MPQ Developer Q&A January 2024 (QUESTIONS)

MPQBlaine ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
edited February 2024 in MPQ General Discussion

It's time for our monthly Developer Q & A with the team behind Marvel Puzzle Quest!

We always look forward to addressing community feedback so please feel free to share with us your thoughts and suggestions. To help with our workflow, please be mindful of the following rules.

January Developer Q&A Google Form:

  1. Max 1 Question:
    To ensure that we're able to answer as many questions as possible, questions are limited to 1 per player and a maximum of 250 characters.
  2. Copy Questions to original Q&A thread:
    To avoid duplicate questions, we kindly ask that you post your question to our Q&A forum thread to display them publicly for others to see here.
  3. Deadline to submit questions:
    12pm PST/8pm BST on Feb 2nd
  4. Answers posted:
    Week of February 5th


  • UnityGamer
    UnityGamer Posts: 49 Just Dropped In

    Certain players like myself would love to create new moves for characters. Have you considered doing a contest where fans can submit move ideas for pre-existing or up and coming characters?

    For those on the unaware, this was something that did occur years ago by another game I still play. Contest runners ended up not using the top three winner's proposed moves, but they did receive in-game rewards.

  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 450 Mover and Shaker

    @UnityGamer said:
    Certain players like myself would love to create new moves for characters. Have you considered doing a contest where fans can submit move ideas for pre-existing or up and coming characters?

    For those on the unaware, this was something that did occur years ago by another game I still play. Contest runners ended up not using the top three winner's proposed moves, but they did receive in-game rewards.

    They literally just did this a month or 2 ago lol, on reddit. But it was an official contest. Sebastian Shaw was one of the people you could suggest a power for, I forget the rest (mine totally should've won!). No clue if they plan on using said power though. I hope not I think it was pretty broken lol, but it got the most votes.

  • Chenpion
    Chenpion Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    You guys are doing great work with modernising the UI. Keep it up.

    Right now, we can go through someone's roster and see what supports they have and who they're equipped to.

    Can you make the (character) roster searchable (by others) too? If that's asking too much, can it be done for commanders or people in your alliance?

    Right now, I have 648 roster slots and 557 characters. All the different ascended characters have made going through the roster a bit of a nightmare, but that's OK when it's your own roster because of the search feature. When I'm scrolling through someone else's... it's easy to miss a specific 5 (or 4) I'm looking for because (at least in my case) there's 182 5s and 235 4s.

  • Hammer3001
    Hammer3001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler

    Any chance of Cosmic Ghost Rider, Colossus (Juggernaut), Terrax the Tamer, Crimson Dynamo?

  • MathiasTCK
    MathiasTCK Posts: 67 Match Maker

    Please make the small hit targets bigger, the boost and top left back button especially.

    The more often a button is clicked the bigger it should be.

  • Carnifex
    Carnifex Posts: 122 Tile Toppler

    Is it possible to have a toggle to turn off PVE story text before the node starts? I'm sure no one still reads the story every time a PVE cycles round now? Apologies if this has been asked before!

  • UnityGamer
    UnityGamer Posts: 49 Just Dropped In

    @Seph1roth5 said:
    They literally just did this a month or 2 ago lol, on reddit. But it was an official contest. Sebastian Shaw was one of the people you could suggest a power for, I forget the rest (mine totally should've won!). No clue if they plan on using said power though. I hope not I think it was pretty broken lol, but it got the most votes.

    I didn't know that. Was it advertised here on the forums even though it was a Reddit exclusive?

    The one change I would suggest is that users could submit moves for any character, existing or up and coming. That way, it could double as a prediction. Suppose you make a move for a character that's yet to appear in MPQ, like my pick would be for Silver Sable or Arana/Anya Corazon. Your move for your character doesn't make the winner's circle - BUT - you did properly predict who's next, granting you a secret consolation reward tied to your submission (covers for the new character, hero coins).

  • Nurielkun
    Nurielkun Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    edited January 2024

    Do you have plans to expand "12 days of Marvel" of new affiliations i.e. Technologists, Excalibur, Geniuses, Illuminati, Non-humanoids etc.?

  • DJ47057
    DJ47057 Posts: 59 Match Maker

    Are there thoughts about daily offers for support-shards similar to character-shards?

  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards

    Quandary was a really fun twist on the usual gameplay. I hope it returns after ironing out some of the issues with the prior runs of the Event.

    The Original Puzzle Quest has some additional puzzles that simply required clearing the entire board of a set series of tiles. Any consideration of doing something similar next Quandary or for some other puzzley event?

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,554 Chairperson of the Boards

    Any thoughts to finally adding a 5* Node to Deadpool Daily Quest now you guys are selling 450 1? You could make room by combining the two 2 nodes?

  • whoami
    whoami Posts: 76 Match Maker

    Ascension is great! It’s really added variety to viable PVP and PVE teams. But there are some characters that I would really love to ascend, but won’t because I don’t want to miss out on feeders (eg 4* Rocket and Red Hulk). Plans to address this?

  • Akatosh
    Akatosh Posts: 51 Match Maker

    Any plans to update and add any more events to the campaign tab, as well as resetting it every month?

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,412 Chairperson of the Boards

    @whoami said:
    Ascension is great! It’s really added variety to viable PVP and PVE teams. But there are some characters that I would really love to ascend, but won’t because I don’t want to miss out on feeders (eg 4* Rocket and Red Hulk). Plans to address this?

    On Discord they've already said they have plans to address this but with an unknown timeline on when it will be completed.


  • Codex
    Codex Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker

    @KGB said:

    @whoami said:
    Ascension is great! It’s really added variety to viable PVP and PVE teams. But there are some characters that I would really love to ascend, but won’t because I don’t want to miss out on feeders (eg 4* Rocket and Red Hulk). Plans to address this?

    On Discord they've already said they have plans to address this but with an unknown timeline on when it will be completed.


    To be fair their response is still open to interpretation. Imo they need to say something like, " Yes, there are plans to address giving out retro rewards for characters that players have ascended. "

  • whoami
    whoami Posts: 76 Match Maker

    Yeah, I’m looking for a clear “go ahead and ascend Rocket, we’ll give you whatever 5* feeder reward you miss” and I don’t think we’ve gotten that yet.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,256 Chairperson of the Boards

    In high end PvP, the metagame is basically 100% Mighty Thor now. What do her usage/winrate numbers look like from your side, are you watching her, and/or is she on a list to get rebalanced anytime soon?

  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 636 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2024

    For many, the ISO drought has worsened as we’re no longer selling 1* covers or flipping maxed 2* s. Can you offer a glimmer of hope on WHEN the ISO debt situation will be addressed?

    Edited for unintentional formatting.

    NMANOZ1 Posts: 135 Tile Toppler

    Could a banking type system be introduced into the game?

    Like being able to bank a certain amount of favoured shards which we can allocate to characters of our choice in the future.

This discussion has been closed.