What kind of grind is this?!



  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Can I ask you and others who have "already been there" and don't want to go back, why isn't it a fun challenge now and why didn't you complain back then? It seems to me that if the game was fun then, it should be now. Honest question.
    It wasn't fun back then, but as in every game the promise was that it would get better when I had better characters myself.
    Progression, like in any other normal game.
    Well, then that's the answer. I have to say, from the earliest days of this game I've seen leveling up your characters as something that would give a one week to one month advantage before scaling and MMR caught up. For me, this game is about running to stay in the same place, but you have to chose the pace that is most fun for you.

    Anyway, I think I understand now.
    From the earliest days? For like, the first year, MMR constantly got stuck in ruts, and didn't care about your roster at all. Hell, if you climbed hard enough fast enough, it started giving you seeds again.

    And scaling wasn't a thing until the first TaT, which was a good half year in
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have to say, from the earliest days of this game I've seen leveling up your characters as something that would give a one week to one month advantage before scaling and MMR caught up.
    That would only make sense if power creep was real and constant. But it's not. Iron Fist is the only recent character that's become somewhat ubiquitous. So it's not as if getting the latest and greatest gives you any consistent advantage at all.
  • cosm0naut
    cosm0naut Posts: 34
    First time poster, just wanted to say my alliance is all in about the same place roster wise (2 star to 3 star transitioning) and we're all loving the new changes, for what it's worth. We no longer hit a wall at 200pts in the Heavy Metal event. I took 12th and was very happy with the outcome. It felt weird to not get the **** kicked out of me after 250 points.

    But that's just me
  • As someone transitioning to a 3* team, (literally any 3* at this point, I have 3 pages of covers waiting to be built up) all I can say is this so far:

    The matchmaking is only half of the problem. When I came back from a long break, I was lucky enough to get placed against people in a similar situation ( ie. mostly max 2* teams, some 3*s, a few of them maxed) and managed to get to top 10 in 3 events with lots and lots of grinding. Since then, I've been placed against nothing but 3* teams in every shard/tier/slice/time bracket I've joined since halfway through season 12. It's impossible to compete against people that routinely get 800+ points when I'm lucky to break 500. So far, Heavy Metal and Teenage Riot have been more of the same. I joined and first place already has 1200 points and everyone around me as I advance has at least one full team of 3*s. I don't expect covers to be handed out to me (I was playing before season 1 even started, where it took me a month and a bit to build 2* OBW and Thor up in the first place) but this is pretty much like throwing your head against a brick wall expecting it to break down. The covers I need to advance are out of reach because people that already have the reward I'm going for are using them to win fights.

    For Teenage Riot, so far I made it to 300 points and got the token before going up against teams that were my level and better, haven't hit the inevitable wall of 3*+ yet but I'm also nowhere near getting a reward, just breaking for the night.
  • I actually have loved almost every change that has been made to this game (barring the random nerf to my characters). However this last set has made me so mad I am contemplating giving the game up. I have been playing right around 380 days now, and spend money on the game around once a month. I understand how MMR works and most of the other systems this game uses, and have been on the wrong and right ends of all of them.

    Making the changes that were just made WITHOUT making corresponding changes to the progression rewards, at this point, is completely unacceptable.

    I grinded so hard to get the Kamela Kahn covers that I got out of the last event, planning on doing the same in Heavy Metal and the new PVE... only to find out that the game won't let me. I will only have to wait a month or two before the covers come back around, so it's all good... icon_e_sad.gif

    And then for them to make the limit of 2 to stockpile boosts change at the same time... yeah that took the cake.

    Great job up till now D3.

    Great job getting rid of one of your faithful target demo this time...
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    rowie wrote:
    wymtime wrote:

    I don't want to offend Rowie personally but my post will anyway. PVP is for people to complet for prizes. It is not for everyone to get a medal for competing. As a new player it should be really hard to compete in PVP, and you should struggle to get the lower tier prizes. Rowie has the right idea using PVP for ISO and he should see bigger teams at 200 points, Rowie is new. 300 points should b an accomplishment. New players should not get a chance to be in a seperate PVP to win the same prize as me because they are new. The reality is this. When D3 switched and made 2* drop like candy from a piñata it created a mess newer players. If ramped people up so fast to 2* land that they slammed into the 3* wall, and then when they increased the levels of the 3* it made an even bigger gap. I almost think D3 would be better off putting he MMR back where it was and going back to only giving 2* out as prizes instead of just winning a match. 100-125 three 2*, 126-150 two 2* 151-200 one 2*. Top 100 can still get a 3* cover. I will apologize to Rowie as I do not want to attack someone I don't know but D3 is trying to do so much for the new players at the expense of the vets it really frustrates me.

    Apology accepted. Although your post made me feel so unwelcomed to this community and the game for being what you call "New." It made me feel like MPQ should only be played exclusively to vets or those that have started with this game. That the same people should continue to stay at their thrones and disallowing anyone to grow. While I may sound like I'm over exaggerating your post, I don't disregard all the hard effort and money everyone has put into this game. I never said I should get a medal or a similar prize that a vet would get. I was only trying to support the suggestions that other members in this forum have made about having separate pvp where top tiers can have a playground they can play in while we new players can have a shot at getting some ISO and roster building. I could care less about 4* at this point in my journey cause they are useless until I can transition into a well established 3* roster.

    Frankly you and the vets can attack on new members of this forum and this game. In fact why don't you protest and make signs to not welcome new people into the game since the devs are hurting you at the expense of us trying and liking this game. I don't know any better since I'm new, but at least I'm trying to learn from the complaints of vets despite how some can be so unwelcoming. I came to this forum for help and it seems like this forum was meant for vets , and new people aren't welcomed. I also don't want to attack back at you since I don't know you as well but D3 needs to really examine what they are doing before both parties decides not to care anymore.
    So Rowie it has been a couple days and I have calmed down from the MMR **** I had to deal with and I wanted to tell you this. Myself and other vets I know care a ton about this game and we want to help the community as a whole. In the past when I had more time I would to on the tips and guides and get tons of tips, and as I became a seasoned vet gave a ton of tips, if it was on roster, leveling characters, how to shield hop, when to shield hop. This forum has a ton of great helpful vets. As someone who has playedc for 470+ days I have always looked at PVE as the level playing field. Levels are set by roster level normal, had, deadly is the same for all. PVP is a free for all, my the strong survive. Where ever you are in your transition I want you to get to 3* land and 4* land. The difference is I want you to knock down the door and yell "I HAVE ARRIVED". I don't want it to be easy, as it was not easy for me. I want people to fail and persevere. When you struggle in the game and fail and keep progressing when you get to the top it is an even sweeter victory.
    I personally feel the devs intentionally got rid of the 1*-2* transition and it makes transitioning to 3* really long. I ink they should make all 1* 2* at this point in time since 1* are so useless so quickly.
    I as a vet want new players to keep joining and downloading the game, and progress. I also want them to go for the transition and understand it will take months to get to 3* land but they can do it, but it will be really hard. I think if a 3* hits a 2* the 2* should not lose nearly the points. I also feel PVP at lowere point should be easier and as you score higher and start placing higher you see harder opponents. That means as a higher level player I will see lower level teams. This is not to give me free points, it is to allow players to play the game for longer. The end game of shield hopping is brutal when you get ther and is ver different from what you see early in PVP and it is really unfair to vets to have us play the end game of PVP at 100 points. You should get easier opponents when you start to help you progress and you will be easier targets for higher level players when they start.

    I hope that clarifies what I really ment. Keep playing and if you need advise, or roster help feel free to PM. I am really not negative on theses forums, your post just hit a nerve when the game was trying to kick my teeth in
  • Twombley wrote:
    Then I found MPQ and got excited about a game I could play to progress. I never complained about being hit by higher level teams, it was simply a challenge to get higher level. Now after six months I have a decent set of 3* players and the game updates to 'protect' new players. Why do devs/accountants insist on doing rubbish like this? The game was great, you should have LEFT IT WELL ALONE!!!
    Can I ask you and others who have "already been there" and don't want to go back, why isn't it a fun challenge now and why you didn't complain back then? It seems to me that if the game was fun then, it should be now. Honest question.

    Every RPG I've ever played starts you out at Lvl 1, fighting Lvl 1 Kobalds. At Lvl 100, the only thing that has changed is that you are now fighting Lvl 1 Giants who provide exactly the same threat that the Kobalds did when you first started. If the game is any good, you've unlocked new content and discovered new strategies that keep the game interesting despite its repetition. But you never make it to Lvl 100 to keep killing Lvl 1 Kobalds.

    EDIT: RPG rant

    Two problems with the RPG analogy.

    Firstly, PVP is a completely different beast from PVE. Call of Duty, the PVP king, for example, has vets earn the best perks/guns/etc. The expectation is that by playing the game you earn advantages that put you ahead of the new players, it's the sense of progression that makes games fun.

    Secondly, in an RPG you get 2 gold and a broken stick for defeating a kobold, and 10k gold and a enchanted sword of awesomeness for defeating a Giant. If you beat the giant, which is generally more difficult than the kobald, and the game said "congrats, here's your stick" you'd be pissed. That's exactly what's happened with the new PVP format.