Small 'Quality of Life' Improvements



  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2024

    I love the fact that the players' all time score now reflects their total IN THAT TEAM when they leave and come back again without having to start at 0 again. I would like to see that this score reflects the players' TOTAL score of all of the points they have gathered over all of the different teams they were in. Before I left a certain team, I had about an 114k score in that team iirc. I would like to see that score added up to my current score in the team I'm in now, with also the points I gathered in a lower ranked team where I briefly stayed after my break from the game.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    My man @Xibvert requested I post this one:

    There are, apparently, a number of WAR cards which are not available in boosters: they used to be prizes in an event which has not run in ages.

    Since we now have a new event set on Ravnica: why not offer these cards are prizes in the Implicit Maze event?

    Stolen Identity; Precinct Captain; Seize the Soul; Cytoplast Root-Kin; War's Toll

  • Xibvert
    Xibvert Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    edited December 2024

    i'd also be okay with making them craftable and adding them to packs the way they normally do with exclusive cards nowadays. But if they're going to be tied to an event I'd much prefer it be one that hasn't been retired.

  • Endbringer
    Endbringer Posts: 163 Tile Toppler

    @camo said:

    • I know that yall dont have budget like Marvel Snap got from Disney, but having PC version of this game or landscape mode would be great for us that has sight problem.

    • Leave couple of idea in Suggestion channel, like idea of new event that use runes as entry fee, change on ranking system, etc, please check them out

    • More story mode for new players, especially one that explaining mechanic of new sets

    • seconded on features in PW such as Search bar, Filter by color and Sorting (like cards), Pin, etc

    • can access Edit Deck from Pinned Decks menu

    • disagree with Legacy non-dupe pack suggestion above, for new players, those are still much appreciated.

    • Give new players limited access to play using featured new PW / PMA PW as promotion

    • Or make new section in story mode that feature new PWs so players can test if they like it or not before buying it.

    • Wild idea, but how about make Conversion tab in the Shop, that has various conversion such as:

    1. For players that has many unopened boosters, maybe they can convert every certain number of unopened packs directly into crafting orb in flat rates. Like for every 10 unopened boosters.
    2. Every 500k of runes into other currency (orb / experience point / crystal / jewel) or access to limited use feature such as discount in buying certain number of PW
    3. Other future conversion
    • Can access ads menu more often since ad revenue would support you

    • Seconded on Scydrex's idea on limiting charges of event no more than 12 total.

    • To draw more players join and active in this forum, how about make weekly event in this forum, like sort of weekly achievement or challenge. Winner will dm their player id and yall can send the reward thru inbox.

    • If yall have human resource to manage it, how about make an official discord server and make those event there also, like Marvel Snap

    • Make sure member of same Coalition wont face each other in Coalition event.

    • Fast-forward feature like in Marvel Snap when there's a repetitive process during match, like creating tokens.

    • Yall have double tap on card's image to pop out bigger image, how about double tap on card's text (not on the bold text) to pop out bigger text?

    About the nondupe legacy packs, the AI knows if a player doesn't need Legacy cards anymore so for those players there should be a different reward. Newer players shouldn't be the only ones getting useful rewards.

    As for converting unopened packs into other currency, that would be extremely unbalanced and unfair to all the people who have steadily opened up the million packs already and didn't get any option for conversion or bonus rewards. It would tilt the game and for some reason reward all the players that simply sat on their packs. Unless none of the current packs everyone is sitting on, counted, and only the ones after the release date of this change to the game counted, many people who have opened all their packs as they could be with no thought of extra rewards or conversion will feel uneasy and upset about this

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker

    @Janosik , Man I'm REALY hoping they have a major fix to New Player experience (Or at least an announcement about ETA for it.)

    But a BUNCH of smaller QOL stuff (Stuff we've been asking for) would be an ok thing too. :tongue:

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 238 Tile Toppler

    One small QoL improvement that would greatly benefit new players is showing when the other members in their coalition were last active; e.g. 5 minutes ago, 1 hour ago, 1 day ago, 3 days ago, 1 week ago. Knowing (roughly) when players were last online would help new players avoid getting stuck in dead coalitions and is a feature I see in a lot of other games and have come to expect as standard. It's weird that we don't have this.

  • naabaldan
    naabaldan Posts: 633 Critical Contributor

    That is indeed a very good idea @Sarah

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    @Magic:PQ Support Team said:
    [eagerly taking notes]

    Did you lose your notes

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 238 Tile Toppler

    Still waiting for an "open all" function for packs. Arena doesn't make me sit through pack openings one card at a time.