
Level 4 Boss Monster
Elemental Affinity:-
Absorb: None
Strong: None
Neutral: All
Weak: None
Each turn Cindy generates 2AP and 1 MP.
Second Step (passive)
If Mindy is in your party and is not downed and Mindy has [Reflect] status, Consume 2 MP to stun Mindy for 1-turn and randomly place a Delta Attack tile on any basic tile on the edge of the board.
Revival (passive)
If at the start of your turn Cindy and/or Mindy are in your party and are downed, revive any downed Cindy or Mindy with 100% health.
Giving Orders (passive)
At the start of the turn, if either Cindy or Mindy are not in your party, consume 5AP to reduce the CD on all friendly Black, White, or Time CD tiles by 1 and stun Cindy for 1 turn.
Level 4 Boss Monster
Elemental Affinity:-
Absorb: None
Strong: None
Neutral: All
Weak: None
Each turn Mindy generates 2AP and 1 MP.
Third Step (passive)
If Cindy is in your party, is not downed, and there is a Delta Attack tile on the board: Consume 3 MP, destroy all Delta Attack tiles in play, and place a 0-turn CD Black tile on a randomor
basic tile. When the CD reaches 0, cast a level 3 spell of the matching element on Cindy three times. Affected by slow.
Mindy Magic (passive)
If at the start of your turn Sandy and/or Mindy are in your party and are downed, Consume 3 MP to place 3 2-turn Mindy Magic tiles on randomor
tiles. When the CD reaches 0, cast a level 3 Black spell of that same element. Affected by slow.
Berserker Mindy (passive)
If Mindy is [Berserk] at the start of her turn, randomly destroy 5 tiles dealing match damage. At the start of your turn, if both Sandy and Cindy are in the party and are downed or either are not in your party: consume 5AP to grant Mindy 10-turn [Protect]/[Shell]/[Berserk].
ValvalisLevel 4 Boss Monster
History: AKA Barbaricca. The FFIV Archfiend of Air. She held Rosa captive in the tower of Zot and was eventually defeated by Kain's jump attacks. Her tornado defense is impenetrable to physical attacks, with the exception of [Airborne] attacks.
Elemental Affinity:-
Strong: None
Weak: None
Each turn Valvalis generates 2AP and 2 MP.
Valvalis Attack (passive)
Consumes 4AP. Randomly place 3 4-turn Valavalis Attack CD tiles on random
basic tiles. When the CD reaches 0, deal X physical damage to a random enemy or Y
magic damage to all enemies if there are at least 1 Tornado Defense tile in play.
Tornado Defense (passive)
Consumes 8 MP. At the start of any turn where Valvalis has less than 50% health place a 5-turn Tornado Defense CD tile on a random basic tile. If this CD tile is destroyed, deal Xmagic damage to Valvalis and all enemies. While a Tornado Defense tile is in play, all match and physical damage dealt is reduced to 1. If Valvalis receives damage from [Airborne] damage, neutralize all Tornado Defense tiles and Tornado Counter tiles in play.
Tornado Counter (passive)
Consumes 2 MP. If there at least 1 Tornado Defense tiles in play when Valvalis is dealt magic damage, place a 2-turn Tornado Counter CD tile on a randomtile. When the CD reaches 0, deal X
magic damage to all enemies and to Valvalis.
RubicantLevel 4 Boss Monster
History: .
Elemental Affinity:-
Strong: None
Each turn Valvalis generates 2AP and 2 MP.
Rubicant Attack (passive)
Consumes 4AP. Randomly place 3 4-turn Rubicant Attack CD tiles on random
basic tiles. When the CD reaches 0, deal X physical damage to a random enemy or Y
magic damage to all enemies if there are at least 1 Hand of Rubicant tile in play.
Change Form (passive)
Consumes 6 MP. At the start of the turn, neutralize all Hand of Rubicant, Rubicant Cape, and Rubicant Beast tiles. Randomly place a random Hand of Rubicant, Rubicant Cape, or Rubicant Beast tile on a basictile.
Rubicant Counter (passive)
If there is at least 1 Hand of Rubicant tiles in play when Valvalis is dealt magic damage, deal Xmagic damage to all enemies. If there is at 1 Rubicant Cape tiles in play when Rubicant is dealt match or physical damage, deal X physical damage. If there is at least 1 Rubicant Beast tiles in play when Rubicant is dealt
damage, Rubicant gains 3-turn [Haste]/[Protect]/[Shell].
EvilWallLevel 4 Boss Monster
History: .
Elemental Affinity:-
Absorb: None
Strong: None
Weak: None
Each turn EvilWall generates 2AP and 2 MP.
Moving Wall (passive)
Consumes 2AP. If there are any EvilWall tiles on the board, they are all copied into the tile to their right and deal X damage for each tile so copied. If there are any EvilWall tiles in the far right column, neutralize all EvilWall tiles and randomly down one enemy.
Magic Wall (passive)
Consumes 1 MP. Randomly replace a basic tile in the far left column with an EvilWall tile; if EvilWall is below 35% of maximum health, place in the third column instead.
Leech (passive)
Whenever EvilWall receives damage greater than 5% of maximum health, steal 1 MP from all enemies.
White Dragon - Stuns himself, takes the entire party down to 1 HP. Slows. Gaia Rage.
Zeromus - Big Bang, Bio, Flare, and Meteo. Weak against Holy. Counters Holy element. Absorb Dark. Strong against red, green, purple, and blue.0 -
I've let this go for awhile, so added a couple more FFIV bosses. I'll try and be more diligent at completing this project.0
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