No advance notice of feeders



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bluewolf said:
    As far as the official announcement not including info, in the history of the insta-feeding that I'm aware of you would at most get a few days (the very earliest we have seen a character announcement is a Monday for a very late Wednesday feeder update). This means to really take advantage of the double dip you would basically need to have a decent hoard you broke to speedily add levels to the feeder.

    You can get mad at players who use datamined info to gain advantage, of course, but the datamining on feeders runs maybe a week and a half ahead of the announcement/implementation. So the advantage over people using released information is not that great, if they even do anything with it.

    The devs are running this game with finalized details very close to ship time, all the time, so faking out the dataminers is something that might amuse them but I suspect they have little capacity for with the current product throughput (characters, costumes, vaults and bundles all being very high volume vs earlier in the game's life).

    I don't think many players, if any, who have access to datamining are shifting to chase double dipping a few covers or LTs over whatever priorities they have for their roster. Also, all information is not final until it's final in the game. Characters become better or worse (sometimes from announcement to being in game), etc and the best thing to do, always, is make decisions on characters that may or will matter to your game performance only after the character is live and can be seen in their final version.

    The difference we are seeing here by losing a few days of early information is basically only impacting people who would hoard tokens and open early before the actual update to double dip. The devs have the right to minimize that.

    I find the card-holding a bit annoying, but at the end it's just a game, and the real decision is after release when you decide who to prioritize based on the actual live characters.

    I should note that you can still hoard (or not) and try to take advantage of double-dipping by ascending characters earlier than planned but within the 7 day window, if you choose, and collect the covers twice that way.

    Cheaters are cheaters are cheaters.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Scofie said:

    @Zarqa said:

    @Scofie said:
    Mod mode off
    Personal opinion and all other caveats...
    I look at this as a simple equation:
    From a company perspective: giving out the info gets backlash if it changes last minute and encourages double-dipping, which is not a designed feature - it's an automated compensation method for large rosters.

    From a player perspective, knowing early allows you to double-dip rewards. It has little other value than knowing on the day of release.

    So, if you take the view that double-dipping is a bad or at least an unintended thing for the game, then the only sensible thing to do is not release that information before release.

    Sure. But the outcome will also be that the data miners can get even more advantage than the other players. Because at least for that last mix up, the data-mined info was showing the correct feeder all along (as I understand it). Some people will still be able to double dip regardless. Knowing which character will be released is one thing, but using it to determine feeders (when that is no longer publicly announced) is another.

    Mod mode off
    I agree with you on the data miners having an advantage, and that isn't great. But if I can make an exaggerated and unrealistic comparison, it's like legalizing robbery because it's virtually impossible to convict sometimes and it's only fair to give everyone else the chance to rob banks. Because why should the criminals get the free stuff?

    Data mined stuff hurt the community on the last challenge. Rockin', Rockin' and rollin', down to the beach I'm strolling but the seagulls poke at my head, not fun! I said seagulls: Stop it now!

  • Domitronas
    Domitronas Posts: 179 Tile Toppler

    I see a lot of people beating around the bush here - no need to get mad at the players or the dataminers. The biggest problem is and has historically been the lack of communication and clarity around everything related to this game. It doesn't matter if it's the feeder info, the ascension info, the communictu challenge info, heck, even things concerning $ like not being able to preview the chain deals etc, we are literally second guessing whether something is intentional or not. I was so excited seeing the almost explosive amount of energy that was brought out during the initial BCS takeover, but seeing things as they stand now it feels like it was a fever dream.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Domitronas said:
    I see a lot of people beating around the bush here - no need to get mad at the players or the dataminers. The biggest problem is and has historically been the lack of communication and clarity around everything related to this game. It doesn't matter if it's the feeder info, the ascension info, the communictu challenge info, heck, even things concerning $ like not being able to preview the chain deals etc, we are literally second guessing whether something is intentional or not. I was so excited seeing the almost explosive amount of energy that was brought out during the initial BCS takeover, but seeing things as they stand now it feels like it was a fever dream.

    Given that this has happened with two different sets of developers now (Demiurge was pretty good at communicating in the early days of the game!), it's either something about MPQ or something about us.

    One possibility (and the one I tend to believe) is that we're just not worth it. If they can cut all this stuff back and not lose anything, then it was never actually worth doing anyway.

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 387 Mover and Shaker

    @AlexR said:

    @bluewolf said:
    The difference we are seeing here by losing a few days of early information is basically only impacting people who would hoard tokens and open early before the actual update to double dip. The devs have the right to minimize that.

    Actually, there's one other group of people that benefits from the info without any hoarding:

    People in iso shortage who could champ the feeder (if they know beforehand) to double-dip the LT if they knew. Which impacts nothing, because an extra LT or two doesn't move the needle, but it feels nice to get to do this when you literally have the feeder champable (you just wouldn't normally prioritise them when you could also champ 234567 others).

    So, personally, I'm mourning that we're losing that info. Because missing out on the LT I could have gotten if I only knew to pour iso into this one a day ahead, feels bad.

    This is me

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Domitronas said:
    I see a lot of people beating around the bush here - no need to get mad at the players or the dataminers. The biggest problem is and has historically been the lack of communication and clarity around everything related to this game. It doesn't matter if it's the feeder info, the ascension info, the communictu challenge info, heck, even things concerning $ like not being able to preview the chain deals etc, we are literally second guessing whether something is intentional or not. I was so excited seeing the almost explosive amount of energy that was brought out during the initial BCS takeover, but seeing things as they stand now it feels like it was a fever dream.

    But they don't have to provide any advance communication and nothing is confirmed in game until it is in game. So the data miners do suck,