Mighty Thor counter teams



  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:

    Players level up their characters every single day and do just fine. Where are the legions of players who accidentally level up one guy and find the game's become completely unplayable? Wouldn't they be turning up here, or on Reddit or something, en masse?

    No, they'd quit like I nearly did after levelling up my strongest characters made PvP unplayable for years.

    If I'd been here (or better still on Reddit) I might have avoided the problem.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,410 Chairperson of the Boards

    Maybe this player doesn't have 1.5 million ISO to level up 3 characters to 450. That's not exactly a small amount players are likely to have lying around.

    Anyway, given they are working on a new match making algorithm, I'd be hesitant to do anything like jumping to 5* land until it's released and we know how it works. Use the various 4* teams that have been suggested.


  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 626 Critical Contributor

    Everyone knows it's ok for people to give their opinions while others give theirs and OP makes his own decision, right?

    Several people have made their cases but it's up to the poster to decide what works for them.

    From this thread alone there are statements of someone wishing they waited longer and someone wishing they moved up sooner.

    He's been given tips for teams based on his roster and advice on leveling or waiting. It's up to him to decide what works for him though and he could always ask more questions.

    @Nero as you can see different people approach things differently. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but the same things don't work for everyone. Hopefully you found something here that works for you.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,243 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DrClever said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    Players level up their characters every single day and do just fine. Where are the legions of players who accidentally level up one guy and find the game's become completely unplayable? Wouldn't they be turning up here, or on Reddit or something, en masse?

    No, they'd quit like I nearly did after levelling up my strongest characters made PvP unplayable for years.

    If I'd been here (or better still on Reddit) I might have avoided the problem.

    Hang on, completely unplayable? You were given only matches that you couldn't win? Can you describe this in more detail?

    I'm not doubting you, but in 10 years I've never heard this from anyone -- I'm interested in what exactly you did and what you saw.

  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:

    @DrClever said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    Players level up their characters every single day and do just fine. Where are the legions of players who accidentally level up one guy and find the game's become completely unplayable? Wouldn't they be turning up here, or on Reddit or something, en masse?

    No, they'd quit like I nearly did after levelling up my strongest characters made PvP unplayable for years.

    If I'd been here (or better still on Reddit) I might have avoided the problem.

    Hang on, completely unplayable? You were given only matches that you couldn't win? Can you describe this in more detail?

    I'm not doubting you, but in 10 years I've never heard this from anyone -- I'm interested in what exactly you did and what you saw.

    It happened to me, but it was years ago. I had Silver Surfer, and matches were manageable. Then I got Phoenix, and matches became unwinnable. When I sold both, I could win matches again. This was back before SCLs were even a thing.

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    Basically what MegaBee said - I levelled up the first 5* characters I had and from that point got mostly unwinnable matches.

    I've been playing since launch but always fairly casually which is why it didn't bother me enough to quit entirely.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    In the champions 2.0 era there are still softcappers?
    This game is just about evolving. Level up your characters.
    This game has 2 parts: if by any chance you find it harder pvp(the skip button is there), you will have access to better rewards in pve.
    And don't miss this funny fact:
    With more leveled characters you'll just cut your play time drastically in any event.
    I'd sign for that everyday.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bad said:
    In the champions 2.0 era there are still softcappers?
    This game is just about evolving. Level up your characters.
    This game has 2 parts: if by any chance you find it harder pvp(the skip button is there), you will have access to better rewards in pve.
    And don't miss this funny fact:
    With more leveled characters you'll just cut your play time drastically in any event.
    I'd sign for that everyday.

    I agree that softcapping is less obviously beneficial than it was before CLs and the champion system. But there is no "wrong" way to play the game (even if there is an "optimal" way to get maximum rewards with minimum effort). If someone wants to do a sub-optimal thing because it makes them happy then have at it.

    And let's not pretend that the skip button doesn't just consume iso and cycle people through the same handful of active opponents at any given time. Acting like the skip feature lets players completely avoid any opponent in pvp is not realistic. It's a partial solution at best.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    @Vhailorx said:

    And let's not pretend that the skip button doesn't just consume iso and cycle people through the same handful of active opponents at any given time. Acting like the skip feature lets players completely avoid any opponent in pvp is not realistic. It's a partial solution at best.

    Time is gold. If someone wants to play doble or triple the amount of time, imho that's playing wrong. And it's wrong because always there will be strong opponents no matter if you leveled it or not. So level up and get better rewards. But yeah, to each its own.

    And right now there are many ways to earn iso. Better to skip and lose a few iso coins than to lose all your characters and spend health packs and gold.
    I agree with you, to skip battles is a partial solution.
    To be stronger, now we are talking about a better solution.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bad said:

    @Vhailorx said:

    And let's not pretend that the skip button doesn't just consume iso and cycle people through the same handful of active opponents at any given time. Acting like the skip feature lets players completely avoid any opponent in pvp is not realistic. It's a partial solution at best.

    Time is gold. If someone wants to play doble or triple the amount of time, imho that's playing wrong. And it's wrong because always there will be strong opponents no matter if you leveled it or not. So level up and get better rewards. But yeah, to each its own.

    And right now there are many ways to earn iso. Better to skip and lose a few iso coins than to lose all your characters and spend health packs and gold.
    I agree with you, to skip battles is a partial solution.
    To be stronger, now we are talking about a better solution.

    But you may be missing my point. Yes, time is gold IF you want to get the maximum rewards with minimal effort. There are strategies in MPQ that are objectively faster or objectively more likely to win and produce rewards. Those are quantifiable metrics. And softcapping is no longer an optimal strategy for rewards efficiency (it used to be!)

    But enjoying the game is a totally different thing. If someone enjoys softcapping because it allows to them to enjoy mixed 5/4 play in a different way (and doesn't want to collects the hundreds of covers necessary to do that via ascension) then I don't think it makes sense to tell them they are "wrong."

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Vhailorx said:
    But enjoying the game is a totally different thing. If someone enjoys softcapping because it allows to them to enjoy mixed 5/4 play in a different way (and doesn't want to collects the hundreds of covers necessary to do that via ascension) then I don't think it makes sense to tell them they are "wrong."

    Indeed. Now, how that person knows that they're having more fun softcapping than leveling?
    You are sounding as if the softcapper had the experience of playing with the characters leveled.
    If anything, it's the opposite, and the players leveling could remember the times when they played with unleveled characters.
    Never the opposite.

  • Nero
    Nero Posts: 35 Just Dropped In

    Thank you all for yours tips, this will help me a lot. :)

    I see this tread slide on softcaping, champing and playstyle. Dont fight ech over over for this !

    This is all a point of view of what you can doing with this game and your "real life"

    To clarify things:

    My actual statement:

    • 381 rosters slots
    • 6 missing 5*
    • Actual lvl scaling 305 that i up progressively with my aquisition of 4* covers, next will be 310>315>...

    I remember when i startet playing this game, the first 5* cover i erned was a red Captain america civil war. It's was verry good for PVE but a hell for PVP(2* roster). I dont wanted sold this cover that it was verry precious for me. So i played PVE because i had nothing else to do in this situation. I was bored and take a break of severals mounths. I come back, many changes in game, new mechanics that i dont remember... lvlup and grosing my roster until i can play PVP in good condition, knowledges of the game... I played PVE, PVP and alliances envent. Today due to my personnal life and job(in hospital) i canot play as i want. So, i only play PVP and Deadpool daily, i enjoy the game and have a good time.

    I know that are multiples strategies and point of view for progression. For me, you have all right in your way.

    The management style i choise, i want to have the ability to use the maximum of the capacity of my roster and collecting all the charachters. If i lvl up to 450 my 5* i have no more fun but a stock of 370 characters "bank of rewards".

    To clarrify, for me PVP is relativy easy exepting facing specific team like Mthor/pola due this topic.

    Thanks to all of you and enjoy the game!

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,243 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DrClever said:
    Basically what MegaBee said - I levelled up the first 5* characters I had and from that point got mostly unwinnable matches.

    I've been playing since launch but always fairly casually which is why it didn't bother me enough to quit entirely.

    What does an unwinnable match look like for you? Or, I guess, what did it look like?

    Again I am not calling you out or doubting you, I'm sincerely asking.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,243 Chairperson of the Boards

    To address the softcapping thing...it's possible to enjoy this game in all sorts of ways, with all sorts of rosters, and everybody should be able to do what they want.

    The reason I'm down on softcapping as a strategy is,

    1. They don't know what they're missing. Since they've never played with leveled-up characters, they can't know if their way is more fun.

    And 2. The decision to softcap is often based on outdated or simply false information/myths.

    If a player knows what they're missing, knows that the game won't become unplayable if they advance their roster, and chooses to do this anyway, for whatever reason, great!

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:
    What does an unwinnable match look like for you? Or, I guess, what did it look like?

    Well it was long while so the actual makeup of the teams would have varied but the pattern was that I'd get matched with much stronger 5* (or mixed 5and 4 when e.g. Bishop made that superior) teams that my OML and whatever else I could scrape together just bombed against.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't have a single softcapper in my alliance. They can be weak because they started playing recently. And they seek advice in order to be stronger, to get better rankings and rewards.
    I'd never advice any player to become frozen forever, fearing playerbase's wrath, the Abyssal Ones lol.
    And the thing is that everyone continues playing, enjoying the game as it was mean to be: an unstoppable ascension. Flying always higher.
    And that's true no matter what availability of Real Life the player could have.
    If it's too casual they won't last in my active alliance, but there are plenty of really casual alliances.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,243 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DrClever said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    What does an unwinnable match look like for you? Or, I guess, what did it look like?

    Well it was long while so the actual makeup of the teams would have varied but the pattern was that I'd get matched with much stronger 5* (or mixed 5and 4 when e.g. Bishop made that superior) teams that my OML and whatever else I could scrape together just bombed against.

    Was this after the OML nerf? And he was your only champion 5*?

    This is a situation where I could definitely see it being a problem (and 100% the devs' fault, they should have known it could cause this), but I do think it's fairly unique, and probably pretty unlikely to happen today.

  • TheXMan
    TheXMan Posts: 199 Tile Toppler

    I queued someone whose only two champ 5s were ascended iron man and storm. That has to be a terrible PvP experience

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:
    Was this after the OML nerf? And he was your only champion 5*?

    No idea re the nerf, and I wouldn't have known at the time because it wasn't announced in game and I wouldn't have checked his details, but he was nowhere near being fully covered never mind anything else, he was just able to be at a much higher level than any other characters I had.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,243 Chairperson of the Boards

    @TheXMan said:
    I queued someone whose only two champ 5s were ascended iron man and storm. That has to be a terrible PvP experience

    I'm really curious about these folks' experience. I haven't seen any of them yet, but I play PvP in a weird slice at a weird time. There was a lot of concern here about what sorts of horrible things might happen to them, but I haven't heard anything from somebody in that situation.