Storm (Ororo Munroe) 5* - Rebalance & New 3-Star Storm (Mohawk) Costume

S0kun ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
edited June 2024 in MPQ General Discussion

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Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-naaaaa... Thunder! Here're the upcoming stats changes for this week's 5-Star Storm (Ororo Munroe) rebalance along with a 3-Star Storm (Mohawk) Hellfire Gala costume!


Gathering Clouds - 9 Black AP -> 8 Black AP
This ability does what it says on the tin, and the Passive is relatively powerful in aggregate as AP generation and self powering for this ability. On a recheck of balance numbers when based on actual in-field player usage instead of pure sims, there's a bit of extra budget available. With this extra budget, we were able to bring down the AP cost to 8, making it faster overall.

Ice Storm - 10 Green AP -> 9 Green AP
As with the rest of her kit, this ability is useful for it’s particular niche. It’s also a relatively decent random AP battery due to it causing a good amount of cascades. But given that it’s random, it doesn’t do much in the way of being a sure thing. So we made a change here to lower the AP cost slightly as well as adding in some targeted AP gain to help her internal AP generation. This is in addition to the random AP gain from the ability itself, making it pretty strong in the realm of an ability that relies on cascades to do the job.

Aurora Totalis - 9 Yellow AP
Another one that in sims and by the numbers is pretty balanced, but doesn't actually work out quite so well in the field. The creation of Charged tiles being random (but focused on a color) makes it sometimes super powerful when everything hits correctly or lackluster when the conversion just doesn't work out. To help with this, we added in targeted AP gain, making SURE that Storm acts as a powerful AP battery,

Overall, these changes makes Storm quicker with her ability usage, more consistent in creating AP in the colors she desires, and less vulnerable to the RNG gods deciding that the cascades or conversion just aren't in your favor, wasting AP that could be used elsewhere.



  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 507 Critical Contributor

    I'm guessing this tweak was mostly just because they were releasing her outfit as it doesn't really change anything. I can definitely appreciate her being made a pinch better since I just got all of her covers, but the tiny upgrade doesn't make me want to give her ISO over the good ones.

    Curious as to why nerf the yellow if others already do her powers better? Magneto blue = much better than her green, MThor yellow... well, MThor just does everything better. Since she is so low health and slow to get going this could have been a chance to help her survive better or get going faster, but I suppose any buff is appreciated.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 507 Critical Contributor

    That being said, if you are looking for a fun infinite team (that will get slapped if you take too long)

    Northstar, 4NightCrawler and her are quite fun. Use her yellow to make purple which usually starts Crawlers purple infinite pretty successfully. Damn I wish they buffed her more...

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 507 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:
    I mean, this is fine, I guess? She gets acceptable health and match damage, and a very slight power buff.

    That is NOT "godlike" health.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    These changes all make her better, but I'm not sure it moves the needle in terms of how often I will use her. I've always liked her and used her when boosted, anyway. This will make it easier to justify.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2024

    Feeder chart revealing champing for 1s?

    Shows 1* feeding the 2* and 2Wolvie. Typo? Kinda odd if so....

    If we could save covers on 1s while working on the 13 for a champ, that would alleviate a major headache when RNG is being cruel.

    On the other hand it would probably delay ascension of 1s into 2s assuming you need to add say a minimum of 50 covers to a 1 before ascending max/min.

    Clarification please?

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 507 Critical Contributor

    +1 for bluewolfs Q. Also, I just noticed this, which could actually help quite a bit:
    The text says her yellow goes from 9 to 7, but the ability / picture says it's still 9 (when the other pictures show the cost reduction).

    THEREFORE, she is 2 pinches better as her yellow is a crucial generator!

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WhiteBomber said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    I mean, this is fine, I guess? She gets acceptable health and match damage, and a very slight power buff.

    That is NOT "godlike" health.

    Eh, she's just a bit shy of m'Thor, so I think it's ok.

    Although people keep telling me m'Thor is a "glass cannon" (LOL) so maybe Storm's health is also crazy low, then!

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2024

    @WhiteBomber said:
    +1 for bluewolfs Q. Also, I just noticed this, which could actually help quite a bit:
    The text says her yellow goes from 9 to 7, but the ability / picture says it's still 9 (when the other pictures show the cost reduction).

    THEREFORE, she is 2 pinches better as her yellow is a crucial generator!

    I'm not saying it would work often but you might be able to get some yellow winfinite going, or at least another firing, since you get rebated 2 when using 7.

    Add in NC and you could be in business.

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    I’m good with this. But I for once have to agree with entrail….. if this is all the rebalance you’re gonna do….. why not do this type of rebalance of an older character once every other week? Dont get me wrong…. I LOVE the costume and I will buy immediately.

    But!…. This rebalance is really what a LOT of the older characters DESPERATELY need. Just a rebalance like this to Spider Man BiB, Cable, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Knull would GREATLY up their usage in my roster.

    Just a thought. But still…. Im a fan of the storm rebalance.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tiger_Wong said:
    I’m good with this. But I for once have to agree with entrail….. if this is all the rebalance you’re gonna do….. why not do this type of rebalance of an older character once every other week? Dont get me wrong…. I LOVE the costume and I will buy immediately.

    But!…. This rebalance is really what a LOT of the older characters DESPERATELY need. Just a rebalance like this to Spider Man BiB, Cable, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Knull would GREATLY up their usage in my roster.

    Just a thought. But still…. Im a fan of the storm rebalance.

    When I asked about batch updates for health and match damage, they kind of dodged the question and said that these old characters need full rebalances to meet the current standard.

    This buff is totally fine, I'm thankful for it, and it'll make her usable at 672 (I have her at 550 and couldn't use her at 672 before). But there's no way a minor buff like this takes a full month to put together, and there are SO many characters that'd be usable with just a small update like this one.

  • S0kun
    S0kun ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor

    Added > @bluewolf said:

    Feeder chart revealing champing for 1s?
    Shows 1* feeding the 2* and 2Wolvie. Typo? Kinda odd if so....

    This was inadvertently included since the flow exists in the backend only in case we implement 1 > 2 feeders, but to avoid further confusion, I've updated the graphic to remove the 1*.

  • TheXMan
    TheXMan Posts: 199 Tile Toppler

    Shouldn't Darkveil as a secondary feeder also be shown?

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 909 Critical Contributor

    Hard to get excited by this I'm afraid.
    I'll give her a try but calling this a rebalance might be a generous interpretation of the word.

  • marvel075
    marvel075 Posts: 125 Tile Toppler

    is the 1star storm getting the costume? cause its the exact same animations and power descriptions within the pictures as the 1 star storm....

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2024

    @S0kun said:
    Added > @bluewolf said:

    Feeder chart revealing champing for 1s?
    Shows 1* feeding the 2* and 2Wolvie. Typo? Kinda odd if so....

    This was inadvertently included since the flow exists in the backend only in case we implement 1 > 2 feeders, but to avoid further confusion, I've updated the graphic to remove the 1*.

    Took me a little bit to find it but I remembered during the champion reward updates this info being posted.

    From IceIX, 5th post down.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards

    Back in Black is almost unplayable in the modern game, having to grind some achievement the other day forcing me to use him reminded me of that. I am in favor of making interesting characters better without changing their flavor, this buff is good for me in that way.

  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 450 Mover and Shaker

    Bit better, but still not much different from before. Her main problems are still the randomness and expensive powers. Instead of having powers that give a little AP back, should've just reduced all the costs by another 2-3.

    Yeah she can make cascades, but it's really not up to you if it works well. I'll basically use her as often as before (not very), and only for her 1 charged tile/turn basically.

  • Kwahder
    Kwahder Posts: 180 Tile Toppler

    So, it looks like there might have been a slight communication error about who gets the costume.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 507 Critical Contributor

    This was also unfortunately incorrect, her yellow is still 9, making this "rework" even less valuable (that was the best part). @S0kun might want to correct, I almost put ISO in to her and that would have been even more frustrating.