Can we talk about Gambit for a minute?



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards

    Remember when his red would gather the AP of the charge tiles he was then destroying rather than removing? Those were the days.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,319 Chairperson of the Boards

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    The lore thing reminds me of 5* Thor, who's the most hilarious lore miss in the game's history.

    Somehow the MPQ devs watched the movie where Thor is a gladiator in the Sakaar arena and decided that the character should be someone who purposely hurts himself by repeatedly retreating from fights, then hides in the back and generates resources for other characters.

    That's how we use him, I don't think the devs intended this at all. I think they expected that thor goes into battle at full health, then when he's tanked all these enemy hits he goes into a berserker lightning fueled rage and starts generating power to fuel his own attacks.

    I really don't think the devs expected us to exploit him as a battery.

    Wait, do you mean the developers made him like this BY ACCIDENT???!!! Why, this cannot be! I am simply flabbergasted!

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    Well the one guy who thought the devs (both crews) have a multi year plan for EVERYTHING is no longer with us.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,706 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    I agree they should remove him restricting red and purple powers from other characters. He doesn't play very well with a lot of characters because of them, and when his AP generation was unrestricted the lock-out was probably necessary, but now that it's board-dependent I really don't think it is.

    Repeater tiles go away. Even when they're fortified or when there isn't someone who deliberately removes the (cough cough Mthor,) they still go away a lot.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:
    Yeah, champ him, then try him out boosted.
    He's good.
    Like, REALLY good.
    And that's only 489, boosted.

    I am way less enthusiastic about revised gambit than Bow, but even I will admit that he is now solidly mid-tier and viable when boosted.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,319 Chairperson of the Boards

    Mine is lvl520 (boosted to lvl640):

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2023

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    The lore thing reminds me of 5* Thor, who's the most hilarious lore miss in the game's history.

    Somehow the MPQ devs watched the movie where Thor is a gladiator in the Sakaar arena and decided that the character should be someone who purposely hurts himself by repeatedly retreating from fights, then hides in the back and generates resources for other characters.

    That's how we use him, I don't think the devs intended this at all. I think they expected that thor goes into battle at full health, then when he's tanked all these enemy hits he goes into a berserker lightning fueled rage and starts generating power to fuel his own attacks.

    I really don't think the devs expected us to exploit him as a battery.

    I'd agree with you if we weren't already using 5* DD with half-health for the strike tiles at the time

  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards

    If they really want to keep his blocking allies' Purple and Red, just set a threshold on it. E.g. when you have 8 or more Purple/Red AP, Gambit's allies cannot fire Purple and Red abilities. So character-wise it's Gambit being generous to a fault, seemingly giving opportunities for his teammates but then hogging the spotlight when he has enough resources.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Punisher5784 said:

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    The lore thing reminds me of 5* Thor, who's the most hilarious lore miss in the game's history.

    Somehow the MPQ devs watched the movie where Thor is a gladiator in the Sakaar arena and decided that the character should be someone who purposely hurts himself by repeatedly retreating from fights, then hides in the back and generates resources for other characters.

    That's how we use him, I don't think the devs intended this at all. I think they expected that thor goes into battle at full health, then when he's tanked all these enemy hits he goes into a berserker lightning fueled rage and starts generating power to fuel his own attacks.

    I really don't think the devs expected us to exploit him as a battery.

    I'd agree with you if we weren't already using 5* DD with half-health for the strike tiles at the time

    Thematically speaking, Matt getting the stuffing kicked out of him and having to still fight is pretty on brand for DareDevil though I feel like.

  • Aweberman
    Aweberman Posts: 443 Mover and Shaker

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    The lore thing reminds me of 5* Thor, who's the most hilarious lore miss in the game's history.

    Somehow the MPQ devs watched the movie where Thor is a gladiator in the Sakaar arena and decided that the character should be someone who purposely hurts himself by repeatedly retreating from fights, then hides in the back and generates resources for other characters.

    That's how we use him, I don't think the devs intended this at all. I think they expected that thor goes into battle at full health, then when he's tanked all these enemy hits he goes into a berserker lightning fueled rage and starts generating power to fuel his own attacks.

    I really don't think the devs expected us to exploit him as a battery.

    So you’re saying the actual answer is for Thor to lock teammates’ red, green, and yellow powers? 😄

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,319 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Aweberman said:

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    The lore thing reminds me of 5* Thor, who's the most hilarious lore miss in the game's history.

    Somehow the MPQ devs watched the movie where Thor is a gladiator in the Sakaar arena and decided that the character should be someone who purposely hurts himself by repeatedly retreating from fights, then hides in the back and generates resources for other characters.

    That's how we use him, I don't think the devs intended this at all. I think they expected that thor goes into battle at full health, then when he's tanked all these enemy hits he goes into a berserker lightning fueled rage and starts generating power to fuel his own attacks.

    I really don't think the devs expected us to exploit him as a battery.

    So you’re saying the actual answer is for Thor to lock teammates’ red, green, and yellow powers? 😄

    I keep a mental list of "guys who aren't terribly problematic right now but have a very high chance of being totally busted with some future character," and Thor is very high on that list. They're going to release some guy, someday, that Thor's AP generation completely breaks, and they'll take over the game together.

    There's probably a word for characters like this in game design. Traps, or something like that. They do something that's overpowered, but only when they have the right teammate. It really restricts design space for certain kinds of powers. Others include Immortal Hulk (hey...that sounds familiar), 5* Hawkeye, Kitty, and the power boosters.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:

    @Aweberman said:

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    The lore thing reminds me of 5* Thor, who's the most hilarious lore miss in the game's history.

    Somehow the MPQ devs watched the movie where Thor is a gladiator in the Sakaar arena and decided that the character should be someone who purposely hurts himself by repeatedly retreating from fights, then hides in the back and generates resources for other characters.

    That's how we use him, I don't think the devs intended this at all. I think they expected that thor goes into battle at full health, then when he's tanked all these enemy hits he goes into a berserker lightning fueled rage and starts generating power to fuel his own attacks.

    I really don't think the devs expected us to exploit him as a battery.

    So you’re saying the actual answer is for Thor to lock teammates’ red, green, and yellow powers? 😄

    I keep a mental list of "guys who aren't terribly problematic right now but have a very high chance of being totally busted with some future character," and Thor is very high on that list. They're going to release some guy, someday, that Thor's AP generation completely breaks, and they'll take over the game together.

    There's probably a word for characters like this in game design. Traps, or something like that. They do something that's overpowered, but only when they have the right teammate. It really restricts design space for certain kinds of powers. Others include Immortal Hulk (hey...that sounds familiar), 5* Hawkeye, Kitty, and the power boosters.

    They did that already. It was okoye and they dominated the game for about 18 months after gambit was nerfed.

    I too keep a list of exploitable characters that just don't have the right partner yet. I think Kilmonger, heimdall, and gwenom are three off the top of my head. Gwenom, for examplr, will play very differently if anyone ever gets SM2099 up to 5* tier, as will heimdall with a 5* shuri.

    But to me those are different than the reliable battery characters like 3* switch, 5* HE, and halfthor. Those characrers are super useful and see a predictable jump up in value when ever a new character comes along that needs the colors they provide.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards

    Im really looking forward to somebody that’s a total dud in their own tier becoming a terror in the next tier up. The Talos example earlier, probably Dark Beast on that match damage, maybe Flaptain for a couple reasons…I wish this update would go live already