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  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2024

    Appreciate you taking the time to listen to the concerns @Magic:PQ Support Team ,(Lu) ...

    1. The pack order thing... was one of those. "Who asked for this" kind of things for me...

    I PERSONALLY like knowing right away if i was getting a new card from a pack, and then knowing that all cards were dupes after that... but honestly, it's not that big a deal either way.

    1. For the packs/runes I mean, I don't know anyone that is a daily player that is happy about losing resources... I like nice things... lol , but the biggest risk to me is the new player missing out on all those valuable goodies, ESPECIALLY when they're showing such dedication to the game by taking time out of their lives to log in and hang for a bit... In fact, i argue, a 30 day prize should be added to incentivize MORE logging in and engaging, vs. this which feels like you're trying to discourage, your biggest fans from "popping in" .

    As a business person, I just can't see a positive from discouraging engagement, like... at all. Makes no sense to me (economically at least)

    3. How do the other players feel? It's pretty unanimous, not one person is in favor of losing resources, but many are excited to get the newer packs earlier in their log in attempts. That's just nice. So move those up earlier in the rotation? Problem solved, right? :tongue:

    4. Noob impact... As I said above... Less resources just discourages people from playing now and/or later.

    Again, create reasons for people to log in MORE, not less.

    Those are my cliff notes....

    I'm sure you'll get LOTS of GREAT suggestions on "What else could have been done" instead of this, many of which are amazing ideas, but only you. (WC) knows what the reality of implementing these changes are.

    That said... Again... LOTS OF AWESOME Things you've all done over the last year... but the man hours dedicated to things "not really wanted" by the player base (IE All the things @Janosik listed above)

    Just feel like that was time that could have been better spent on things we (as DIE hard fans of the game for YEARS) have been begging your predecessors for...


    • Massive changes to the new player experience,
    • Resource exchange opportunities,
    • New event/rewards structures,
    • Smaller Event groupings,
    • Better card/walker search functions (THANK YOU FOR THE Passive now showing up everywhere!) ..
    • More QOL stuff like listed here on Janosik's great post...
    • As you know , we have a full thread in my server on discord as well, dedicated to Webcore Suggestions.... Tons of INCREDIBLE ideas... worth a scroll or 2.

    My point...

    The players are ALL too eager to offer GREAT Ideas... Ideas we are HAPPY to pay for with our attention and continued patronage.

    The best thing ANY business can ask for, is a buyers list that is LITERALLY telling you what we want to buy. lol (That's a pretty hot market, even as small as we are, many of us are THRILLED to throw money to support this.)

    I mean, even as a sponsored content creator, I STILL invest in VIP each new set to get the cards faster, and most importantly, to support the game.


    I'm sure this is more than you were expecting, but man...

    I'm a business guy... and the ONE thing you want in business is a rabid audience.

    You guys have that, and we've been starved for great game dev the ENTIRE time we've played this game, and you guys are KILLING it, doing an amazing job, but you DON'T have to guess what we want.

    We're MORE than happy to tell you , OVERWHELMINGLY what the game needs, because we're out here in these streets doing our best to find and attract new players, and once we have them, we go OUT of our way to nurture, support and help them grow into other rabid consumers...

    We don't get paid for this... i mean, (i think it's clear) many of us have VERY different views on how the game should be developed...

    But one thing I'm pretty sure we can all agree on, is there are MUCH better ways to grow this player base.. than taking away one of the easiest ways to get great rewards from new and veteran players alike.


    Rant over.

    Thanks again, Lu... I appreciate you and everything the team is doing to keep this junkie in cards. lol

    I remain...


  • Jua1979
    Jua1979 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

    @Magic:PQ Support Team said:
    Hey, folks!

    On the daily login changes (which became the main topic of this thread, in the end), we understand your frustration and disagreement. We're currently discussing how to better announce changes and their reasonings, especially those that can be bad in some way, or 'less' or 'no'. Until we can come forward with more to say, I'd like to ask you to keep discussing, keep arguing about what and how exactly it does affect you and what is good and what is bad in it, like you have done in some posts above.

    • Is it good changing the pack order?
    • What affected you the most, the Runes or Crystals or the overall way it was announced?
    • What did your coalition members say about it?
    • How do you think it affects newer players?

    Some other threads are currently discussing the very same thing and we'll keep an eye on them. For the time being, thank you for expressing your thoughts.

    Not gaslighting your player base when they mention issues would be a great start. Second, maybe get the feel from the player base about major changes before implementing them. Lastly, taking the little reward people get from the game away does not help unless you improve the rewards. If you ended monthly rewards with 50 to 100 pinks I guarantee you more people will grab them. But removing current rewards is especially punishing to new players. The reward system is how I grew my profile to where it is today.

  • Jua1979
    Jua1979 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

    The fact that I'm posting here shows I care about this game. BUT, if things don't change or improve, good luck to you, because the next time I leave this game, I will not come back.

  • camo
    camo Posts: 52 Match Maker

    @Magic:PQ Support Team said:
    Hey, folks!

    On the daily login changes (which became the main topic of this thread, in the end), we understand your frustration and disagreement. We're currently discussing how to better announce changes and their reasonings, especially those that can be bad in some way, or 'less' or 'no'. Until we can come forward with more to say, I'd like to ask you to keep discussing, keep arguing about what and how exactly it does affect you and what is good and what is bad in it, like you have done in some posts above.

    • Is it good changing the pack order?
    • What affected you the most, the Runes or Crystals or the overall way it was announced?
    • What did your coalition members say about it?
    • How do you think it affects newer players?

    Some other threads are currently discussing the very same thing and we'll keep an eye on them. For the time being, thank you for expressing your thoughts.

    Glad to see there's finally an official response, although the timing right after discussion on reduction of the game rating is interesting... Faster response next time are more appreciated instead of letting it brew into worse. Or better, prevent such thing happened by putting yourself first in player's position, new and veterans, before making decision nor deliveries that might spark discontent and negative perception.

    • How to announce changes and the reasoning?
      No gaslighting thats first. Your player base are in wide spectrum, thats include adults that probably has many years of experience in managing business, marketing, customer services, etc, and considering the level of tactical element of this game, one can assume the necessity of certain cerebral level. Take that into consideration before crafting your words.

    Second, as mentioned above, put yourself in your player's position, the new, the vets, the elites, the free2players, understand their needs, wants, tolerance. If you unsure, ask and engage with us. We might surprises you with idea that your team never thought of.

    • Is it good changing the pack order?
      Change the order by prioritizing new one first are non-priority changes thats good. But reducing number of pack are big no.

    • What affected you the most, the Runes or Crystals or the overall way it was announced?
      Are you happy getting permanent pay cut and bonus reduced in your line of work? Ask yourself that first.

    Since I think no one happy to lose their incentives, doesnt matter if its runes, crystals, packs, anything. All of those are important depend on where are you within the game. Therefore its counterproductive to cut incentives that might lead to your player enjoy playing more often. Would be better if you increase quality of daily incentives as day progress toward end of the month, encourage your player to keep login, build loyalty against potential rival activities, create habit against their busy schedule.

    • What did your coalition members say about it?
      Ask your coworkers, bosses, business partners, and stakeholders, if any of them happy getting permanent revenue cut and bonus reduced in their line of work, okay?

    • How do you think it affects newer players?
      Only part of getting new set first that probably good for newer players

  • Jua1979
    Jua1979 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    edited December 2024

    @camo said:
    Back on topic of daily login reward reduction.
    Yep, less rewards, not good for the players.

    If they going forward with this QoL Improvement and reduce login rewards, I guess they really dont care if players especially frequent one would change their rating of this game in Playstore etc.

    Maybe they simply implying that veteran player retention and gaining new player are not their concern, their concern lies somewhere else. :|

    I can promise you this, this veteran player, level 547, is ready to say goodbye to the game. Just waiting for that final push to say bye bye!

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 693 Critical Contributor

    @Jua1979 said:
    I remember a time they used to do surveys or discuss changes with the community.

    Too busy 'briefly' talking to the content creators, which they do, let's not forget, every day according to one of them.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    edited December 2024

    @Magic:PQ Support Team it is really very simple; if you want us to say nice things about your management of the game then you will need to give us more stuff, not less.

    Like many adults who play this game, I have a monthly budget for “fun & games.” If you would like me to spend it on this game then I need to feel reasonably confident that you won’t eff over the player base at every conceivable opportunity.

    But, I’ll throw you a bone and remind you of some previous changes where I have thanked you:

    • Giving us all charges for events up-front so that we can make playing the game work with our schedules.
    • Using the inbox in the game to relay information about bugs in a timely manner.
    • Reducing the size of player pools in some events to mitigate the problem of hundreds of players tied for first place.
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2024

    I wonder if Oktagon was an even worse developer than I thought.

    We have had situations in MTGPQ over the years, where the free stuff was simply too generous (for the players) where it was simply not sustainable for the longevity of the game. As an example, there was the time where the daily events gave so many prizes that completing a set was simply free.

    What if Oktagon have accustomed the players to an unsustainable expectation of what we are supposed to get for free? I don’t know, but it definitely seems possible to me. I mean, there must have been a reason why Oktagon sold the game to 505.
    Of course, it could also be that MTGPQ is a golden goose that 505 wants to milk, but somehow I doubt it. Especially with the dwindling number of event brackets, I have seen some claiming (coalition events in particular).

    If MTGPQ needs to generate more revenue in order to be sustainable (and that is the reason for the changes we are seeing), would WebCore be able to acknowledge that publicly? If they did, it sure would be a first time experience (for me) that a company chose to do that.

    How would I behave if I was told that an app was failing due to poor cash flow? I’m pretty sure that I would spend less, not more. So I don’t expect WebCore to make such an announcement any time soon. Nor would I expect a questionnaire that would ask me for my opinion on how to increase revenue.

    I didn’t think that the game was too generous a few days ago. However, after this thought occurred to me, I’m a lot less sure about that now (being too generous).

    To sum it up, I think that the changes suck, but my main hope is that MTGPQ continues so I’d be willing to make some sacrifices in order for the game to keep existing. And I think that the main goal should be to attract new players and make them continue to play this fantastic game!

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 237 Tile Toppler

    Happy Christmas! I’m sorry that the company is in such dire financial circumstances that you could only offer us 20% off during the annual PW sale instead of the usual 1/3 off.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 693 Critical Contributor

    Are you doing all the mean things to rebalance the economy first before you do any of the nice things O︵O

    Not very Christmassy!

  • Scrounger
    Scrounger Posts: 75 Match Maker

    @Sarah said:

    @Jua1979 said:

    Have you guys ever considered ASKING you community about massive changes before making them?

    The only players they regularly communicate with are the featured content creators. With all of the freebies they get, I doubt they thought losing daily logins was very important.

    @Sarahschmara, this accusation -- namely, that the content creators don't think losing daily login rewards is important because of all the "freebies" they get -- is a serious accusation. You are accusing the content creators of (1) being biased against the player base because WC occasionally gives them cards and PW to review, and (2) censoring critical opinions in any dialogue they have with WC because WC occasionally gives them stuff. At root, you are accusing them of self-dealing and selling out the rest of the player base. Serious accusations like this require significant evidence. And yet you provide none.

    This is irresponsible, reckless, and wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    I realize this criticism and the way I am phrasing it is strong. But it's warranted. I wouldn't dream of cavalierly throwing out such a serious accusation without providing any evidence.

    Moreover, not only have you not provided any evidence -- again, your burden, because it's your accusation -- I'm not aware of any evidence actually existing. The content creators whose work I am familiar with -- Gozmaster, Nalthazar, Nerdthuggery, and Mainloop -- have criticized decisions made by the developers. These are people who take time out of their days to make content that is excellent and rightly much beloved in the community in support of a game that, with all its warts, is truly a great game. The rewards they have received from the developers are a pittance compared to the time they have invested. I mean seriously, can you imagine how much time they have put in to making the content they make. Then compare that to the "freebies" they have recieved. They are making far, far less than even the inadequate and offensive minimum wage in the US. It's obvious they do what they do because they love the game. For you to then accuse them of self-dealing and selling out the player base without a lick of evidence is so irresponsible and reckless.

    I realize that my post will likely only further serve to derail this thread from a useful topic of conversation. But I'm not going to sit idly by while someone hurls baseless accusations against a group of people who have done so much good work for this player community. Again, shame on you.

    I'll end with an olive branch and a path forward.

    @Sarahschmara I don't know you. But you are a fixture of this community, and I've read many thoughtful posts of yours in various places. You are undoubtedly a valuable member of this community. I imagine you never would have made such an accusation without providing any evidence if you had to do so face to face with the content creators. One of my least favorite things about online discourse is how it encourages people to say things that they wouldn't dream of saying in person.

    Though my post is strongly worded, I want to make it clear that I am criticizing what you've done in the post I've taken umbrage over, not who you are. We all make mistakes -- me included. I hope that you apologize, and I hope that you have a Happy Holidays.

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 237 Tile Toppler

    @Scrounger I appreciate the time you took to write all of this but wonder if some of your ire is misplaced; is there something else you are upset about?

    As for your claims that my complaints are unfounded; I have only seen one group of players argue that this reduction in rewards is necessary for the game’s economy.

    Nonetheless, like many non-sponsored players, I am still hoping that there is time for Webcore’s Grinch heart to grow a few sizes! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    Am I blind or something? Have there been any events that had the god-Pharaoh bonus so far?

    How about the described crystal sale?

    Based on the communication hype, I would have thought that there would be more to the victory over Bolas.

  • Xibvert
    Xibvert Posts: 145 Tile Toppler

    @Tremayne There was a day when crystal purchases had a 30% bonus and there have been some events with discounted entry fees. The bonuses for winning seem to all be as described from what I've seen.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    I didn’t see the crystal discount.

    I’m not saying there hasn’t been any discounts and enhanced prizes but it sure has been an austere holliversary

  • ArielSira
    ArielSira Posts: 546 Critical Contributor

    I've only seen a discount on Seize the Day and Hydra event. Normally we had half price for ALL events, making TotP that much more awesome.

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker

    @Janosik said:
    Too busy 'briefly' talking to the content creators, which they do, let's not forget, every day according to one of them.

    This is a recurring point of emphasis from... Um "Some" people... is this a big issue for you?

    What about it bothers you so?

    And yeah, we (the content creators [CCs] ) do have regular communication with the contact we have in WC for the content promotion and spoiler stuff, but the forum is run differently, and the contacts we have in the game, aren't limiting the engagement here or elsewhere... lol.

    I mean, it's not really connected at all.

    So, again I ask, is there an issue with us having communication about promotional stuff in WC?

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker

    @Sarah said:
    @Scrounger I appreciate the time you took to write all of this but wonder if some of your ire is misplaced; is there something else you are upset about?

    lol, Classic Sarah... Someone offers a well articulated, directly targeted counter point, that asks for proof of her accusations and her only defense is to deflect.


    As for your claims that my complaints are unfounded; I have only seen one group of players argue that this reduction in rewards is necessary for the game’s economy.

    Again... evidence? lol

    Aint one of us CC bois said this was a good thing.

    Not. One.

    But... Guilty until proven innocent i guess.

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker

    and thank you @Scrounger for your well thought out articulation of how it feels to be in "peoples'" cross hairs.