HP Purchase failure

Anybody else having trouble with buying Hero Points? I tried to make a purchase today through Steam and I got a notification that the purchase failed. I tried again, same problem. I checked my bank account, and I've been charged for both attempts, but still don't have my Hero Points. I looked at my Steam Wallet and it says the both purchases went through, and even my "Game Purchases" shows that I bought two HP packs.

I already have a ticket for the problem, but I'm checking to see if this is just me, or if anybody else is having this problem?


  • Bumping because I still haven't heard back from CS and I'm seeing red text Devs responding to threads here and there.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Customer Support doesn't work weekends (frustrating, I know), so it's only been one business day and they probably have a backlog to get through. Hopefully you'll hear something soon.