Duplicated cover



  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:

    @Phumade said:

    @Scofie said:

    @Dogface said:

    @Scofie said:
    It was the time before champs that leaves a bitter taste for me - selling the very hard-earned 3* Hulk covers because I already had maxed him and had no HP for a dupe....

    A dupe wouldn't have made much sense back then, without the champ rewards. It was way more painful seeing a 5* dying on the vine, because you'd already have 5 in that color.

    A good point re: dupes. It was a long time ago but I thought some people kept dupes for PvP and some PvE events like the Hulk 7 day event. I only sold a few 5s back in the day maybe 1 or 2. And some 3s early on because I didn't have the HP and didn't want to sell my odd 4* cover.

    'Member when we used to have dupes on 2* OBW? There were definitely a few chars that were worth duping. Keep in mind the damage meta was very different. +500 team heath was a real differrence maker and 4000 damage was a real nuke back then.

    Those were good times indeed.

    Were they, though?
    Guessing what scoring system PVE would use, 4:35 refreshes, roster scaling.

    I know what your saying. The understanding of the timers and the math wasn't fully developed at that time. But here is the breakpoint in era/playstile. Once they started releasing strong 4* chars, we have the issues of Eldar and baby rosters competing in the same brackets, roster scaling, etc, etc. and you really had to chase to compete your roster relevant.

    Maybe its self obvious now. but when it was just 2*, 3* dupes made huge difference in play session length. Even the biggest whale with a full roster of Villains (Mags, Rags etc) could still be beat by any other 3*. Also this was the era of rubberbanding. so your always in placement, but you can't fully optimize play.

    But yeah I loved the 2/3 phase. The cover chase really wasn't necessary to maintain a fat useful roster. But once OP 4* arrived. you had to build around latest batch of chars.

    Man I really miss those elemental tiles and playing on specific boards.