Iso-8 Brotherhood



  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    I mean at this point I'll settle for an event not exploding when they run it for the first time.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @Ptahhotep said:
    The challenge node replaces the 2* node so could simply be the same characters at a higher level.

    Which is a missed opportunity but could be a coding thing.

    That's likely the reason. In the recent July Q&A they stated just switching a DDQ node to Jeff took 1-day! Apply that x7 probably wasn't worth the effort

  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor

    @Vhailorx said:

    @Tony_Foot said:

    @Vhailorx said:
    It's quite irritating that the point spread for these 7 day events is so flat. It takes full grinds on ~5.5 or 6 of the 7 days to get max prog. Which is a significantly higher time commitment than the 3 and 4 events.

    Which CL? I did 10 and didn’t do any days grinding. 3 clears on main nodes got me 15k over.


    Each sub-event for this evetn averages ~20k points for 3-clears, with the early nodes being worth a bit under 20k and the last day being worth 26k and change. That means a player needs to 3-clear 6/7 days to hit max prog. IIRC the scoring in enemy of the state is similar. That is a significantly higher percentage (~83%) than for 3/4 day events (which are closer to 50 or 60%).

    This is obviously not a concern at all for people who job early and do full clears, let alone optimal grinds. But it is a noticeable QoL decrease for semi-retired players like me who do not play optimally and try to play the bare minimum for pve max clear.

    (edit: I think the major difference is that BCS did not update the challenge nodes, so they are still valued as 2* nodes. They also may not have applied the same 4-clear to 3-clear uplift that demi did.)

    The CN getting the values from the 2E node doesn't matter because as a consequence, the rest of the essential nodes got higher values than usual. Those mapped into themselves instead of one tier lower. All 4 nodes combined still got the same total values, multiplied for the CL 10 of course.

    As for the total amount of "grind", it is true that Iso-8 Brotherhood has progression set higher than all the other, shorter pves, compared to the theoretical (and practical) maximum points available.

    Three and four day pves have progression roughly between 45% and 58% of maximum. Iso Brotherhood was slightly over 60%.

    Enemy of the State was much more borked, so I'm not sure it's fair to look at it from CL 10 point of view, yet. But it was over 63%. On CL 9 however, which had the maximum points in this case, it was 55%.

    Really, it is all mostly comparable. And again, if you wish to minimize the amount of nodes played, in 7 day pves, you should look to skip more in earlier subs.