Do NOT do this to the Nick Fury covers...



  • Unknown
    The only reason why IW and Wolverine are handed out as progression/top finish prizes is because they suck so they know almost nobody is going to pay 2500 HP per cover anyway so might as well be generous. Nick Fury might be a bit overrated at this point but he definitely doesn't suck. Looking at the general activity of the seasons bracket suggests people place a lot of value on his cover so getting 25000 HP out of his 10 covers is not an unreasonable proposition, which is why they shouldn't be offering him as any kind of prize unless it's for emergencies (like if TaT is ever ran again).
  • Unknown
    arktos1971 wrote:
    Boomer69 wrote:
    I don't think they should be giving away any 4* covers as alliance rewards. Either that or they need to find a way to block top alliances from continually winning all the new covers. It's not like most of the individuals in those alliances couldn't easily win them in solo events. I would rather them limit alliance rewards to HP/ISO instead of awarding a cover that is unique and you will likely be able to obtain anytime soon unless you are in the top 1% of the alliances.

    They are basically giving out 2000 Nick Fury covers as alliance rewards and giving out 81 heroic 10-packs as solo rewards. They are also only awarding the heroic 10-packs up to 50th place for the solo portion. They are awarding the Nick Fury cover to the top 100 for alliances. 50 people are going to get one or more heroic 10-packs, but 2000 or so are going to get a Nick Fury cover. Seems a bit backwards to me.

    If they wouldn't give a Nick Fury 4* cover as Alliance reward, I'm sure 80 % (if not more) of players would leave the Alliance thing or just stop playing Seasons' Events.

    The Season thing is quite lame at the moment, and Nick Fury is the only thing that motivates people to keep on playing competitively (unless you are in any X-Men Alliance icon_e_smile.gif )

    What's the use of playing those BORING PvPs (with the same featured characters) if it's not to rank in Season ?

    Besides, if the whales are important in the MPQ's economy, they have to keep them buying ISO and HP.

    I hardly could find any motivation if there wasn't a cool 4* cover to win and max over a 3 months time.

    Guys like us need to dream about what the future can be (with almighty characters in our rosters). And D3P at least understood that.

    I wish I had a dollar for every time this guy posted something to deal with the X-men. Seriously Type X[space] Men and u see arktos1971 come up more than me. ROFLMAO do it U'll laugh your A $$ off.
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    I believe the original intent of seasons was to be something extra as an overarching thing for the endless stream of PvP tournaments that are run as opposed to the "grind your heart out for a month and win a fury cover" sentiment that you think it is. I really don't get this suggestion: if fury covers were handed out very infrequently, wouldn't more people be complaining that the game is p2w as the only way you can get the fury covers within a reasonable amount of time is by purchasing them? I think you're overreacting.

    Think about this...

    Scenario One: Someone joins a competitive 20-man alliance, spending hundreds of dollars (for whatever reason, because they can, because they're willing, etc...) to secure Fury covers during the first three seasons. That person decides to spend more money to upgrade Fury to 200+ and have an advantage over other players. I do not think D3 will want to upset this core group of players as it will affect its margins greatly if these players spend a lot of money for a cover that will just be given away a few months later.

    Scenario Two: You have that person that decides to join a small alliance, plays daily, does not spend a dime on the game, works hard to get the best covers they can with their 2* and 3* line-up, but cannot get a Fury cover. Discouraged, they decide to stop playing the game or at least take a break for a while. This player will not affect the developer's margins as they do not make any money off the person. After all, D3 is a business that put our a product. Do you really think they just created this game for millions to enjoy for free? Be real. Regardless, D3 should not discount this player and will need to figure out a way to balance the game between p2w and f2p.

    Again, I am post this on the forums to solicit ideas and not to attack a particular player base. Some will agree, some will disagree, but I know that we will all agree that there will have to be a balance. I personally do not think the covers should just be given out. However to make them more accessible, maybe the covers can be a top prize at certain events and not necessarily a top alliance reward.
  • Unknown
    They could put him as the daily reward at day 365
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    The only reason why IW and Wolverine are handed out as progression/top finish prizes is because they suck so they know almost nobody is going to pay 2500 HP per cover anyway so might as well be generous. Nick Fury might be a bit overrated at this point but he definitely doesn't suck. Looking at the general activity of the seasons bracket suggests people place a lot of value on his cover so getting 25000 HP out of his 10 covers is not an unreasonable proposition, which is why they shouldn't be offering him as any kind of prize unless it's for emergencies (like if TaT is ever ran again).
    Spending hundreds of dollars....not an unreasonable proposition ....riiiiiiight
  • Unknown
    Spoit wrote:
    Honestly, I think people are overselling him, since he's the only decent 4*

    if i had to give a single sentence on him itwould be "a nice replacement for a nerfed magneto." his yellow will greatly affect how useful he is. it could easily be a horrib;e defensive move. or it could be insane and effectively an instant kill to a team. who knows. all i know is i will want to try a maxed yellow fury on jungle at some point
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    The only reason why IW and Wolverine are handed out as progression/top finish prizes is because they suck so they know almost nobody is going to pay 2500 HP per cover anyway so might as well be generous. Nick Fury might be a bit overrated at this point but he definitely doesn't suck. Looking at the general activity of the seasons bracket suggests people place a lot of value on his cover so getting 25000 HP out of his 10 covers is not an unreasonable proposition, which is why they shouldn't be offering him as any kind of prize unless it's for emergencies (like if TaT is ever ran again).

    But if you want to spend 25000HPs in him you need to win first some of his covers! So if D3 wants to make money from him, they have to make him available enough so people can win some covers to buy the others. I think a lot of people would spend some money to have him maxed in the first weeks after he is available.

    First of all, Fury's covers should not be Alliance only. This is very unfair to players in general, and it only helps to get stronger players even more stronger.

    Then, to max any 4* you have to win 13 PvP/PvE events!!! This is quite a lot, and you need a ton of iso to max him, so I don't know why you have to make it even more difficult. I know there is people who has a lot of iso and HP saved, but they are not representative of the majority of players and this group of people will have a maxed Fury by the end of season 3 no matter what, so if Fury is specially difficult to win they will have an advantage.

    And they need to buff XForce Wolvie before Season 3 ends. Having just one 4* viable is hilarious. I have a 5/5/3 Xforce wolvie and I have not put a single iso into him.
  • Unknown
    nazerith wrote:

    I wish I had a dollar for every time this guy posted something to deal with the X-men. Seriously Type X[space] Men and u see arktos1971 come up more than me. ROFLMAO do it U'll laugh your A $$ off.

    I wish I had a $ each time you post nonsense on this forum. That would finance my Nick Fury.

    Apparently, on this forum, that's all you care about : that we talk about you. The thing is, it's not to praize your participation in the game.

    Fortunately you'll burn out sometimes and clean the game from your excesses.
  • Unknown
    I don't think people would mind if once they have paid for the extra Fury covers they were given out to other players.

    They have gained competitive advantage with cash, so they are ahead of players who will have to struggle to get them.

    I don't want to go for the stress of placing #1 on a PvP. I did it once, and would only do that again only if I had to, to get an exclusive contents. So I prefer to pay upfront.

    But in the end, considering the amount of HP you have to use to go to #1, it's close to 2500 HP...
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    arktos1971 wrote:
    But in the end, considering the amount of HP you have to use to go to #1, it's close to 2500 HP...
    Most of my 1st place finishes have cost me 300HP for a 24 hour shield, including the last tourney of season 2.

    This might be higher if Fury is the first place prize, but no way it'll be about 2500 HP.
  • Unknown
    Well the fact is, the game has been pay to win for a while now. You can play for nothing and do quite well but in all reality you need the people who will pay money for anything without thinking what they're actually buying to support the game the rest of us play for free or close to. If those few who buy every cover and max every character the second they come out disappear, D3 will have less resources at their disposal to give us anything and the game will dry up. What most people don't realize is that the real P2W element is shields, not buying covers. Over the last 6 months you see more people with 'mediocre' rosters doing well because the way the pvp system allows someone to attack real fast, reshield, wait, repeat.

    Back to Nick Fury covers, I think their approach will in fact be to show him off as season awards then rotate him into the pvp and pve awards both as #1 and 1300. They can't introduce a character that breaks the game outright. . . well ok they can but they've shown they'd rather neuter characters after we buy and level them rather than before. He seems OP of course and he should be to some degree as a hard to get 4* but having such a OP character in the echosystem isn't so bad until he has that instant win - 10k to the entire other team in like 3 turns . . .
  • Unknown
    LoreNYC wrote:
    Well the fact is, the game has been pay to win for a while now. You can play for nothing and do quite well but in all reality you need the people who will pay money for anything without thinking what they're actually buying to support the game the rest of us play for free or close to. If those few who buy every cover and max every character the second they come out disappear, D3 will have less resources at their disposal to give us anything and the game will dry up. What most people don't realize is that the real P2W element is shields, not buying covers. Over the last 6 months you see more people with 'mediocre' rosters doing well because the way the pvp system allows someone to attack real fast, reshield, wait, repeat.

    Back to Nick Fury covers, I think their approach will in fact be to show him off as season awards then rotate him into the pvp and pve awards both as #1 and 1300. They can't introduce a character that breaks the game outright. . . well ok they can but they've shown they'd rather neuter characters after we buy and level them rather than before. He seems OP of course and he should be to some degree as a hard to get 4* but having such a OP character in the echosystem isn't so bad until he has that instant win - 10k to the entire other team in like 3 turns . . .

    Fortunately, match green with pheromones into world rupture is at least five turns, so Sentry has slipped your net.
  • Unknown
    Moon 17 wrote:
    LoreNYC wrote:
    Well the fact is, the game has been pay to win for a while now. You can play for nothing and do quite well but in all reality you need the people who will pay money for anything without thinking what they're actually buying to support the game the rest of us play for free or close to. If those few who buy every cover and max every character the second they come out disappear, D3 will have less resources at their disposal to give us anything and the game will dry up. What most people don't realize is that the real P2W element is shields, not buying covers. Over the last 6 months you see more people with 'mediocre' rosters doing well because the way the pvp system allows someone to attack real fast, reshield, wait, repeat.

    Back to Nick Fury covers, I think their approach will in fact be to show him off as season awards then rotate him into the pvp and pve awards both as #1 and 1300. They can't introduce a character that breaks the game outright. . . well ok they can but they've shown they'd rather neuter characters after we buy and level them rather than before. He seems OP of course and he should be to some degree as a hard to get 4* but having such a OP character in the echosystem isn't so bad until he has that instant win - 10k to the entire other team in like 3 turns . . .

    Fortunately, match green with pheromones into world rupture is at least five turns, so Sentry has slipped your net.

    Ohh great idea! didn't even think of that! . . .
  • Unknown
    Given that the "exclusiveness of Fury will cease, as many have stated at the end of Season 3 - 3 cover colors given out, and the "whales" will have him maxed, means nothing. He will enter into the world of regular rotation. 1 in every 3 or 5 PvP events? He may even make his way into tokens.

    But, with season 4, do not be surprised to see the release of the "next 4* " cover. What, really? Absolutely. Why? Because, the bait will be set and the "whales" will have a new fish to catch. So, another new 4* will be introduced into the game. Same game, 3 seasons, 3 cover colors.

    All Nick Fury did was give the Devs 3'ish months to come up with the next 4* cover. Professor X? Phoenix? Galactus?
  • Unknown
    Tonzil wrote:
    Why? Because, the bait will be set and the "whales" will have a new fish to catch.


    They eat plancton ! icon_evil.gif
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    arktos1971 wrote:
    Tonzil wrote:
    Why? Because, the bait will be set and the "whales" will have a new fish to catch.


    They eat plancton ! icon_evil.gif
    Some do. Some eat krill (shrimp) too.