Crash Log [Investigating]

Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker

This will be an ongoing and probably regularly updated post due to the frequency of crashes.

I used to be able to submit tickets, but now that crashes the app too.

I run the app without any other apps or devices running, using wifi (with a strong signal), I use an Android with a good amount of storage space available.

Recent issues:
Kanigawa Run-
Top node (playing with Ajani Invigorate Leadership) 2 crashes.
Bottom node (playing with Ashiok Sculptor of Fears) 3 crashes.
So I only got to complete 7/12 matches and lost rewards of 7 pink gems and a pack.

Following the Clues-.
Top node (playing with Koth of the Hammer) 1 crash
Bottom node (playing with Liliana of the Veil) 1 crash.
Top node crash was extremely frustrating, I had won the match and the first victory screen appeared, then *crash and lost progression/health/last reward pack.

Will update after the next event because I'm sure the app will crash some more.


  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker

    I also have to deal with anywhere from 1 to 5 crashes every single time I log into the app.

    It also crashes almost every first time I try to edit a deck... and definitely ALWAYS crashes when I try to type something into the text box of the card filter in deck editing.

    Sometimes it crashes when I open a booster pack, but that is much less frequent and unpredictable.

    I won't keep track of the daily Trials, but it happens during every one of those too at least once.

  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker

    Path of the Hydra-
    Left node - 2 crashes, both on Lvl15 playing with Elspeth Sun's Nemesis.
    Right node - 2 crashes, both on Lvl70 playing with Ashiok Sculptor of Fears.

    Lost the last reward of 20 pinks because of crashes.

    And cus I just played them, 3 crashes on the Standard Training Ground playing with Liliana of the Veil, and 1 crash on the Legacy Training Ground playing with Ajani Invigorate Leadership. No reward losses, only time.

    Running total of unattainable rewards due to crashes for this month - 27 pinks and at least one booster pack (runes are meaningless at this point since I sit on several million of the nearly useless things).

  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker

    Into the Wilds of Eldraine-
    W/R node - 2 crashes w/ Ajani Invigorate Leadership
    U/G node - 2 crashes w/ Vivian Reid
    B/U node - 1 crash w/ Ashiok Sculptor of Fears
    B/R node - 1 crash w/ Sarkhan Unbroken
    B/G node - only played two charges, no crashes.

    I was able to scrape through and earn all rewards, but that's a lot of crashing anyway, so though y'all should know for whatever reason.

    Rise of Adventure-
    Top node - 2 crashes w/ Ajani Invigorate Leadership
    Bottom Node - 1 crash w/ Koth of the Hammar

    Legitimately lost a couple rounds, but yeah, did not earn the final booster pack and of course landed in the very last category of ranked rewards.

    And of course this does not include the 1-5 crashes I deal with everytime I try to log in to the game. So each of these crashes in game also include a number of crashes trying to get back to playing.

    Infuriatingly frustrating, more so as time goes on, updates arrive, and it seems there is no support available. Definitely doesnt inspire me to put any money into the game. Shame, because it is a great game when it works.

  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker
    edited March 2024

    Skoti Bloodline-
    Only got to play 2/3 of possible games, esentially one entire node I was not able to play due to crashes.
    Bottom Left node - 2 crashes with Liliana of the Veil
    Top node - 3 crashes with Vivuan Reid
    Bottom Right node - 2 crashes with Ajani Invigorate Leadership

    Lost out on a booster pack and of course a bunch of ranked prizes.

    Nodes of Power-
    Somehow got all the normal rewards and 2 nodes with no crashes. However
    •3 crashes on the Black node with Garuk, Cursed Huntsman
    •1 crash on the Blue node with Sarkhan Unbroken
    •2 crashes on the White node with Ajani Invigorate Leadership

    Lost out on another booster pack.

    I just tried some Colors of Magic.... 5/8 games on the top node resulted in the app crashing, at least twice before I even got to make a swap.


    Running total of reward losses due to app crashes - at least 27 pink gems, 5 booster packs, and who knows how many runes.

  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker
    edited March 2024

    Yup, Colors of Magic crashed 7 times! (5 on the top node, 2 on the bottom, once after I had won a game but still got a loss and no healing, several times it happened in play, and twice it happened before I made one swap).


    •27 PINKS
    •60 GOLD
    •??? RUNES
    •a ton of ranked prizes.

    And it does not seem like I can do anything about it any of it. No one has responded, no one has offered advice on how to avoid or fix what is clearly a f*ck1ng prroblem, zero compensation.

    I'm going to keep doing this even if there's less than 0% chance of anything changing because maybe it will get as annoying to the people (person, singular?) behind this forum/game as the crashes are for me.

  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker
    edited March 2024


    I just spent the last, oh, hour or so attempting to play the game.

    I never got to finish a match of the 3rd level of the R node on Survivors of 4 Tribes ('Summon 5 pirates'). I never even got to start 2 of them, the other two I got maybe 4 or 5 rounds in before, yup, CRASH!!! AND THEN A HALF DOZEN CRASHES EACH TIME I TRY TO LOG BACK IN.

    After another ~2hrs of attempting to edit a deck to play the final charge of the left node (summon Merfolk), crashes for ~2hrs... this morning I finally got far enough without app failure to get some Merfolk in the deck and play it. Got through the round and won!!!! But not the second time. 5 wins, one more crash after a few rounds.

    Losses - 1 pack and 20 gold, and put into 1,000+ place ranked, so last tier ranked and coalition rewards (junk, heres a single pink, don't spend it too fast!!!!)

    •27 PINKS
    •70 GOLD
    •??? RUNES
    •a ton of ranked prizes.

  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 53 Match Maker

    No more updates because, well, it's time to quit the game. There has been absolutely ZERO response to my issues. It now takes 20+ minutes of reattempting to get into the app due to crashes to potentially play one round, which will crash. Game has so much potential to be something awesome, too bad it isn't.

  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hi, @Enigma!

    This is definitely a bad experience. Let's get into it.
    I'll send your reports to our Customer Support team, who can ask you for more details we cannot ask for here. For example, by looking into some logs we can have more info on when these crashes happened and gather some characteristics in common between them. But for that we'd need your account information, which should never be shared publicly. Please contact them so they can continue with this investigation.

    From what I gathered, these are not locks but the app closing, right? We've had reports of locks lately and have also fixed some issues related to them with the last update. If there are other reports here in the forum with similar characteristics to yours, please leave the link below so we can cross check the info. It would be most helpful to understand what is going on.
