6.7.0 - First Impressions



  • ertaii
    ertaii Posts: 227 Tile Toppler

    I really liked the Mana burn event and the fact that we got a full art pm2 card as a reward. I hope you'll consider keeping it this way.

    I'd like to thank the CCC for the hard work they're doing for the community, it's a lot of pain for a little compensation, I feel like I understand how exhausting it must be. Keep up the good work!

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ertaii - I think the full art version is kind of a subtle burn to the players. Collectors may find it beneficial to get the (in my view superfluous) full art cards but for others it means no discount on getting PM2 cards.

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker

    @Tremayne said:
    @ertaii - I think the full art version is kind of a subtle burn to the players. ... it means no discount on getting PM2 cards.

    So, This first event said "Includes bonus rewards" ... That was the Full Art Cards. The NEXT round of the event will have the regular cards from PM2, so Completionists REJOICE!

  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker

    @ertaii said:
    I'd like to thank the CCC for the hard work they're doing for the community, it's a lot of pain for a little compensation, I feel like I understand how exhausting it must be. Keep up the good work!

    On Behalf of the Council... It's truly our pleasure man.

    As much flak as we can catch from SOME people ( :tongue: ) We love the game and the player base and do anything we can to help grow, support and enjoy the game.

    And also Call WC out when we feel it's needed. :wink:

  • KingGrace
    KingGrace Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2024

    Luckily, I don't care about any of the marketing, shilling, and bug hunting online, I just want the cards I 'own' to remain the cards I own.

    And while we are at it, I cannot find a single thread anywhere in any forum that mentions Thunderous Debut being a problem. I've searched all the spots I can and not a single mention. Yeah, I'll bash on about a single card because, again, I can't find a single voice talking about it. There was no bug with that card near as I can tell, just a strong card, and yet it's gone.

    Maybe, instead of neutering good cards, you just format ban them? Powerful cards and decks in legacy are expected, and now I have to deck tech to play decks in my preferred format rather than just play my decks.

    Maybe introduce an actual deck size? It's not really a ten card deck if you can get hundreds of copies of a card from your deck when you combo out. I was no whale, just a pittance a month for a little extra and so much of my little extra gets nerfed into dust.

    Maybe have the content creators first dibs to break the game with your next set before it arrives and they can actively critique the sets before it comes out. They can preview cards they've actually put to the test.

    I'm just tired of all the rebalancing ****, just figure out a way to ban specific cards from Standard. Create a Modern format, let us old timers (playing since 2015) have our strong Legacy cards and the kiddie cards can get off our lawns.

  • ertaii
    ertaii Posts: 227 Tile Toppler

    @gozmaster said:

    So, This first event said "Includes bonus rewards" ... That was the Full Art Cards. The NEXT round of the event will have the regular cards from PM2, so Completionists REJOICE!

    I really wished they gave us a way to eventually get full art cards. I'm a completIonist but I can't afford to spend that much money 💰 so the option of getting a full art card as an event reward was just fine. I hope they change their mind and keep it this way.