Rebalance Notes: Captain Marvel (Galactic Warrior) 5*

S0kun ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 787 Critical Contributor
edited January 2024 in MPQ Character Discussion

Apologies in advance for the small formatting folks. We'll see what we can do able image formatting, but I appreciate the feedback and will keep trying to improve these as we update more.

Rebalance Notes: Captain Marvel (Galactic Warrior)


  • Increased base health and match damage to line up with modern characters
  • Increased base ability damage and healing to line up with modern characters

Mean Right Hook

  • Repeater is now always 2 turns instead of 3->2 turns as it levels
  • Increased damage at levels 2-5

Got Your Six

  • Characters are now sent 'Away' instead of 'Airborne'. This keeps them from being blasted by characters such as Archangel when it's intended to be a defensive ability to prevent damage.
  • Increased healing at all levels
  • Increased damage at levels 1-4

Event Horizon / Photonic Rush

  • No change to Event Horizon
  • Now always immediately destroys a row instead of having a Countdown tile
  • Increase damage at all levels



  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,423 Chairperson of the Boards

    The text on her Active Green is the original text when she was released. That's not the text that's currently in the game for that power (she got her stealth nerf a couple years back so that she no longer destroys friendly specials, only enemy ones).


  • St_Bernadus
    St_Bernadus Posts: 644 Critical Contributor

    What does that feeder chart mean? Surely no change?

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards

    Health and match damage are welcome, power stuff is a wide miss in my opinion, at least as far as having internal synergy the way she did at launch before her green stopped destroying friendly tiles. I did test sending all three of my team airborne at the same time, and thankfully that wasn’t a self-destruct since there wasn’t an opponent Kang.

  • S0kun
    S0kun ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 787 Critical Contributor

    @St_Bernadus said:
    What does that feeder chart mean? Surely no change?

    You can ignore that part. I just don’t have the graphic yet.

  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 545 Critical Contributor

    Surely she wouldn't be broken if we give her a fortified repeater at lvl5? That's what made 4-star Black Panther from meh to menacing.

  • ElReyFelix
    ElReyFelix Posts: 105 Tile Toppler

    @KGB said:
    The text on her Active Green is the original text when she was released. That's not the text that's currently in the game for that power (she got her stealth nerf a couple years back so that she no longer destroys friendly specials, only enemy ones).


    This is unfortunate because pre -nerf she worked nicely with Polaris and Beta Ray Bill. When I saw this rebalance and read the power description, I got excited thinking they reverted it back to how it used to be.

  • allen_koholic
    allen_koholic Posts: 103 Tile Toppler

    That yellow still feels like a bad wonky power.

  • leviticuschom
    leviticuschom Posts: 65 Match Maker
    edited November 2023

    fantastic, unexpected news. 3 turn repeater on green is quite a while, but maybe once it's going there's a rush. But looks fun, and more of a slow burner. thanks so much for this unexpected win!

    P.S. don't love the colored graphics under Abilities. A small colored gem graphic would suffice, or a much smaller pic. This would help make reading the powers could be a smoother experience. The graphic is distracting. And it feels weird having the info I most want start on the right side. (viewed from a desktop). New format is refreshing :D

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    The uptick in damage of all her powers is quite noticeable.

    Now her biggest problem is team synergy. Hopefully I can come up with something.

  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 665 Critical Contributor

    sending team mates away means she is a liability against kang teams

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    Even post rework there is still way too much chance that the red does absolutely nothing. Who thought this power was ok without at least fortifying the repeater?

    Green was way way underpowered before, but is still 10ap for something like 25k damage at 450 which just doesn't cut it.

    For a character that marvel has pushed very hard as the strongest in the MCU this 5* version is still borderline trash compared to 4* carol.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,423 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2023

    @spatenfloot said:
    sending team mates away means she is a liability against kang teams

    Or the old way she was going to be a liability vs Vulture / Angel teams. There's no perfect solution unless they gave you a way to pick whether you sent them away or airborne so you could partner her better or avoid certain enemies.


  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    Well the exciting thing about 4s becoming ascendable is that her best partner should be on her level eventually.

    4* Human Torch (Jim Hammond) fortifies repeaters on activation and creates a beefy strike at the same time.

    Actually now that I think about it, when Jim ascends, a few other mediocre repeater makers in 5* land will receive a much needed boost in playability like Ronan and 5* Gamora.

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    @Tiger_Wong said:
    The uptick in damage of all her powers is quite noticeable.

    Now her biggest problem is team synergy. Hopefully I can come up with something.

    Eventually we'll be able to ascend Polaris and Mr Negative which might make that winfinte robust enough to use more widely.

  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2023

    Ascended Bobbi does 4x as much damage for 1 more AP and is fortified. Hers is a one time deal and does self harm but Carol's isn't fortified so might not even go off once. Not sure how much proper boosted Carol's will do but boosted Bobbi is doing 150k.

    Edit: Bobbi's only does self harm if one of the fortified CD tiles gets matched away.

  • kuntilanak
    kuntilanak Posts: 94 Match Maker

    her initial release was very 'meehh', but then long came a dynamic duo of a lady and the horse, and suddenly she is a viable choice. however, without much time passed, her 1 useful synergistic passive was changed for no apparent reason that i know of, so she's relegated to bench warmer again. so far, i don't think these new 'new' changes will affect her current status/usage at all.