Has the way you play MPQ changed over the last few months?

Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

Since the introduction of the seasonal/ monthly vaults and quests, have you found yourself changing up your routine?

Has the way you play MPQ changed over the last few months? 70 votes

Yes - I play more.
CNashSeasick PirateCHRISJNCodexrevskipturbomoosenwahs086skittledaddyVenomousMrPlowFariiBicho010TpsimoesZarqaluisdile02UnityGamer 16 votes
Yes - I play less.
KolencexKOBALTxfrachrbickleHeartbreaksoupEd_DragonriderWilliamK1983bladewingLsavage999 9 votes
Yes - I play at different times.
ironsmudgiePunter1fight4thedreamLHammermoogles85Alfje17pezseBubba3210WyntreTimemachinegoOzzieArcaneProfShoehornamberdrake2002LennoxHC 14 votes
No - no need to change.
TheVultureentrailbucketDeNappabluewolfDTrain514KGBJaGothechairmanWilgerHelinutzMegaBeeChuck42grrNMANOZ1EienRyuusamael64WhiteBomberkuntilanak 17 votes
No - what quests? I buy vault tokens if I need to, to clear the vault.
No - they're all a bonus so I take what I can get.
heybubSuperCarrotCarnifex 3 votes
Other or a combination of the above.
AkatoshcooperbigdaddyBorstockdramatistPtahhotepScofieBriMan2222Godzillafan67StillMonsoon3meadowsweetbigjojo04 11 votes


  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards
    Other or a combination of the above.

    I should say, this is not an official poll, just me being curious.

    I've delayed playing DDQ until after 5pm UK-time when the Quests start, but have also been playing PvP way more than I did previously.

  • meadowsweet
    meadowsweet Posts: 272 Mover and Shaker
    Other or a combination of the above.

    I've largely stopped playing from burnout:

    • The unending torrent of new characters I cannot keep up with (now including 2★ & 3★ diluting those rewards)
    • Ascension meaning I now get pummeled in PVP by level 550 characters from all 5 tiers
    • Feeling like the game makes radical & unpredictable changes that punish or reward players randomly (I didn't have any duplicates, spare roster slots, or hoarded tokens before Ascension)
    • These new seasonal quests just adding a lot of tedious chores (I guess I have to have that character sit in the background for 50 matches now...)

    None of which made the game feel more fun to me and didn't fix my biggest complaint - that I would like more flexibility in when I'm able to play and still earn good rewards. If you can't put your life on hold and grind every single day during one of 5 pre-determined time slots, you're just going to keep falling further and further behind other players. And PVP match-making still feels broken when all three options are just the current Meta, all leveled up dozens of levels above my highest characters.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Other or a combination of the above.

    I play the same amount, but I care even less than I already did about placement.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    My play time is dictated by my spare time as I play on a tablet not on a phone so I have limited hours. The new/extra content means I sometimes don't have time to finish it but I welcome the addition.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,428 Chairperson of the Boards
    Other or a combination of the above.

    I play about the same but I wait until 11am for the new quests before I start playing and I use teams I wouldn't have other wise used to complete them.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    The time is roughly the same. I just look at the required affiliations, and then choose teams around them.

    I think they are pretty great and I have used characters that I have not used in more than a year.

    PS New month new stuff.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards
    No - no need to change.

    @DAZ0273 said:
    My play time is dictated by my spare time as I play on a tablet not on a phone so I have limited hours. The new/extra content means I sometimes don't have time to finish it but I welcome the addition.

    I read "on a tablet" as "on a toilet" and thought "so does everyone else!"

    I play the same as I did before, but I do usually have to try to complete the quests -- sometimes they just happen but normally I have to switch teams around or play in a different way.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    My play time is dictated by my spare time as I play on a tablet not on a phone so I have limited hours. The new/extra content means I sometimes don't have time to finish it but I welcome the addition.

    I read "on a tablet" as "on a toilet" and thought "so does everyone else!"

    I play the same as I did before, but I do usually have to try to complete the quests -- sometimes they just happen but normally I have to switch teams around or play in a different way.

    You and your toilet obsession...

  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 636 Critical Contributor
    Other or a combination of the above.

    My biggest changes are also delaying DDQ until after tea time (5pm UK-time when the Quests start) and using even more characters than I'm accustomed to... today included Oscorp Spidey?! Otherwise, I still play too much; all of the new content has fed my MPQ itch well by ensuring that there is often a bit of variety from which to choose.

  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 1,002 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes - I play more.

    I had mostly retired down to DDQ and Boss Events only (occasionally a PVE snipe here or there) after Christmas 2022.
    The recent quests have definitely pulled me back into dabbling more, but still not even close to as much as I played before my pseudo-retirement.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker
    Other or a combination of the above.

    I wouldn’t say I play less now, but I did, for the most part, took last season off from PvP. I still played but cared much less about trying to score high in every event and didn’t even finish with 10k season points and didn’t even get 50 wins in sim because I just didn’t care enough to finish out the rewards there.

    Not sure if that’ll continue, only time will tell. I don’t mind the new quests, it’s nice getting free stuff for doing not a whole lot, although I definitely wasn’t a fan of the stupid make 50 webs quest for one of the dailies with one of the worst web creating characters there is today.

  • OzzieArcane
    OzzieArcane Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Yes - I play at different times.

    The Seasonal Vault/Quests have forced me to change my gaming hours. I would normally try to get most of my quests done before work in the morning or during my lunch break. But now that we have quests that start at noon instead of 6 am like the rest of the dailies I've had to look at this differently and started setting my PvE events to start at noon instead of as early as possible.

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes - I play more.

    Playing a little more. I usually just take offseason PvP to 25 wins but this last offseason went all the way to 50 wins to try to grind out some of the quests. Same with Puzzle Gauntlet, usually just hit each node once to unlock the tokens but this go around I think I cleared nearly all of it.

  • ProfShoehorn
    ProfShoehorn Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    Yes - I play at different times.

    The only real change I made in my play pattern was to move my Deadpool Dailies and all of my PVP play until after the quest rollover (11 A my time). I used to knock out DPD and a PVP match or 2 while getting my 4th PVE node hits done.

    I guess my play time increased slightly, as using the easier PVE nodes (and the relevant DPD nodes) to get the new daily quests done slowed my completion time somewhat. Some of those quests have been fun at least, some have been just annoying.

    CHRISJN Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2024
    Yes - I play more.

    I played more. Why?
    I recently maxed out Victor Mancha to 550, and having fun testing him out in PVP, challenging mostly veteran peeps like me..
    PVE wise, Still using maxed out Okoye, Omega Red, and Ascended Gorr.
    But this current PVE, FFW, 5* Aunt May is boosted (she is still below 500's) , so I am also having fun playing with her..
    So , I am to shardget AM5 from now on.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2024

    I went way down to pve level 5. But now I got aunt may at 467 I think. I moved back up to level 10

    But still quit when I hit the 75 shards reward

    The seasonal quest just add more burn out

    The need to make the seasonal quest to all monthly

    This might all change if I got a blood clot might not be playing for awhile

  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    No - no need to change.

    Overall "No - no need to change", but it is weird because I'm both playing a bit more attentively (to complete quests) but also feeling more burned out, because the gratification is feeling extremely delayed at the moment.

    Ascension is definitely what I play for presently - being exclusively a PvE player the actual 5 tier has been stagnant for a long time - but the journey to 5-star ascension is so dang long it doesn't feel like anything is actually happening; I got the ascended 3-star Deadpool when the mechanic was introduced and even he isn't compete yet in June, so realistically there's no point even looking at anyone below my highest level 4-stars.

    So I'm simultaneously playing consistently and more engaged, but also feel like I could just drop the game at any time.

  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Other or a combination of the above.

    I’m feeling some burnout right now too. I’m not sure what it is about though. Maybe it’s because I got into Marvel from the movies and I’m burnt out on the movies and tv shows now as well. I’m not really relating much to most of the new characters.

    I am doing PvE to full progression, PvP to usually only 12-18 wins unless the boost list is lousy and I can’t be bothered. I try to do most of the daily quests but I don’t get them all. I hardly ever touch the support puzzles. I really dislike those.

    I mostly just like progressing my roster. Although I had over 10 million Iso-8 within the last year and I’m below 4 million now. It hurts when I’m no longer selling 2 and 3 star max champs.

  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    Yes - I play less.

    Definitely less play. I'm so tired of the same opponents in PVE (why can't they rotate them to include newer characters, I ask as we start playing Deadpool for 4 days again). I used to play through full progression in SCL10, now I stop once I've got the 12k red iso.

  • UnityGamer
    UnityGamer Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2024
    Yes - I play more.

    It's actually this with the combination of new characters that has increased my activity with this game. I try to balance that with the other mobile game I play which also requires a commitment of sorts, because dailies. Sometimes, one game's new features just blow me off the water that I have to reduce my commitment on the other game, whether it be this or that. Though it has become harder to manage as of late, I find myself very lucky to still have enough time to play both games and complete their dailies and/or special campaigns.