MPQ Global Defense Community Challenge



  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    As expected, this has slowed down to a crawl now.
    Most people will miss the added questions, sadly.

  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker

    If it popped up every day reminding you to click I would lol, but I forget.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think it might be broken? I can't even find a way to access the most recent stuff since yesterday.

  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker

    @stef_focus said:
    Previously I only needed an email address to be able to contribute, but now I need to have a specific social media account? Why the change?
    (or is it only me? do they think I am a Skrull and that Skrulls don't know about social media?)

    This. I have been able to participate with just an email adress up to now. But now it tells me:

    Verification Needed
    Sorry! We need you to verify that you are a real person. Please log in with any of these social networks to get started:

    Apparently if you don't have a social media account, you're not a real person to Gleam.

    That means no participating for me. I don't want to link social media accounts to gleam.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards

    @AlexR said:

    @stef_focus said:
    Previously I only needed an email address to be able to contribute, but now I need to have a specific social media account? Why the change?
    (or is it only me? do they think I am a Skrull and that Skrulls don't know about social media?)

    This. I have been able to participate with just an email adress up to now. But now it tells me:

    Verification Needed
    Sorry! We need you to verify that you are a real person. Please log in with any of these social networks to get started:

    Apparently if you don't have a social media account, you're not a real person to Gleam.

    That means no participating for me. I don't want to link social media accounts to gleam.

    It is a weird verification. We already enter our MPQ name, which is linked to an email and a real person playing their game

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,338 Chairperson of the Boards

    Actually, did anyone enter their MPQ name for this event? Usually I do it after the first entry but I don't think it asked me for it.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    I didn't even have to log in, gleam remembered me from last time.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,052 Chairperson of the Boards

    @LavaManLee said:
    Actually, did anyone enter their MPQ name for this event? Usually I do it after the first entry but I don't think it asked me for it.

    I didn't and I also thought that was different. As you say, in prior contests we entered our MPQ name as verification. This time you had to link a valid account of some kind. It doesn't have to be social media, a gmail account works just fine.


  • MPQBlaine
    MPQBlaine ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 136 Tile Toppler

    @KGB said:

    @LavaManLee said:
    Actually, did anyone enter their MPQ name for this event? Usually I do it after the first entry but I don't think it asked me for it.

    I didn't and I also thought that was different. As you say, in prior contests we entered our MPQ name as verification. This time you had to link a valid account of some kind. It doesn't have to be social media, a gmail account works just fine.


    Hey there, the reason we are not asking for player names is due to the fact that the rewards will be gifted to the entire player base this go around. We've asked for player names in the past as we rewarded just those players who participated in those events.

    As for the verification issue, as @IceIX mentioned, this is an update on Gleam's side which we unfortunately do not have control over. Please check out their Contestant FAQ page for further information:

  • dxanders
    dxanders Posts: 109 Tile Toppler

    @LavaManLee said:
    It honestly can't be that hard and should be spelled out as part of whatever contract they signed with Gleam for to run these events.

    I don't know how much you have to work with third party> @LavaManLee said:

    @Bowgentle said:
    They said it's not on their end.
    You can't expect them to put dev hours into this for the 5 people who don't have ANY useable accounts in 2023.

    They don't have to put dev hours in. I am sure they are paying Gleam and Gleam decided to do something different. It's a phone call to Gleam to change it back. Not their own dev hours. And there are WAY more than 5 people who don't have access to at least one of those five apps. My alliance alone has seven.

    Have you ever had to work with a third party vendor? Because I have, and I don't think it's necessarily as simple as you think it is.

    My guess is that Gleam is focused on extracting social media information for users, and that they aren't particularly interested in carving out unique environments for clients that don't want to take that approach.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 795 Critical Contributor

    I liked the "community challenge" where we had to post 10 times on the forum and got a 3* Reality Stone. Bring that back.

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,338 Chairperson of the Boards

    @dxanders said:

    @LavaManLee said:
    It honestly can't be that hard and should be spelled out as part of whatever contract they signed with Gleam for to run these events.

    I don't know how much you have to work with third party> @LavaManLee said:

    @Bowgentle said:
    They said it's not on their end.
    You can't expect them to put dev hours into this for the 5 people who don't have ANY useable accounts in 2023.

    They don't have to put dev hours in. I am sure they are paying Gleam and Gleam decided to do something different. It's a phone call to Gleam to change it back. Not their own dev hours. And there are WAY more than 5 people who don't have access to at least one of those five apps. My alliance alone has seven.

    Have you ever had to work with a third party vendor? Because I have, and I don't think it's necessarily as simple as you think it is.

    My guess is that Gleam is focused on extracting social media information for users, and that they aren't particularly interested in carving out unique environments for clients that don't want to take that approach.

    Yep, sure have worked with third parties. It's my job as a Partner Manager. And if one of our partners strays from what we agreed to, it's my job to figure out what happened and rectify it. It really isn't rocket science.

    It's honestly up to Broken Circle if they care or not. If they don't care, they don't push the issue. If they care, then they can.

  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker

    @LavaManLee said:

    @dxanders said:

    @LavaManLee said:
    It honestly can't be that hard and should be spelled out as part of whatever contract they signed with Gleam for to run these events.

    I don't know how much you have to work with third party> @LavaManLee said:

    @Bowgentle said:
    They said it's not on their end.
    You can't expect them to put dev hours into this for the 5 people who don't have ANY useable accounts in 2023.

    They don't have to put dev hours in. I am sure they are paying Gleam and Gleam decided to do something different. It's a phone call to Gleam to change it back. Not their own dev hours. And there are WAY more than 5 people who don't have access to at least one of those five apps. My alliance alone has seven.

    Have you ever had to work with a third party vendor? Because I have, and I don't think it's necessarily as simple as you think it is.

    My guess is that Gleam is focused on extracting social media information for users, and that they aren't particularly interested in carving out unique environments for clients that don't want to take that approach.

    Yep, sure have worked with third parties. It's my job as a Partner Manager. And if one of our partners strays from what we agreed to, it's my job to figure out what happened and rectify it. It really isn't rocket science.

    It's honestly up to Broken Circle if they care or not. If they don't care, they don't push the issue. If they care, then they can.

    I’m not sure you can generalize your experience to this situation. Gleam might have changed their platform so they can no longer turn this off. Broken Circle might not have the same clout that your organization does and might be unable to get this done.

    BC might be able to switch vendors if they’re not in contract, but they might not have much more leverage than that.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,226 Chairperson of the Boards

    A couple more questions on there today!

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 400 Mover and Shaker

    Those appear to be the last new questions added as well. Only additional points you can earn now are the dailies for the next 6 days. Hopefully we can at least get up to tier 5, tier 6 may be a bit unattainable at this moment but can only wait and see at this point.

  • Sidlon
    Sidlon Posts: 139 Tile Toppler

    One of the new questions seems particularly odd. “What name did Nick Fury (Director of Shield) grow up with in MPQ?”

    The expected answer seems to be the name of Nick’s son Marcus. Is this actually info we should be able to find in MPQ somewhere???

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,226 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Sidlon said:
    One of the new questions seems particularly odd. “What name did Nick Fury (Director of Shield) grow up with in MPQ?”

    The expected answer seems to be the name of Nick’s son Marcus. Is this actually info we should be able to find in MPQ somewhere???

    I put a different answer and got it correct. Total guesswork. Can't find that info in the game.

  • Sidlon
    Sidlon Posts: 139 Tile Toppler

    According to the MPQ wiki, we’ve been playing Nick Jr. Maybe this was his original ingame bio that was shortened at some point?

  • SaltnPeppa
    SaltnPeppa Posts: 341 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2023

    The intrusiveness of Gleam policies to access our social media is definitely not good. Use SurveyMonkey like the old developers did. At least that didn't ask for anything except for survey related questions and our username.

    The survey questions can be adjusted like in Gleam then someone can easily collate the data with a few keystrokes to give out the event prizes without being so intrusive.

  • Cataliban
    Cataliban Posts: 49 Just Dropped In

    New question worth 2pts...