Lost Capt American Card award when server crashed

I really love the game, it's fantastic! I did just suffer from an issue where right after being awarded a 2 star Captain America for being in the top 50 one star rankings my game started to suddenly lose connection several times in a row and when I was able to get back on my Captain America was not in my inventory. icon_e_sad.gif. Can you look into this please? Otherwise, great job! Awesome game!


  • Same issue for me. The game crashed when I hit claim. I got no reward. Please fix. I sent an eemail using the feedback button.
  • I got the same thing. Also sent feedback. Frustrating when you spent all that time. I hope they will address it. Last time I sent feedback to ask a question but never got a response. Great game though.
  • Hello my ID:TH_Gio in game I'm don't got reword I'm got top 10 in tounament. icon_cry.gif
  • Same here and I finished second :/
  • I lost my captain America card due to server error while accepting the reward. I posted a screenshot on Facebook page.
  • This happened to me as well, also sent feedback. I managed to snag a screencap on my ipad of the Claim Reward screen just in case.
  • Happened to me, too. Also sent feedback. I spent 6 hours on the game yesterday trying to place....
  • For the one star weekend tournament I spent money to heal/restore heroes and placed in the top ten with the understanding that I would receive the capt America reward. I received NO reward whatsoever. PLEASE RECTIFY THIS ISSUE IMMEDIATELY. I have already sent a message before this and have not received a response. My username is Deadpool.
  • Has anyone with the problem gotten their reward fixed?
  • I've heard nothing, and besides this post I submitted feedback explaining what happened. icon_neutral.gif
  • The same thing happened to me. It said said I received it but the card never appeared.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    To anyone else with this issue: Please tap the Feedback button in the game or contact mobilesupport@d3p.us with your PVP name and your exact issue (should have gotten X, received Y/nothing). We're looking into the issue player by player, but there doesn't appear to be a rhyme or reason as to why the majority of users received their rewards and others didn't.

    That being said, be fair in the report. We're manually looking into all of them, so it's not going to do you much good to claim you should have gotten all three Captain Americas when you ranked 199/200. icon_e_smile.gif
  • I got my reward resent and it's all good now. Just send feedback to support icon_e_smile.gif
  • I send feedback to support but I don't get my reword icon_cry.gif give me pls.
  • Sent my third feedback message, emailed support, received no response. I placed at least 4th in my bracket and laid down actual money to revive my heroes. I'd really like the issue to be addressed. At the very least acknowledged.
  • Still no response or award given... Played that game way too long to not receive anything
  • Send a mail to mobilesupport@d3p.us explaining your specific case. They'll fix it.
  • I also didn't receive my rewards, although I sent them an email amd I'm sure they'll fix it eventually.I wasn't able to access the game during the last 10 mins, amd ranked somewhere between 35 and 50
  • I just received an Iron Man cover despite placing 4th at the end of the tournament. Um, no.
  • Spidey311 wrote:
    I just received an Iron Man cover despite placing 4th at the end of the tournament. Um, no.

    Playing devil's advocate here but how do you know what place you got?