The Greatest Heist bug? (Ugin, the Ineffable) [As Designed]

Fwsherwood777 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

I been using Ugin with the cards being permitted to use. While playing the coalition, almost no noncolor gems were showing up so went to switch to Kaya. At that point I realized that there were many Origin cards being blocked from use with Ugin, but not with Kaya. That should not be.


  • Xibvert
    Xibvert Posts: 149 Tile Toppler

    The event node is black, red, and green so Ugin is restricted to only cards of those three colors. Kaya is white and black so she has access to the white cards that Ugin didn't.

  • Fwsherwood777
    Fwsherwood777 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    I understand what you are saying, but you restricted Ugin to only those colors when Ugin is noncolor therefore open to use all colors. But the restriction specifically on Ugin in this coalition prevents the use of other colors cards that other plainwalkers have access to. This is the first time I have seen this done. I have played other events and Ugin had access to all colors even though the colors were not with in the node or event being played. The rules have changed without notifying the players of such changes. That is not right. Had I been given advance warning of the change or restriction, there would be no issue, but as there was no notice of such a change or restriction, it becomes an issue. The actual issue being, noncolor plainwalkers limit to only node colors unlike in the past, where noncolor plainwalkers did not follow restriction of node colors.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Fwsherwood777 - as I recall the rules, you have not found a bug, nor have you found an inconsistency in as far as that is the defined behaviour of colourless PW.
    If you think that the rules for colourless PW are wrong by all means campaign for a change, but I would recommend that you do that in the sub forum General Discussion.

  • Fwsherwood777
    Fwsherwood777 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2024

    The only reason this started was because I thought it was a bug and not a rule change. But you are correct in saying a rule change, this is not a bug.

  • Opperstamper
    Opperstamper Posts: 165 Tile Toppler

    This is getting confusing. The rules for colorless PW's are described here:

    In short: A colorless PW can only use cards that have the same color as the node color(s), plus colorless cards. Ugin is only open to all colors when the node you're playing on is also open to all colors. The node in The Greatest Heist is limited to black, red and green, so those colors can be used by colorless PW's (plus colorless cards).