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  • FCLedZep
    FCLedZep Posts: 32 Just Dropped In

    Am I missing something or are there no very special offers in FBLTHP? I do have my eyes open👁️

  • FCLedZep
    FCLedZep Posts: 32 Just Dropped In

    I play this game every day of the year so I also don’t like losing 80 Mana Crystals a month :o(

  • Jua1979
    Jua1979 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

    I'm a veteran player, almost level 550.

    Have you guys ever considered ASKING you community about massive changes before making them? Also, still angry that you used "rotation" as an explanation for the Oulaws Elite packs being missing.

    Important note. The more players you have, the better the game will become. And, annoying veteran players is not the way to go. If we start leaving, more players will follow.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    @FCLedZep said:
    Am I missing something or are there no very special offers in FBLTHP? I do have my eyes open👁️

    I think it's the Mana Crypt? I'm told that Fblthp doesn't usually have alt art Masterpieces, altho I'd never noticed myself.

  • FCLedZep
    FCLedZep Posts: 32 Just Dropped In

    @Janosik said:

    @FCLedZep said:
    Am I missing something or are there no very special offers in FBLTHP? I do have my eyes open👁️

    I think it's the Mana Crypt? I'm told that Fblthp doesn't usually have alt art Masterpieces, altho I'd never noticed myself.

    Could be. Maybe I also already have most of the offers so I don’t see them ;o)

  • naabaldan
    naabaldan Posts: 633 Critical Contributor

    Mana Crypt is the 4th full art masterpiece at a price of 800 gold. No discount.

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker

    @Sarah said:
    The only players they regularly communicate with are the featured content creators. With all of the freebies they get, I doubt they thought losing daily logins was very important.

    Sarah, not in any universe is there a Goz that would advocate the reduction of prizes, especially for newer players.

    So , no... lol, it's asinine to think we would.

    And to be clear...

    A. The CCs are not made aware of these types of change in advance (we get no prior info outside of spoiler cards/walkers)

    B. There is no way I (Speaking for myself) would encourage or condone ANYTHING that provides "Less Than" for the player base in this way. As I said, especially for the new player.

    I've made my views on this matter MORE than clear, both on my server (hop in, we'd love to have you) and in my brief correspondence with our contacts at WC directly.

    This change was all a WC decision, and one that I personally , very much , disagree with.

    To insinuate that these types of decisions are in any way something we (the CCs) have input on... or are for, is simply untrue.

    Not sure why you feel the need to keep saying things like this, but i'll be happy to add clarity and truth when you "speculate".

    But, hey... thanks for thinking of us.... again.

    All the best...



  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 238 Tile Toppler

    @gozmaster said:

    I've made my views on this matter MORE than clear, both on my server (hop in, we'd love to have you) and in my brief correspondence with our contacts at WC directly.

    Not sure why you feel the need to keep inviting me when I’ve already made it clear why I won’t (re) join your server but I’m happy to explain it again: when I complained to you about the continued misogynistic abuse I received on your server, you dismissed my concerns and insisted that it was just a funny joke. You called me “mentally unstable” in one of your livestreams because you didn’t like that I pointed out that changes to a coalition event were announced on your server before they were officially announced by the devs. Last, but not least, one of your teammates posted NSFW content based on a children’s cartoon on my server.

    So again, no thank you, it’s not a server for me. Like, jeez. How many times must a lady say “no” before you stop pestering them?

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2024

    Oh Sarah...

    I won't bother re answering the same baseless accusations here, YET again, however for those inclined to know the full story, you can read it all in the link below, where OTHERS have shared their opinions on this matter much better than i could answer here...

    Here's the short version of my reply I MUST Provide to keep new people from thinking I or my server members are villians... SIGH...

    1. No, Misogyny is never funny nor is it tolerated in my servers... sigh... full story below.
    2. No, I never called you "mentally unstable" on my live stream. you truly are imagining that... again, time stamps in link below for the video and where the "alleged" confusion took place... sigh...

    3. Nope, the server issues were a COMPLETELY different matter, one that i actually agreed with you on, and turned out to be a moot point, as the announcement had already taken place in the game app (just not the forums yet) again... FULL rebuttal in the link thread below...

    Click here to read The FULL, Dramatic Story Of How The GozMaster Misogyny Occurred (Warning SCANDALOUS Materials inside!) except... there isn't any...

    And fair enough... I'll stop inviting you to the server, (but the invitation is always open. because I just hold no ill will towards you,) But I won't stand by while baseless accusations of such severity are thrown around unchecked, fair?

    Again, JUST like the people that have commented on the thread above... Their opinions on your take, speak volumes about how all of this was handled.

    But alas... Keep on rocking Sarah.

    All the best lady.


  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 238 Tile Toppler

    It’s interesting that one of the people insisting that there’s definitely no misogyny in your group is the same guy that posted NSFW imagery based of a children’s cartoon on my server because he didn’t like one of my opinions. Seems like an expert! At any rate, birds of a feather flock together.

    But all of this distracts from the main point of this thread; our dissatisfaction with the reduction in daily login rewards. Can we stay on topic, please?

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2024

    @Sarah said:
    ...Seems like an expert!

    An expert on how he's being treated? Yes... I would say so, no less than you are on how you feel you've been treated in my servers, yes? is that not equitable?

    And again, to be clear, if there was ANY OTHER person complaining about how my server treats women, i'd be VERY keen to hear it out and take actions where needed... in fact we DID have just one other incident in my server, and it was PROMPTLY squashed and the offending person ejected from the group, and no other incidents have been had since. (Funny enough, Both the incidences revolved around the same 2 people, NEITHER of whom are in my servers now and we've had not one dramatic issues since, huh? Curiouser and Curiouser.)

    Oh and fun fact, the women replying to you on the thread above is who had that experience... (Odd how you avoid referencing her take on my server? Interesting)... anywayz....

    But all of this distracts from the main point of this thread; our dissatisfaction with the reduction in daily login rewards. Can we stay on topic, please?

    True enough... but um... you brought all this up... I'm simply replying to the "...Content Creators Probably had something to do with this..." comment lol...

    And for clarity, the CCs had nothing to do with this... We Don't have that much sway over the devs, and it's silly to keep insinuating that we do.

    We're shills for the spoiler/cards/Walkers when they give them to us. We give our takes on them and HOPEFULLY entertain the players with a little video to watch.

    But yes. Sarah, i'd LOVE to stay on topic :wink: .

    Less rewards, Not good for the players. On that we can agree, yes?


    Ok, Moving on...


  • ArielSira
    ArielSira Posts: 546 Critical Contributor

    GOZ didn't know about this change and right away said he was against it. He said this in his initial response but it was your choice to ignore it and reply only to the invitation. Glad to bring things back on topic.

    .> @Sarah said:

    It’s interesting that one of the people insisting that there’s definitely no misogyny in your group is the same guy that posted NSFW imagery based of a children’s cartoon on my server because he didn’t like one of my opinions. Seems like an expert! At any rate, birds of a feather flock together.

    But all of this distracts from the main point of this thread; our dissatisfaction with the reduction in daily login rewards. Can we stay on topic, please?

  • camo
    camo Posts: 52 Match Maker

    Back on topic of daily login reward reduction.
    Yep, less rewards, not good for the players.

    If they going forward with this QoL Improvement and reduce login rewards, I guess they really dont care if players especially frequent one would change their rating of this game in Playstore etc.

    Maybe they simply implying that veteran player retention and gaining new player are not their concern, their concern lies somewhere else. :|

  • Jua1979
    Jua1979 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

    My updated 1 star rating, from a previous 5 star rating says it all. At this point, I'm just playing for my amazing coalition. But my lack in interest in the game and mastering my card will eventually lead to me not being competitive anymore and that will probably be the day the game can go $^^%$#%&^##!

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker

    Wow... Ok gang, look I'm not for this change at all, And I get the frustration, for sure... but... let's not forget all the AWESOME the devs have brought too...

    Yes , in my mind this is a slip, but c'mon man, compared to devs of old? (No shade old crews, respect)

    We've had a LOT more improvements in just the last year than we saw in the previous 3 with Okty... (Bless their hearts)

    It's a great game. YES, it can be so much more... but for me... it's still a 5 star game, and better than it was for sure a year ago...

    I'd advise to "trust" the process here... I'm sure WC's goal ISN'T to deter new/vet players, hopefully their master plan has some other things that will make up for this, (Maybe this is the first step towards a better rewards from events/daily prizes in the 21 days we do get)... but that is yet to be seen...

    It's been made clear by the player base, we're less than thrilled with this change... but again... Let's give it some time to see how things work out over the next 90 days.

    From there we can make a logical/rational decision.

    Right now, emotions are high... mine are too... but i still have faith.

    We'll see soon enough.

    Happy Holidays all (BTW) hope you are enjoying the season.


  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    @gozmaster said:
    Wow... Ok gang, look I'm not for this change at all, And I get the frustration, for sure... but... let's not forget all the AWESOME the devs have brought too...

    Yes , in my mind this is a slip, but c'mon man, compared to devs of old? (No shade old crews, respect)

    We've had a LOT more improvements in just the last year than we saw in the previous 3 with Okty... (Bless their hearts)

    Yeah, great, we can pay crystals for boosters now even if we already own them, and cards in boosters open in a random order. Let joy be unconfined. My Life has never known such Quality.

    Meanwhile, Webcore's record of running events seems to be even worse than Oktagon's...

    Come on, gang, let's all be toxically positive!

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2024

    lol, A full list of their misses, well done @Janosik ,

    So all fair points, but... I'll take those wasted dev hours (which in my opinion they were) for the upgrades in quality of walkers, cards and bug fixes as a pretty great trade off.

    Toxically positive as opposed to toxically toxic? :tongue:

    I mean c'mon bro... if all things were great, what would your videos be about? lol, personally I like you having fodder for your live streams.

    Sorry for being an optimist. (not sorry) :wink:


  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hey, folks!

    On the daily login changes (which became the main topic of this thread, in the end), we understand your frustration and disagreement. We're currently discussing how to better announce changes and their reasonings, especially those that can be bad in some way, or 'less' or 'no'. Until we can come forward with more to say, I'd like to ask you to keep discussing, keep arguing about what and how exactly it does affect you and what is good and what is bad in it, like you have done in some posts above.

    • Is it good changing the pack order?
    • What affected you the most, the Runes or Crystals or the overall way it was announced?
    • What did your coalition members say about it?
    • How do you think it affects newer players?

    Some other threads are currently discussing the very same thing and we'll keep an eye on them. For the time being, thank you for expressing your thoughts.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    @Magic:PQ Support Team said:
    Hey, folks!

    On the daily login changes (which became the main topic of this thread, in the end), we understand your frustration and disagreement. We're currently discussing how to better announce changes and their reasonings, especially those that can be bad in some way, or 'less' or 'no'. Until we can come forward with more to say, I'd like to ask you to keep discussing, keep arguing about what and how exactly it does affect you and what is good and what is bad in it, like you have done in some posts above.

    • Is it good changing the pack order?
    • What affected you the most, the Runes or Crystals or the overall way it was announced?
    • What did your coalition members say about it?
    • How do you think it affects newer players?

    Some other threads are currently discussing the very same thing and we'll keep an eye on them. For the time being, thank you for expressing your thoughts.

    Yeah not sure there's a good way to dress this one up. Good luck with your transparent attempt to get us talking about irrelevant aspects of this obviously negative change!