Loop timer resets on a 5 match while cascading [investigating]

naabaldan Posts: 633 Critical Contributor

In the past and still working:
The functionality of an activated loop timer is reset by a 5 match by swap.

While playing a heavy orb conversion deck the loop timer may never appear because the time resets on every 5 match by conversion. The only chance to stopp this is to play only cards that do not convert gems in a row from this deck. This may never or very rarely appear depending on the cards in this deck.
For my titanomachy deck it took about 20 minutes until it happened leaving 38 extra swaps...


  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor

    perfect example of how the lps system is broken.
    @Magic:PQ Support Team

  • Gunmix25
    Gunmix25 Posts: 1,442 Chairperson of the Boards

    This issue has been around since the introduction of the loop timer. Brought up numerous times in here and was never addressed. In a nut shell, whenever a loop timer triggers and you make a 5 match, that turns off the loop timer and you essentially can go infinite from that point on. It's as if the loop timer doesn't exist anymore in the match.