Two or more copies of character in your roster?

Just wondering, does any of you have two or more copies of a character in your roster? I don't mean two different versions (mStorm-cStorm), but the same character with a different build. I had thought of doing this to respec my IM35, before respecing was available, but then the update came!


  • I used to have 2 copies of 2* cap and Wolvie, mainly because of extra covers and before respec was available.

    I have seen other people's rosters with fully specced duplicates....I see quite few people with two Patches, for example.

    There is definitely a benefit because you can sub out one for the other instead of wasting a heal pack, and different specs would run better with different team comps.

    That being said, it's a complete luxury, I don't have enough ISO to level the heroes I already have, let alone duplicates.

    Imagine you had an infinite amount of money, you would probably have fully leveled duplicates of all you heroes and just rotate them out for fights icon_e_smile.gif
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    My thinking is that it would cost too much ISO to level a character twice. Better to use that ISO to level a different character and give your roster more flexibility.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    My thinking is that it would cost too much ISO to level a character twice. Better to use that ISO to level a different character and give your roster more flexibility.
  • Nemesis wrote:
    Just wondering, does any of you have two or more copies of a character in your roster? I don't mean two different versions (mStorm-cStorm), but the same character with a different build. I had thought of doing this to respec my IM35, before respecing was available, but then the update came!

    I thought about doing this with 2* thor when I was flooded with thor covers, but you can buy a gazillion health packs for how much ISO it would cost you to level the second guy up.
  • I could see having duplicates of healing/support chars since they are pretty squishy. Copies of mStorm, or OBW would be very handy and the ISO investment wouldn't be too bad.

    I don't have any myself, but with as many storms as I get our of standard tokens I might consider it.
  • I got 2 spidey's but thats only because the respec didnt come soon enough for me to add the 5th blue to the first one :-/
  • I'm in the process of adding a second OBW so that I can spec her to 5-5-3.

    I figure that having two separate healers available would greatly help turnaround time on some events.
  • I have 2 max modern storms. They helped a lot with their awesome abilities during my early days of playing, and still sometimes prove helpful in PvE and PvP.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    If I ever level everyone I don't consider completely worthless up to maximum levels, then I might recruit a second copy of a character. Until then, I'd rather burn them for ISO.
  • Dormammu wrote:
    My thinking is that it would cost too much ISO to level a character twice. Better to use that ISO to level a different character and give your roster more flexibility.

    So good, you said it twice. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    allorin wrote:
    So good, you said it twice. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Some things warrant repeating. Repeating.
  • I have a second Patch at 3/5/5 but that's just because his covers were given out like candy. But since the change to 'designating' defensive teams was made he has been a permanent member of my tank team.

    I would like a 5/5/3 Punisher so I'm going to start leveling one eventually. Other than the fact that he can't be used with my 3/5/5 Punisher they are completely different characters in my mind so the extra iso spent to eventually level the second isn't a big deal to me. And 13 covers at 500 iso each is 6500 total which is not even 3 levels for a 3* nearing max so that is a justifiable cost for what in my opinion is a new character on my roster. I'm also starting another IM40 just on a whim. Not sure if I want 1 or 2 yellow covers yet.

    If I was starved for roster space this would all be pretty dumb. But since I'm not it's just me deciding to do something that may just potentially be dumb and I'm fine with that icon_e_smile.gif
  • I would never even consider doing this. I have way too many guys I want to get up to speed to play with. "All right, all right, I get it already, Hood is awesome I need to level him already". And "Really? The new Shieldbro is actually good. Sigh, I'll level him, too."
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    I would never even consider doing this. I have way too many guys I want to get up to speed to play with. "All right, all right, I get it already, Hood is awesome I need to level him already". And "Really? The new Shieldbro is actually good. Sigh, I'll level him, too."

    Eh im still on the fence about shieldbro :-/ I mean sure he can do decent damage once oyu get enough red but that is on a countdown timer icon_neutral.gif
  • MTGOFerret wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    I would never even consider doing this. I have way too many guys I want to get up to speed to play with. "All right, all right, I get it already, Hood is awesome I need to level him already". And "Really? The new Shieldbro is actually good. Sigh, I'll level him, too."

    Eh im still on the fence about shieldbro :-/ I mean sure he can do decent damage once oyu get enough red but that is on a countdown timer icon_neutral.gif

    The part that stinks is that you have to dump a hundred thousand iso into the guy before you can make an informed decision. You can read the boards all you like, but until you've played with someone yourself you never really know.
  • I've got a second Magneto MN who I'll only use for 'buffed' tournaments so I've only got him at lvl 10 on 2/5/3 at the moment but want to get him to a 5/5/3 so I can clear the board with Iron Hammer at level 5.

    My main Mag is lvl 53 on 3/5/5 and he works very well with Magnetic Flux and Polarity Shift but I just want to see how he fares with Iron Hammer maxed on my 2nd copy, and like everyone else has commented it's good for saving health packs. icon_e_smile.gif
  • I have two OBW's; a 5/5/3 for playing against another character that uses pink and a 3/5/5 for everything else. Early on way before respec I had two IM35's and two Juggernauts.
  • No matter if you have a different cover spec or just a copy of the character, there is very little benefit to having two of the exact same character that's just wasted iso and a cover slot not to mention money if your into paying for a free game
  • JusticeB wrote:
    I've got a second Magneto MN who I'll only use for 'buffed' tournaments so I've only got him at lvl 10 on 2/5/3 at the moment but want to get him to a 5/5/3 so I can clear the board with Iron Hammer at level 5.

    My main Mag is lvl 53 on 3/5/5 and he works very well with Magnetic Flux and Polarity Shift but I just want to see how he fares with Iron Hammer maxed on my 2nd copy, and like everyone else has commented it's good for saving health packs. icon_e_smile.gif

    Health packs regenerate every 36 minutes there's no need to save them
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    That seems to be a lot of isos to dump for nothing.. Rather have some health pack