New Character - Deadpool (Hotpool) 5*



  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 502 Critical Contributor

    Still not a second page for hotpool 🤔 He does seem kinda boring.

  • pepitedechocolat
    pepitedechocolat Posts: 231 Tile Toppler

    @Pantera236 said:
    Still not a second page for hotpool 🤔 He does seem kinda boring.

    He is extremely slow. The strike boost on hit takes forever to resolve and so is the end of turn trade passive. So unless required it is kinda masochism to use him, when 60% of the match time will be resolving these.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,567 Chairperson of the Boards

    It doesn't that when Elektra is out, she takes them right back :D

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,143 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 30 July 2024, 13:22

    @pepitedechocolat said:

    @Pantera236 said:
    Still not a second page for hotpool 🤔 He does seem kinda boring.

    He is extremely slow. The strike boost on hit takes forever to resolve and so is the end of turn trade passive. So unless required it is kinda masochism to use him, when 60% of the match time will be resolving these.

    Even extremely slow is an understatement. I've had the game lock up for 10 seconds at a time with nothing happening during his turns when using BrB/Polaris against other teams that also have SAP users. Its been so bad that I've minimized the game thinking it's crashed and come back in to have it finally finish resolving.

    Something absolutely needs to be done with the timers / special affects related to this power.


    P.S. One thing I've noticed in his PvP is that in mirror matches, the Hotpools trade the strike back and forth making it stronger and stronger but because it's always traded no one takes any damage from it until one Hotpool is stunned or killed and suddenly one side ends up with a 5-10K strike tile and wipes the other team almost instantly.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,688 Chairperson of the Boards

    Are you guys actually using his active powers? Is that why it's taking so long? Because I haven't run into this problem at all.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,194 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Borstock said:
    Are you guys actually using his active powers? Is that why it's taking so long? Because I haven't run into this problem at all.

    No, I haven't used his powers at all. But if the enemy deadpool creates strike tiles with it's yellow or they have someone else or a support that creates strike tiles deadpool steals one every turn passively.

    For some reason his strike steal causes the game to run super slow, and if the enemy dp is still alive they will steal strike tiles back and forth causing the game to lag super hard.

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,780 Chairperson of the Boards

    I’ve not had any slow down issues on either my phone or iPad. Is this hardware dependent?

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,671 Chairperson of the Boards

    I would say kill enemy Hotpool early.

    If you’re doing that you won’t see this as much if at all. However he does have a lot of banner spam regardless of slowdown.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,688 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tony_Foot said:
    I’ve not had any slow down issues on either my phone or iPad. Is this hardware dependent?

    Ditto. I'm on an Android.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,143 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 30 July 2024, 17:20

    You guys must be using different teams than some of us or finishing matches very fast before things start to really slow down.

    I've been deliberately slow playing battles to complete the Hotpool requests. I just did the final few battles to complete the quest over lunch. In one battle a fair number of strikes were on the board (from the Hotpools being hit and Polaris of course). The enemy Hotpool fired his Red and I watched the game count 22 individual hits, one per strike tile, which took something like 20 seconds of real time (my Hotpool was in front so of course he had his passive trigger 22 times strengthening my strike tiles). I had to stop my phone going to sleep it took so long. Then that was followed by the steal and then a strengthening and then it went to my turn.

    This kind of thing happens quite regularly with him especially when they are in front and get multi hit by say a cascade that also triggers a few Polaris passive hits and so on.

    All those animations need to be turned off entirely because he's just insanely slow if you are in a SAP battle. Enemy turns (really my turns too) with animations off should NEVER EVER take more than 1 second to resolve all the board movement regardless of cascades/powers etc.


    P.S. I am on Android and otherwise never see any slowdown in the game ever.

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 793 Critical Contributor

    No I'm affected too
    Game moves about as fast as an asthmatic ant with some heavy shopping.

  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 483 Mover and Shaker

    I think supports are adding a bit to the processing tax. When playing the passive heavy chasm mthor team my game can freeze for up to 5 secs when each side's turn commences.

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,780 Chairperson of the Boards

    I used chasm and Thor with no issues. For the shards I just ran AP supports for each colour started the match and fired the power and retreated. I had to do that for purple and red powers. I gave away a lot of blues but it was the fastest way!

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,001 Chairperson of the Boards

    I did not have this happen to me. Got to 55 wins so definitely played a lot of matches. Play on android if that helps.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,065 Chairperson of the Boards

    I had the slowdown/freeze issue in Hotpool PvP, game runs fine otherwise.

  • Gymp28
    Gymp28 Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    edited 31 July 2024, 19:08

    I havn’t noticed much slowdown on my device, but what I mainly wanted to highlight is how awesome his red passive is!
    Strike tiles get out of control FAST as long as he’s tanking, particularly if you only own 1.
    I’ve found that Shuri + Darkveil + Hotpool is very strong. Obviously not fast or meta, because you’re firing lots of powers (and who does that these days?!), but very fun!

  • pepitedechocolat
    pepitedechocolat Posts: 231 Tile Toppler

    @S0kun said:
    Just a heads up that the slowness that everyone is experiencing should be patched out real soon.

    just sneaking in that a "no animation" mode where everything resolves instantly, or "fixed length animation" where you could skip animation after a couple sec would certainly get a close to 100% adoption rate.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,688 Chairperson of the Boards

    @pepitedechocolat said:

    @S0kun said:
    Just a heads up that the slowness that everyone is experiencing should be patched out real soon.

    just sneaking in that a "no animation" mode where everything resolves instantly, or "fixed length animation" where you could skip animation after a couple sec would certainly get a close to 100% adoption rate.

    Don't hold your breath.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,543 Chairperson of the Boards

    @pepitedechocolat said:

    @S0kun said:
    Just a heads up that the slowness that everyone is experiencing should be patched out real soon.

    just sneaking in that a "no animation" mode where everything resolves instantly, or "fixed length animation" where you could skip animation after a couple sec would certainly get a close to 100% adoption rate.

    Gotta be careful with this stuff. How far would you go with it?

    I'd love a mode where the AI takes his entire turn immediately in one shot, as soon as you make your move. All passives fire, he casts whatever, makes his move, all cascades resolve. So basically you make your move and then the board just instantly updates one time, based on all the AI's actions combined.

    It'd make a ton of stuff viable for use in endgame PvP and PvE, because certain characters lose a lot of defensive value in PvP, and others gain a lot of offensive value in PvE.

    But it'd be indecipherable for newer players ("why did I just die? how did I take 50,000 damage? what happened to the board?) and it'd make match-3 skill much, much more important. I'm not sure the current crop of competitive players wants that.