Bah, humbug!
Absolutely spot on, Thankyou Opper and all the other representatives on this letter, hope you have better luck dealing with WC then i have,
due to wc being greedy and not having any benefits for people with more complete collections like myself, removing gold rune rewards which are one of the only beneficial rewards hurt, plus once you have a complete collection there's no benefit to paying for VIP, this I've bought up with WC many of times and got the same rubbish response which led to me canning VIP and stop spending on the game, an opposite effect of what they're trying to do.4 -
I found this game when I opened my first pack of Hour of Devastation. As a player with meaningful connection with Magic the Gathering in all dynamics, I enjoy seeing the concept of the game tested and shaped into new ideas. Many players are concerned about currency and rewards, and I agree with them. But my main problem is technical issues that are easily resolved. I implore you, when making changes to the game, have a group of people who will run through events and cards that might possibly have issues. Hire people that can effectively fix and maintain code, because a game with tens of thousands of interactions has at least that many more chances to go awry. I enjoy this game, as does everyone who is here. We want to support you, but only as much as you.
4 -
Hopefully these responses truly show the core of what keeps MTG:PQ as its own little world in mobile gaming.
This COMMUNITY is its own little world.
We love it here.
Please hear the criticisms and know they are from a microcosm of players who thrive on not “GIMME ALL THE BEST AND NOW!” (Though probably only Scyther would complain if that happened.)
We’re here to find how to make the jank we have can work while we chase Omniscience or whatever the grail is. As a veteran who has almost all the cards and is better at card mastery thanks to the Community, I still loved the game and was cheering on new ideas and decks from newbies.
Please listen and let us know the plan.
We’d love to keep supporting and cheering you on too!6 -
What GoZ said !!!!
2 -
Opperstamper said it well too, but its a little too nice for my taste:) and too reasonable, hehe
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Thank you Opper and co for a great post.
The current game economy gives new players no chance of ever catching up to veteran players.
Even with pouring cash into the game, competing legacy collections is not feasible.
Taking away resources in any way can only drive new players away. The lack of the usual December discounts was very disappointing.
Mythic and MP drop rates for legacy collections should be much higher. These sets are less valuable as soon as they leave standard. There is no point having them in store unless there is some incentive to invest in them.
There needs to be mechanisms in place to narrow the gap between established and new players.
The BFTA mythic drop rate of 0.08% is a total joke. You would need to play that event 1250 times at 100 crystals a piece to get a mythic. That’s a total joke!2 -
@CMatador137 said:
I have been sadly disappointed by the story mode over the last year as well as the Origins PWs. They really should get all 5 as a start at this point. None of them are worth the crystals long term, but you almost have to grind them to save up for the better Walkers.It would be neat to introduce a story mode that rewards each of the Origins PW as players progress through the story, rather than making them purchase the Origins PW. There are many events new players are excluded from until they earn enough currency to purchase the OG PW, and with all the New PW, the OG are less enticing, but for the price.
MOBAs engage players easily by front loading heroes through the story as players build their headquarters/ castle / whatever. By the time the player realizes they're not really all that into the game, they're already flush with resources that make them want to push just a little further to get that 5-star hero or T-4 troops to see if they might like playing a little more with those boosts. I can't stand MOBAs, and yet I find myself playing them because of the cascade of rewards in those first levels.
4 -
I want to add my voice to others here, and say I fully agree.
As a relatively new (I started back in September last year) player, but active player, I do see some of the recent changes as negatively impacting my experience.
Login rewards - there's not much left to say, really. I'm not sure why I'm being actively punished by playing daily and getting less rewards and resources. I'm pretty sure everyone can agree with it. And if players' activity is an issue here, why not find different road to (re)activate players? Adding some rare cards or special booster further down the line, adding bonus rewards for participating (or completing) X events during the week or something simialar, to get people hooked and convince playing the game. Cutting the rewards because people are not logging in, seems to only underline the problem - they're not active, and now they have even less reason to be active.
As for other things I'm slowly starting to struggle with, and I'm sure I'm not the only one:
1. As a non-F2P player, I managed to built decent collection of cards pretty fast. Sadly, it led to a situation when I have little to no reason to spend crystals on boosters, as majority of time all I get from them (even from Premium packs) are waves of duplicated common and uncommon cards. Quite often even dupes of rare cards, despite not having big part of rares in some collections. From monetization perspective, it means I also stopped buying crystals, because there's little reason for me to do so. Some kind of "mercy" system, that would increase chance to get a non-duplicated card, could be helpful, and eventually (at least in my case) might be reason for me to also start building legacy decks.
2. Consider adding requirements/restrictions to Trials of the Planes event and/or update it to standard - below platinum level its entry fee and reward structure is horrible. And on top of that, event itself is stacked against the player, a problem that is further amplified by facing same few looping decks, that have a very high chance to obliterate you. For any new player trying to join this event, experience must be really... lacking.
3. Consider adding option to complete planewalkers' specific decks more easily, or at all possible. I have some walkers (Nissa of the Shadowed Bough would be one example) for which it's impossible to complete their decks. So I stopped caring about those at all. This could be done both via events or shop specific purchases.
4. From what I've heard and read on different discord channels - with time, VIP package value is degrading. So adding some options that would make it a more universal system would be welcome - bonus to event rewards, maybe option to pick specific boosters instead of general legacy/standard ones, picking full art cards, something to spice up your profile or cards, other cosmetic options. Sure, it's not something for everybody, but definitely part of playerbase would be happy to use those.
5. Communicate with us. When addressing login rewards issue, you mentioned there's something coming for veteran/more active players. What exactly? Tell us. Communicate with us, please.Don't get me wrong - I do like the game, and truly appreciate effort you're putting into the game to make it work and as good as possible. I do enjoy it, and want to enjoy it for a long time - make it... easier? for me and other players.
6 -
I just want to say that I've just returned to the game after a 5 year break so I obviously missed a lot of stuff that happened, but I can see that Opper is cooking something here and Webcore should like maybe react or something I personally love when a game company directly answers someone's questions, and I remember back then this was my favourite game, but it looks like it's not going in the right direction which is sad.
3 -
GREAT and ARTICULATE post, Opper!
With that post, I think it's clear that many still love this game enough to care. But Webcore, you are making it hard for us to stay that way.
Like Goz mentioned before, "YOU SUCK!" is not the message here because Webcore, you certainly are not, at least in technical matters you have shown competency. For me, my issue lies in your PRIORITY, LOGIC, and COMMUNICATION.
Based from your actions and decision you made, its clear that majority of PLAYERS ARE NOT YOUR PRIORITY, changes you made are ILLOGICAL thus create discrepancy to your statement, and your COMMUNICATION has issue for either being manipulative, misleading, or non-existent.
I would not coach lines on how or what you should communicate with your player base. Instead I'll end it with this.
PS: Give some love to Origin 5 Monocolor PWs, its about time they got upgrades so that New Players have better edge in competing. Raise their mana bonuses to +3 +9 +3 instead of +1 +3 +1, or give them passive abilities thats effective for newbie to chase objectives in PMA/PM2 and coalition event.
3 -
Such a articulate post that echoed the sentiments. It's rational for business to refer to the practices of other successful gaming companies, such as LOL(League of Legends). As long as players are willing to spend time in the game, all purchasable power-ups (such as heroes and runes, or Planeswalkers and cards in MTGPQ) can be unlocked for free within the game. Even without spending a single penny, you can become one of the top players in the world—the key to victory lies in improving your skills, not spending money. The company's revenue, in turn, comes from "in-game purchases that bring joy to players." These purchases should be ones that players won't regret even months later, similar to the cosmetic skins mentioned by Goz. In a game mode where most cards will inevitably face rotation, gaming companies should establish a relatively player-friendly system. This would allow new players to catch up with veteran players without spending a significant amount of money, encouraging them to stay in the game's world and enjoy the experience crafted by the company.
5 -
I also agree with the original post and would also highlight the comments from Goz. For a business perspective the actions aren't going to drive profits.
I just got my wife into this game and was shocked how bad the new player experience is. I really didn't remember it being such a struggle to get gold for new cards and planeswalkers. I hyped up the Christmas sale for her as a big opportunity that the player base typically saves for and the lack of meaningful discounts was very disappointing.
Likewise the new "deals" that we saw in the shop were massively overpriced for mediocre cards/packs. The deals should have been low cost quick infusions to lure players in. There are a ton of legacy and standard powerful cards that could have been sold with a pack or two at the $10 mark for large profits. Or colored bundles of three useful cards and a few packs at the $20 mark. We've seen similar offers, that could really be built on to entice players. The fact that someone thought a $90 bundle of random full-dupe packs was a good idea really shows how badly the devs are out of touch with the game.
Please take this feedback seriously. We do not want the game to die, we don't want new players to quit, we want you guys to make money. Please communicate and engage with us to make this game better!
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Thank you Opper and other game leaders and players who have contributed their time, thoughts, ideas and efforts into this message to WC. I truly hope this outcry doesn’t fall on deaf ears as it has for me through my personal interactions with customer support. WC, for the sake of your own success and the future of this game, please take this community letter under your consideration and don’t file it under “just another &@$& player complaint.” Those who signed this letter represent some of the best community in any game and work really hard to drive the game behind the scenes, while it feels to many of us you continue to push it towards oblivion.
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@Magic:PQ Support Team
You're seeing the player base come together to express their sentiments on the direction Webcore is taking the game onder Fernando Chamis leadership.I fully support Opperstamper's post.
For me as a veteran F2P player, it boils down to:
1) open channel communication between all stakeholder. Make the direction a collaborative one, so all stakeholders can trust and support the execution.
2) Make the game fun for everyone, old and new players. Free2Play or Pay2Play.
3) Make it profitable for everyone, whilst keeping it fun.Obfuscation of business strategy and operations is sometimes necessary in a corporate environment from a competitive standpoint, but it doesn't apply here. You're not winning (or losing) anything by being vague and obtuse in the goals and operational direction.
Strive to be -and do- better.
8 -
As someone say a little upper, do test your game on your side, especially coalition évents! Ain't not normal the game runs fine all weak and then suddenly during coalition évent there are lots of bugs/soft lock...
I know you are aware of that and may have an Idea about it.
I know you give rewards to the people affected by those bugs
BUT we don't want rewards, we want to play together, to make efforts together! If we earn rewards thought good work, it's totally différent from ''cool i got a bug i'll get the rewards''. In my coalition we lost several players because they are long playing ones, and are nearly only interested in coalition évent, and they can't play it because of bugs! Why to stay if the only thing you are here for can't even be done??Maybe you could put a ''loop timer'' for soft locks too? (If nor Greg nor the player swap anything for like 5min, the anti loop system enables as it actually does, and maybe something good happen?
Or put a button in the menu that allows to be back at the beginning of the turn, or ''ask for a debug''..A VERY good thing to do would be the possibilité to RESUME a game! Soft lock? I quit then resume and possibly i can play again without the loss!
My phone (or your app) crash? No problem, i won't throw it thought the windows because i know i can resume the match!
Blood bowl 3 had the same ''problem'' when it comes out, and insta lost a lot of people who prefered to wait till it would be fixes.3 -
Well said. Thank you Opper and other representatives.
The devs should do better in keeping the new players engaged. I want back the times when the brackets were flipping. ;-)
More free stuff at the beginning of player's career would be the way to go. There is no reason not to give each new player all Origins PWs for free (and give the PWs also some upgrade). And give them each month a guaranteed Mythic from Origins for free. The length of this period is up for debate. And add one Mythic card from the latest set as well as gift when the period ends. It's not going to break bank, dear devs.
There should be also an expansion of the Story Mode.
And probably more things should be done. There are good ideas posted in this thread.
You need to give first to get something back later. Most of the people will value you back if you value them first.
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Thank you for all the support everyone! This shows very clear how much we all care about MtG:PQ, and how everyone wants to see it grow.
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Thanks Oppie for the post. It is really well articulated and it reflects my thoughts better than I could have with my English skills. Being a mostly f2p player, I mostly contribute to the economy of the game by bringing new players and watching adds. I wouldn't mind having the opportunity to watch more as long as it remains optional. I rely mostly on the resources you give away, try to get as many from the events, but it's an unstable equilibrium. If you start giving less, I won't be able to keep up. Does it mean that I would spend money on the game? I don't think so, usually when a game tries to lure me into spending 💰, I usually just stop playing it altogether. Then regarding new players, all my friends told me that it was way to hard to start this game. Too few resources, to much mechanisms to catch up with. I think you should offer the five origin walkers and the whole Origin set to all players, as soon as they create an account or really soon afterwards. Give them stuff to play with, they'll want some more and will contribute to the game happily.
I hope our voices will be heard, and thanks again @Opperstamper for this amazing work.
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Thank you @Opperstamper for posting the opinion of everyone
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Hello everyone,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts in such a constructive and respectful way.
The team is actively aware of the feedback shared here and in similar threads. Please know that your input is valued and carefully considered. Many of the suggestions reflect ongoing internal discussions and are at various stages of progress
At the moment, we don’t have specific updates to provide on the features in progress, but as soon as there’s news to share, we’ll make sure the entire community is informed.
We deeply appreciate your patience, understanding, and continued trust in our commitment to improving the game for everyone.
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