Small 'Quality of Life' Improvements



  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 238 Tile Toppler

    It’s interesting that I didn’t see more people complaining about how tedious it is to open the daily rewards on days 22-31.

    With how excited @Magic:PQ Support Team was to announce removing those daily rewards, I expected to see more people asking for them!

  • Opperstamper
    Opperstamper Posts: 165 Tile Toppler

    @Sarah said:
    It’s interesting that I didn’t see more people complaining about how tedious it is to open the daily rewards on days 22-31.

    With how excited @Magic:PQ Support Team was to announce removing those daily rewards, I expected to see more people asking for them!

    The ones that do collect these rewards every day are missing 60 crystals per month from now on. Who's not excited about that?

  • camo
    camo Posts: 52 Match Maker
    edited December 2024

    @Opperstamper said:

    @Sarah said:
    It’s interesting that I didn’t see more people complaining about how tedious it is to open the daily rewards on days 22-31.

    With how excited @Magic:PQ Support Team was to announce removing those daily rewards, I expected to see more people asking for them!

    The ones that do collect these rewards every day are missing 60 crystals per month from now on. Who's not excited about that?

    not 60, but 80 comparing the screenshot on the Release Notes thread and current month reward.

    Old Daily Rewards gives 5+15+25+35+45+55 = 180 Crystals monthly
    New Daily Rewards gives 5+10+20+25+40 = 100 Crystals monhtly

    @Magic:PQ Support Team if you really mean to give IMPROVEMENT, then TOTAL CRYSTALS of 21 days rewards should remain the same (or more if you want to encourage players playing more, NOT LESS). Maybe instead of:
    5+10+20+25+40 (100 Crystals)
    10+25+35+45+65 (180 Crystals)

  • Sarah
    Sarah Posts: 238 Tile Toppler

    Thanks for showing the math on that @camo

  • Opperstamper
    Opperstamper Posts: 165 Tile Toppler

    @camo said:

    @Opperstamper said:

    @Sarah said:
    It’s interesting that I didn’t see more people complaining about how tedious it is to open the daily rewards on days 22-31.

    With how excited @Magic:PQ Support Team was to announce removing those daily rewards, I expected to see more people asking for them!

    The ones that do collect these rewards every day are missing 60 crystals per month from now on. Who's not excited about that?

    not 60, but 80 comparing the screenshot on the Release Notes thread and current month reward.

    Old Daily Rewards gives 5+15+25+35+45+55 = 180 Crystals monthly
    New Daily Rewards gives 5+10+20+25+40 = 100 Crystals monhtly

    @Magic:PQ Support Team if you really mean to give IMPROVEMENT, then TOTAL CRYSTALS of 21 days rewards should remain the same (or more if you want to encourage players playing more, NOT LESS). Maybe instead of:
    5+10+20+25+40 (100 Crystals)
    10+25+35+45+65 (180 Crystals)

    Right, even worse. Thanks for the correction tho. And we're losing boosters too on this.

  • Anarchangel
    Anarchangel Posts: 55 Match Maker
    edited December 2024

    How about making it even more of a Revolving Planeswalk and rotate the rewards, including newer sets?

  • Scydrex7
    Scydrex7 Posts: 57 Match Maker

    This is one I would really appreciate. It would significantly improve the quality of my MtGPQ experience:

    Make all single player PVP events feature NO MORE than 12 matches. Either a 12 charge node, or 2 nodes with 6 charges each, or three nodes with 4 or four nodes with three or five nodes with 2.

    You would need to compress the progression rewards so that they are reached sooner, but you already displayed today a willingness to revise earned rewards in this game.

    Happy anniversary!

  • camo
    camo Posts: 52 Match Maker

    Fixed it for ya, consider it as anniversary gift!
    21 Days Rewards, Same amount

  • Anarchangel
    Anarchangel Posts: 55 Match Maker
    edited December 2024

    There are only a handful of PvP events that do not give Individual rewards. Other than the Daily events, the holiday events (!? Yes I was surprised too), Across Ixalan (super fast, like Fblthp) and Rising Tensions (itself a victim of rewards chopping), every single one is a new event by Webcore :
    Commoner Cup, Following the Clues, Into the Wilds of Eldraine, Leyline Dominion, Locomotive Looters, Lost in Caverns of Ixalan, and Mana Burn. I didn't get to the newest events yet so there may be more. And it looks like, although I can't say that yet either for sure, that Webcore ONLY makes PvP events with no individual rewards.

    I therefore propose the reinstatement of individual rewards to PvP events.

    Edit : Webcore Mostly makes PvP events with no individual rewards. Trick or Treat 2024 had them (it's still mis-categorized on the wiki, so I missed it-partly my fault), and it also gave a variety of set types, which I think is also a good thing. More of that, please.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 697 Critical Contributor

    @gozmaster said:
    Here's an odd one... Let's see if anyone else likes this...

    In PvE Single player events...

    I'd LOVE to have a "try again" button in the results screen, like we have in Story Mode.

    If I lose or miss an objective, instead of backing ALL The way back out to the walker selection screen, I'd love just to hit "Try Again" and avoid 2 loading screens.

    Anyone else want that?

    This is a great idea! The 'try again' button already exists in Story Mode, so it shouldn't be to hard to re-use the code... um... although it'd be a little different in PvP as Story Mode is PvE and doesn't choose new opponents for you when you retry a level.

    Cutting the number of loading screens from 2 down to 1 would honestly save quite a bit of time clearing the daily events!

  • Lady_River
    Lady_River Posts: 27 Just Dropped In

    @Opperstamper said:

    @camo said:

    @Opperstamper said:

    @Sarah said:
    It’s interesting that I didn’t see more people complaining about how tedious it is to open the daily rewards on days 22-31.

    With how excited @Magic:PQ Support Team was to announce removing those daily rewards, I expected to see more people asking for them!

    The ones that do collect these rewards every day are missing 60 crystals per month from now on. Who's not excited about that?

    not 60, but 80 comparing the screenshot on the Release Notes thread and current month reward.

    Old Daily Rewards gives 5+15+25+35+45+55 = 180 Crystals monthly
    New Daily Rewards gives 5+10+20+25+40 = 100 Crystals monhtly

    @Magic:PQ Support Team if you really mean to give IMPROVEMENT, then TOTAL CRYSTALS of 21 days rewards should remain the same (or more if you want to encourage players playing more, NOT LESS). Maybe instead of:
    5+10+20+25+40 (100 Crystals)
    10+25+35+45+65 (180 Crystals)

    Right, even worse. Thanks for the correction tho. And we're losing boosters too on this.


    Give more incentives for us to keep coming back.

    I'd love more ways to get crafting or something. And more uses for runes.

    Also always after more incentives for getting gold and pink Crystals. Especially as a f2p player.

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2024

    I've mentioned these in the videos before, but putting here in case there are SOME people that don't want to watch my videos. :tongue: ... (I kid of course)...

    1. A "view battlefield" option when prompted with a decision in game.

    Many times I can't see (or weren't paying attention) to the battlefield and have no clue what is the right answer to the question I'm getting...

    So a button that allows us to see the battlefield/hand/yard etc. to make that decision would be GREAT.

  • Anarchangel
    Anarchangel Posts: 55 Match Maker

    @gozmaster said:
    I've mentioned these in the videos before, but putting here in case there are SOME people that don't want to watch my videos. :tongue: ... (I kid of course)...

    1. A "view battlefield" option when prompted with a decision in game.

    Many times I can't see (or weren't paying attention) to the battlefield and have no clue what is the right answer to the question I'm getting...

    So a button that allows us to see the battlefield/hand/yard etc. to make that decision would be GREAT.

    Simple Icon of a horizon line with Mountains behind representing the battlefield, and to switch back to the prompt dialogue, a word balloon icon

  • Endbringer
    Endbringer Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    edited December 2024

    @JackGunner said:
    I would love to open multiple prize packs in 1 click. I already have more than 1000 and sure that someone here have way more than that.

    And make it so there is an open all button so it just runs through them without having to tap the screen. For each set that is, not all packs of all sets.

  • Endbringer
    Endbringer Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    edited December 2024

    I think we should be able to save PWs and event decks to specific events so whenever we enter those events in the future we can just automatically have our PWs and our event decks set up from the start to immediately proceed with game play and if we'd like to change them along the way we can.

    Also, it would be nice if we could swap an event deck to one our PW's custom deck slots so we don't have to go and rebuild it if we like it and want to keep it more permanent.

    A search bar for PWs would be nice.

    Being able to always view any PW at any location in the vault or PW collection at MAX level and then each other level by pressing and holding and spinning a level wheel or clicking on the PW loyalty abilities to cycle through their levels, would be very convenient.

    I agree with free booster being at the top.

    A full spread of all the upcoming available PWs for the month, week by week, and being able to shift through each week would be great so we know when to save for them better and when to spend on other things better.

    A mana runes conversion to other currency option.

    Set name shows up when you click and hold the set icon.

    Highly feel that the experience leveling process should go back to every 5 levels for a standard non-dupe pack. 65000 experience points is nuts.

    I don't need Legacy non-dupe packs anymore and neither do a ton of players, especially the ones who have so generously spent big money on this game, so something else as a reward just makes sense for those who will simply get all duplicates from them and wonder why they're even doing all this for a few orbs and runes.

    Why does our VIP level go down if we don't buy for a month or 2? I still spent that money to get my VIP level up in the first place and feel I shouldn't be punished for taking a break from the game that I drop at least $300 on with every new set release. Uncool.

    PWs should have a search filter that can sort by color like we can click a color and search our cards.

  • camo
    camo Posts: 52 Match Maker
    edited December 2024
    • I know that yall dont have budget like Marvel Snap got from Disney, but having PC version of this game or landscape mode would be great for us that has sight problem.

    • Leave couple of idea in Suggestion channel, like idea of new event that use runes as entry fee, change on ranking system, etc, please check them out

    • More story mode for new players, especially one that explaining mechanic of new sets

    • seconded on features in PW such as Search bar, Filter by color and Sorting (like cards), Pin, etc

    • can access Edit Deck from Pinned Decks menu

    • disagree with Legacy non-dupe pack suggestion above, for new players, those are still much appreciated.

    • Give new players limited access to play using featured new PW / PMA PW as promotion

    • Or make new section in story mode that feature new PWs so players can test if they like it or not before buying it.

    • Wild idea, but how about make Conversion tab in the Shop, that has various conversion such as:

    1. For players that has many unopened boosters, maybe they can convert every certain number of unopened packs directly into crafting orb in flat rates. Like for every 10 unopened boosters.
    2. Every 500k of runes into other currency (orb / experience point / crystal / jewel) or access to limited use feature such as discount in buying certain number of PW
    3. Other future conversion
    • Can access ads menu more often since ad revenue would support you

    • Seconded on Scydrex's idea on limiting charges of event no more than 12 total.

    • To draw more players join and active in this forum, how about make weekly event in this forum, like sort of weekly achievement or challenge. Winner will dm their player id and yall can send the reward thru inbox.

    • If yall have human resource to manage it, how about make an official discord server and make those event there also, like Marvel Snap

    • Make sure member of same Coalition wont face each other in Coalition event.

    • Fast-forward feature like in Marvel Snap when there's a repetitive process during match, like creating tokens.

    • Yall have double tap on card's image to pop out bigger image, how about double tap on card's text (not on the bold text) to pop out bigger text?

  • Abracadavers
    Abracadavers Posts: 76 Match Maker

    How about an option to disable tapping on an image to display it bigger? I never want to do it on purpose and when I do it accidentally, it is annoying.

    It would also be nice if you removed the little green + on the Mana Crystals icon. I often accidentally click on it. It used to be a minor annoyance since you could just close the crystals screen and be back where you were. Now it loads the shop and there is no way to get back to where you were.

  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor

    "Disable" planeswalkers in the PW screen, so they don't show up when chosing a PW for events. PS: not my idea, but a team mate's idea.