Is PVE really overlapping again?

hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker

There has to be a way to correct this. What in the world is going to break, when the system is clearly already broken?

Come on, guys.



  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    What, you don't enjoy going off slice for a new character release?

  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 248 Tile Toppler

    Why does this keep happening?

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Because their test and live environments are out of synch and apparently fixing that is not trivial.

  • itsuka7
    itsuka7 Posts: 110 Tile Toppler

    Devs, please fix this overlap NOW. It is in the middle of a workweek, there really is no excuse not to remedy this. Last time I already had to deal with enraged players threatening to quit, even if cmd made one of the events req free. I do not want to face this storm again as alliance cmd.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2023

    I think they've said they literally cannot fix it once the preview is up, so I would plan on this not changing.

    Edit: not judging, not saying you shouldn't complain, definitely not saying they're right...just saying if you have to make plans or adapt, assume this won't be changed at this point.

  • furbear00000
    furbear00000 Posts: 188 Tile Toppler

    I think it's time to spam their names here and get a bloody response. @IceIX

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2023

    Mistakes happen and are perfectly understandable when the new devs first took over the role, but here we are 10 months later and it's been one scheduling snafu after another. These things didn't happen before with such alarming frequency and could be avoided with a sanity check. If players are frustrated, and they are, it's because of scheduling fatigue.

    It would be great to get back to a normal schedule again where events don't overlap, events start/end on Thursday instead of Friday, and there is timely communication from the devs answering players who legitimately ask what is going on.

    What is being done to prevent these repeated occurrences? Please, please, please make it stop! :'(

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,046 Chairperson of the Boards

    This is pretty annoying. This is the second time in a month.

    Can we please not normalize this mistake?

  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards

    I for one would love it if they would just let the new event start tomorrow, open every sub at once, let us earn all the progression rewards, then re-start it a day later correctly (one sub per day).

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler

    @helix72 said:
    I for one would love it if they would just let the new event start tomorrow, open every sub at once, let us earn all the progression rewards, then re-start it a day later correctly (one sub per day).

    This sounds strangely familiar. Oh, wait... :D

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    I feel like this problem wouldn’t be such a big issue if there was some actual communication from the dev team about why this happened for a second time this month, their plans to prevent this going forward, and possible compensation that would be given out for this happening a second time in such a short time span.

    Unfortunately here we are with complete radio silence from them yet again as we all wonder and complain about this happening again. Not a good look from the team here :/.

  • pepitedechocolat
    pepitedechocolat Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker

    Maybe they are just testing a creative way to shake up the rankings a bit, enticing people to swap slice or choose between two events. They can also get feedback on how players and alliance adapt to evolving schedule. (yeah this theory is far fetched :D , but as they are planning economy shakeup getting info would be sensible )

    Also everyone play as they like, but it is just a match 3 game scheduling error... is it really worth getting annoyed for more than a minute about it ?

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2023

    @pepitedechocolat said:
    Maybe they are just testing a creative way to shake up the rankings a bit, enticing people to swap slice or choose between two events. They can also get feedback on how players and alliance adapt to evolving schedule. (yeah this theory is far fetched :D , but as they are planning economy shakeup getting info would be sensible )

    Also everyone play as they like, but it is just a match 3 game scheduling error... is it really worth getting annoyed for more than a minute about it ?

    So, I think you need to think a bit about the PvE People, and this situation will make more sense. Many of these players have been playing the same fights, in the same events, with the same characters, at the same time of day, 365 days a year, for like 8 years (or longer).

    The developers have cultivated a playerbase of folks who like routine, predictable games -- anyone who got bored of the routine either found some way to make it random/fun for them (which means you really can't be competitive in PvE), or is long gone by now.

    You really can't blame this group of players for getting upset because their routine has been disrupted. They like the routine and the predictability, and the devs have kept the game routine and predictable for many, many, years.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    That's why some of the greatest skills in the world are being nimble and being adaptable.

    Are we going to have a new game studio onboard or are they planning to... :o

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2023

    Please don't misconstrue (and PvE People, please don't take offense) -- I don't understand the PvE People, and I couldn't do what they do, but I'm not making fun of them, or saying they're wrong to like what they like, or anything at all like that.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    I thought you said you are in the competitive(?) scenes for years, so it's puzzling that you don't understand them.

  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,206 Chairperson of the Boards

    @pepitedechocolat said:

    Also everyone play as they like, but it is just a match 3 game scheduling error... is it really worth getting annoyed for more than a minute about it ?

    For those who play competitively for placement, yes it is definitely worth something getting annoyed about. And the frustration isn't just that events have been overlapping at an increasing rate over the last few months or so, it's the lack of communication from the devs. Absolutely zero word (on these forums at least) about the snafus, whether they are aware of it, whether something is being done about it. Intentionally or not, BCS is doing what Demiurge did (or rather, didn't do, that is, communicate with the playerbase on these forums), and that's not necessarily a good thing.

    For more casual players, obviously it won't bother them as much. Still, it's nice to have some fixed routines.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 207 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2023

    @pepitedechocolat said:
    Maybe they are just testing a creative way to shake up the rankings a bit, enticing people to swap slice or choose between two events. They can also get feedback on how players and alliance adapt to evolving schedule. (yeah this theory is far fetched :D , but as they are planning economy shakeup getting info would be sensible )

    Also everyone play as they like, but it is just a match 3 game scheduling error... is it really worth getting annoyed for more than a minute about it ?

    That might be fine IF players were given proper notice. Given the timing of the information & the confusion surrounding the conflicting schedules, however, that choice was taken away. Instead, players are confronted with 2 overlapping events again where they may have to decide which one is more important to them or forced to play a different slice in order to avoid the overlap.

    Players like routine, not due to the game but because we are creatures of habit. Some of my alliance mates are giving up on Cosmic Chaos and making Fight For Wakanda as the new release event their priority. Why? Because even if they were to play off slice, they're bound to forget and miss their grind for the different slice times. It's a disruption that forces players to make a change to their real-life schedules for the next 4 days. For competitive players, the impact on their daily lives is compounded further by having to compete in 2 overlapping events.

  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards

    It's very annoying for sure.

  • hygge_hound
    hygge_hound Posts: 55 Match Maker
