Defy Conquest Changes

liminal_lad Posts: 480 Mover and Shaker

A couple things I noticed:

  1. 5* Wasp's tile icon seems to have shifted between rounds. It went from the Pym Particle looking thing to a bug.
  2. Boss Kang's Purple power generates a 15% "shield" when he gets below a certain level of health. Is this a new way to describe burst healing?

Any other stealth changes or observations about this new event?



  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards

    I had been playing "Defy Conquest" from when it started until about a half-hour to an hour ago, when I checked back to clear a few more side notes I found that it had disappeared completely. I reopened the game and now see that it's starting in ten minutes.

    This happen to everyone else? Is the game bugged or are they just restarting the event for some reason? Could we maybe get some kind of notice why?

  • CongoFury
    CongoFury Posts: 6 Just Dropped In

    And i thought i was tripping like i know i finished all my nodes. And then go back to the game and see it restarted.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards

    A pop-up just came through - it was the "0 point" side node issue apparently. They're restarting it shortly.

  • milkman
    milkman Posts: 1 Just Dropped In

    You aren't the only one. Panicked a bit. Closed the application forcefully, relaunched, etc. Came here and no one was talking about. Messaged my alliance on discord and it seems everyone else is seeing the same thing. Came back and now there is a thread. Let's see how this unfolds

  • DevpoolMPQ_BCS
    DevpoolMPQ_BCS ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 136 Tile Toppler

    Hi all! This event has been reset with the +0 point nodes fixed. Event resets are never fun (if at all possible) and appreciate the patience!

  • gamecat235
    gamecat235 Posts: 118 Tile Toppler

    Kang was displeased with how the event was going, so he decided it needed a restart, eh?

    Poor Kang, he’ll just get beat up again.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,695 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    Man… I thought bcs was doing things to reinvigorate the game. Now I think they took it out back and are trying to put it form like a sick dog.

    No offense they are playing fast and loose with no regard for the established customs of the game.

    I hope they can get a handle on it soon.

  • hygge_hound
    hygge_hound Posts: 55 Match Maker

    @gamecat235 said:

    The goodwill that BCS has garnered with their decisions and generosity should be balanced against their recent missteps. They want to improve the game, and I’ll take innovation with mistakes over never actually evolving the game.

    Lol, that's definitely... one way to look at it.

    Another way is that they're constantly, feom the beginning, releasing bugged events and characters, messing up the schedule, and ticking off their most loyal customers (or "recent missteps" as you incredibly magnanimously call it), those that spend hundreds each month, and THEN having to try to compensate to make people happy and not just ragequit. They're "generous" because they have to be.

    Also, it's sad that people think innovation must come with mistakes. If you know what you're doing, you can innovate without screwing things up worse. [In before 'bUt tHe cOdE!1q!']

    That being said, in comparison to the total nightmare that was EotS, having to quickly reset the Boss event is a non-issue to me.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,695 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2023

    @gamecat235 said: As long we don’t lose purchases or roster progression, these mistakes are minor in the grand scheme.

    No offense but we have characters with bugs for more than 6 months...6 months with major bugs is not a minor issue. Kang running around with critical bug issues for at least one month . and the dev know how to fix it but wait for a deployment... concerning.

    Legit...there has not been a new event character or thing they have released without game breaking bugs.

    I love the engagement and how they interact but the are dropping the ball for sure. There must be a point of time where we as customers stop accepting failure...and here we are a year later.

    Excuses are no longer available.

    Players...expect more now.

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,523 Chairperson of the Boards

    @gamecat235 said:

    Honestly, a game with novelty and change vs running the exact same game every week, every month, every season, is a deal that I’ll take nearly every time. Even I take some lumps with it.

    And I would take the other deal. I would rather NOT have issues constantly crop up and have the game play be smooth and consistent. As a mobile game, it helps to have things be like clockwork and not have so many glitches. Personally, I am more interested in things working vs trying to do something new that breaks.

  • justsing
    justsing Posts: 512 Critical Contributor

    @gamecat235 said:

    @dianetics said:
    Man… I thought bcs was doing things to reinvigorate the game. Now I think they took it out back and are trying to put it form like a sick dog.

    No offense they are paying fat and loose with no regard for the established customs of the game.

    I hope they can get a handle on it soon.

    Honestly, a game with novelty and change vs running the exact same game every week, every month, every season, is a deal that I’ll take nearly every time. Even I take some lumps with it.

    Could the pre-production testing have gone better? Yes. Was there a literal perfect storm that threw off a lot of things at an inopportune time? Certainly sounds like it.

    Software development, especially when taking over someone else’s codebase, isn’t easy.

    The goodwill that BCS has garnered with their decisions and generosity should be balanced against their recent missteps. They want to improve the game, and I’ll take innovation with mistakes over never actually evolving the game. As long we don’t lose purchases or roster progression, these mistakes are minor in the grand scheme.

    At some point, the "taking over someone else's codebase" excuse gets old. For the more complicated stuff, I am very understanding about the bugs. But we're getting to the point where things like event rewards and node values are constantly bugged... I have a hard time believing the old codebase is to blame for those, rather than just careless programming...

    Innovation is great, but I would prefer waiting longer for them to properly test their innovations than getting changes rushed to production. Slow it down, and take the time to actually review.

  • gamecat235
    gamecat235 Posts: 118 Tile Toppler

    There are a couple of things I try to keep in mind in life, especially when dealing with others.

    1. I admire people who try new things and learn from their mistakes.
    2. IRL the one thing I hold people to is to try not to repeat their mistakes. But I still do my best to encourage learning from each failure. This means that I encourage a mentality of trying to only make new mistakes.

    In my opinion most of the mistakes here have been either novel, or oversights, and both of them have stemmed from trying to change something.

    Sometimes there are things that we think would be easy to avoid, but having managed inherited spaghetti code in the past, I know that sometimes your test scenarios don’t account for all of the changes made. And again, so long as the mistakes aren’t grave, and they are not often repeated, I tend to be forgiving.

    Should we hold them accountable? Absolutely. Can we be compassionate while we do so? Ideally. I’m not saying that I’ve enjoyed the bugs, glitches or the slog that was EotS, but I do like the overall direction of the game. And I especially like how the team has acknowledged and owned their mistakes.

    To me that last part is key. And buys a lot of patience from me personally. It’s all I can ask of the people that I actually work with, and so to see it from folks who develop a game I’ve enjoyed and supported for years is nice to see.

  • gamecat235
    gamecat235 Posts: 118 Tile Toppler

    @justsing said:

    Innovation is great, but I would prefer waiting longer for them to properly test their innovations than getting changes rushed to production. Slow it down, and take the time to actually review.

    And that’s the happy medium. And maybe we should be encouraging of this. That we might need to go with a season of nothing new but some planned mid-tier releases.

    I hope that vision can come to fruition. It would be awesome.

    Good to see you friend.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,408 Chairperson of the Boards

    @dianetics said:
    No offense but we have characters with bugs for more than 6 months...6 months with major bugs is not a minor issue. Kang running around with critical bug issues for at least one month . and the dev know how to fix it but wait for a deployment... concerning.

    A lot of this is due to Crapple. You have to go through their QA department to do a release on the iPhone/iPad which costs money because they have to pay for that. So rushing out a bug fix that requires a S/W update is quite costly. That's why they wait for the next deployment release instead of releasing immediately.

    Fixing a Boss event is just something on their servers so it's easy to do a restart. At least we got double rewards for anything already completed :)


  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards

    Anyone who has played any modern MMO or open world game knows that bugs are par for the course, even game breaking ones. I stopped playing Fallout 4 and Skyrim because of them.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards

    I can see both sides of the coin here and I'm also fairly understanding of trying to work with difficult code. It's almost 10 years old now, and standards will have changed over time, things bolted on and it's a bit of a mess. I've seen it happen many times. Building something new takes time and costs money so you've just got to fix it, but that's not quick or easy.

  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 544 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2023

    I just want them to get the events schedule right. Bugs are unintentional and unavoidable unless you're a time traveler. But how many times have they said that they won't overlap boss event with another pve event yet month after month it happens? Then they have to put in some last minute changes and move things around. This seems like an inefficient use of the team's time.

    Are boss events suppose to run concurrent with regular pve events or not? Just make a call and stick to it. People like us who don't like it will just have to find a way to deal with it. But enough with the backsies please.