No q&a or July update



  • pepitedechocolat
    pepitedechocolat Posts: 233 Tile Toppler

    I guess we can add character preview to the list of things that are late...

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,072 Chairperson of the Boards

    It hardly seems worth doing it now - might as well just give the full release notes.

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 798 Critical Contributor

    Seems like they've got a full bottle of shush with our name on it.

  • Carnifex
    Carnifex Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    Devpool from Reddit has confirmed he is currently on vacation. I'm not sure which dev that is however and what input they have on the forums, but that may explain some radio silence.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Unless he's been on vacation for 4 weeks, well...

  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,200 Chairperson of the Boards

    June/July is vacation season. I'm sure we will get something soon.

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 798 Critical Contributor

    Are we talking about an individual or is the whole staff at bcs on vacation? Nice of them to announce silver samurai without saying anything at all

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:
    New Support incoming!

    Radio Silence

    Level 1: Equip to all media platforms to gain +4 shush and inflict stun for 4 days on any attempt to update communication platforms prior to a new release.

    Level 5: Synergy perk

    Sorry - we can't reveal that.

    Don't forget this!

    Equip to: Forum Players
    You are sent Airborne where no communication or updates exist

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 783 Critical Contributor

    Our worst fears have been realised, Kang has become self aware and sent the whole team away. Only ant man and 5* wasp can save us now!!