AAPI Month Vault Daily Tokens



  • ShionSinX
    ShionSinX Posts: 63 Match Maker

    @Beast1970 said:
    Just wondering, is there also some random a/b testing stuff going on here too? Game is fully updated, and I STILL cannot get an AAPI token. Tried Shang and Wong and Daken so far, in both Puzzle Ops and PvP. Nothing at all. Am I the only one still affected? If so, I'll submit a ticket, but on the off chance it's not just me there might be something further to be looked at. @DevpoolMPQ_BCS

    I noticed that a green checkmarked repeatable pve node (like puzzle ops or shield training) dont really count as fights for some types of rewards. For example, you cant farm your daily Bonus Rewards off of those nodes, so it seems they also dont count for free tokens. For some things to be given you MUST have a reward available for the node being beaten.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler

    @entrailbucket said:
    So, like, isn't the "random nature" of the game "a turn-off" for the player who explicitly said he was being "penalized" by the random nature of these post vault tokens?

    I still honestly have no idea what you're taking issue with here. Again, I see nothing condescending or hostile. I'm explaining what I think, and why I have trouble understanding what some others are doing or thinking. All those posts are full of qualifiers like "it seems to me" and "I think" and none of them (barring inarguable points like the game's randomness) say "this is" or "here are facts."

    EB, I have no comment about the other player because my posts were never in response to that individual. Nor would I know what that player thinks about randomness. I replied to Eirikr56 on the subject of hoarding, to which you replied and started this chain of events.

    Honestly, from what I have observed, I don't normally consider you hostile or condescending which was why I was surprised to receive your feedback. It's the only reason I answered back, otherwise, I'd have left it alone. At this point, let's chalk it up as a misunderstanding and move on. Thanks!

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    No worries!

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    I wasn't arguing semantics, and I wasn't saying the randomness is a feature in that sense. Randomness is an inherent attribute of the game (a better word for what I was saying than "feature") that's been there since Day 1, and nobody's ever tried to hide it. It's a lootbox game and they've never tried to sell it as anything but.

    If you don't like the lootbox part, or you spend all your time and effort in-game fighting against the randomness of it all...well, that just doesn't seem very fun to me. It seems to be setting yourself up for disappointment -- you want the game to be something it's clearly not, and in fact, you want it to be something it's never pretended to be.

    That's fine, I mean, play however you want, but when randomness is described as "punishment," I see that as having unrealistic expectations.

    So yeah, I actually like that rewards in this game are mostly random, and the gambling aspect of it actually does appeal to me. That's why I'd rather have 100 1% chances at something vs 1 100% chance. It means I could win 100 times in a row! (Even though on some level I know I won't, but that's why gambling is fun!)

    Oh uh, EB has become possessed by the ghost of Hound!

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    I wasn't arguing semantics, and I wasn't saying the randomness is a feature in that sense. Randomness is an inherent attribute of the game (a better word for what I was saying than "feature") that's been there since Day 1, and nobody's ever tried to hide it. It's a lootbox game and they've never tried to sell it as anything but.

    If you don't like the lootbox part, or you spend all your time and effort in-game fighting against the randomness of it all...well, that just doesn't seem very fun to me. It seems to be setting yourself up for disappointment -- you want the game to be something it's clearly not, and in fact, you want it to be something it's never pretended to be.

    That's fine, I mean, play however you want, but when randomness is described as "punishment," I see that as having unrealistic expectations.

    So yeah, I actually like that rewards in this game are mostly random, and the gambling aspect of it actually does appeal to me. That's why I'd rather have 100 1% chances at something vs 1 100% chance. It means I could win 100 times in a row! (Even though on some level I know I won't, but that's why gambling is fun!)

    Oh uh, EB has become possessed by the ghost of Hound!

    Hound is basically Hydra.. when 1 is banned, 2 more are created

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    Some of his stuff sort of sounded like things I used to write here a very long time ago. I used to wonder if he read some of that stuff and then just took it several miles further in a slightly different direction.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    Some of his stuff sort of sounded like things I used to write here a very long time ago. I used to wonder if he read some of that stuff and then just took it several miles further in a slightly different direction.

    He should have called himself Hound of Bucket.

  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 729 Critical Contributor


  • mani82
    mani82 Posts: 155 Tile Toppler

    Trailblazing hound

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    Some of his stuff sort of sounded like things I used to write here a very long time ago. I used to wonder if he read some of that stuff and then just took it several miles further in a slightly different direction.

    I still think it was chatGPT trained on the forum posts from 2013 onwards.