Standard rotation is coming

Magic:PQ Support Team
Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,509 Chairperson of the Boards
Hello everyone,

The new Dominaria United collection is coming and with it the rotation of the Standard format.
The Zendikar Rising, Kaldheim, Strixhaven, and Adventures in the Forgotten Realms sets will soon become Legacy.
With that in mind, I would like to know, what are your expectations with the new Standard? And what will you miss most when these sets become Legacy?

Looking forward to hearing more from you 😁



  • spellsmasher
    spellsmasher Posts: 55 Match Maker
    I am hoping for more equipment with the new sets. The new mechanics in paper magic look like they may be kind of interesting in MTGPQ. 

     What I will miss most is landforming. Those are some awesome 2 in 1s, especially with the 10 card format.
  • BongoTheGrey
    BongoTheGrey Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    What I'll miss the most is the gem conversion from Landforming cards.

    My expectations with the new Standard is to have it really soon in PQ because The Brother's War is just around the corner in paper Magic.

    You guys did an awesome job with the last Standard rotation when we were losing all the gem conversion from the gates and gave us Landforming. I'm sure that you will do a great job this time as well with whatever will be replacing Landforming
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    More green gem conversion spells?
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll miss landforming as well--it's possibly the best value mechanic in the game--but I won't miss a lot of cards exiting Standard.   I find that the environment gets very dull and predictable at a certain point and it's great to shake things up and force us away from our crutches. I'm looking at you, Wizard Class. 
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    madwren said:
    I'll miss landforming as well--it's possibly the best value mechanic in the game--but I won't miss a lot of cards exiting Standard.   I find that the environment gets very dull and predictable at a certain point and it's great to shake things up and force us away from our crutches. I'm looking at you, Wizard Class. 
    You misspelled Paladin Class :wink:

  • Nyarlathotep
    Nyarlathotep Posts: 92 Match Maker
    One word:

    Let me explain, not drain, not discard, not disable handcards.
    Real counters, they have been a thing and a lot of ppl want them back.

    I'd also love to see more cards with less text.
    If I want to read a book, i can do just that.

    In addition to that, some combo key cards would be nice. Something like blue sun zenith, song of creation. 

    It would also be very much appreciated that creating fifteen or so tokens can happen without seeing fifteen times the same animation.

    And finally get rid of overpriced and that way absolutely useless cards. Especially in the lower rarity levels. Just because stuff is just uncommon it does not always have to be soooo bad.
    Like a 3/5 defender for 23 mana...

    Thanks for your time reading this.
    Cheers, Nyar.
  • boopers
    boopers Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    Counterspells!  Please. 

    I reference you here as not to clog this thread with the same content. 

    And yes, a good set of land converters to replace land forming options. The kind that don’t involve rng, where the land converts three gems to any one of three colors. 
  • phix07
    phix07 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Rebeca, please hint how long to wait before the release? A week? Month?
  • gozmaster
    gozmaster Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    I will miss Wizard Class and all the loops. 

    RIP WC. 
  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 693 Critical Contributor
    We need some great new land cards! Lands have been underwhelming in the last year of sets...
    • SNC lands are expensive, and generally convert to too many different colors
    • NEO Channel lands are interesting* design but generally low power (*Channel is a bit of a messy design really but conceptually a land card which can alternatively be used for some other type of effect is a very interesting area of design)
    • The VOW and MID 5-mana lands are good *cards*, but poor *lands*... that is to say their ETB effect of gaining mana is good but their permanent effect of converting gems is poor. They feel closer to gem conversion spells like Cut Your Losses than they do lands.
    Lands in current Standard have generally been dominated by powerful lands from ZNR; Rare and Mythic Landforming, and Pathways, and man-lands (e.g. Creeping Tar Pit), and the Crypt of Agadeem cycle (I don't know what this cycle is called?). The rest of the year didn't provide much more for us, but we did get the rest of the Pathways from Kaldheim, and the extremely powerful masterpiece Arixmethes from Strixhaven.

    When Standard rotates, losing ZNR, KLD and STX, it seems it will have less good land cards.

    Playing control decks is less fun when there are fewer good ways of generating mana each turn.

    Also a nice thing about lands is that they can't be abused by degenerate combo decks :smile:

    madwren said:

    Know what else I'd like?  More targeted support destruction. Now that we know it can be done, let us do it. Right now it's attached to a pretty dull planeswalker. It's time to branch out and give us some more options.
    Agreed! Crystallize is a hugely over-engineered mechanic. I'd like to see a spell that says simply "Destroy Target Support", and many, many variations on that.
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2022
    Janosik said:
    We need some great new land cards! Lands have been underwhelming in the last year of sets...
    • SNC lands are expensive, and generally convert to too many different colors
    • NEO Channel lands are interesting* design but generally low power (*Channel is a bit of a messy design really but conceptually a land card which can alternatively be used for some other type of effect is a very interesting area of design)
    • The VOW and MID 5-mana lands are good *cards*, but poor *lands*... that is to say their ETB effect of gaining mana is good but their permanent effect of converting gems is poor. They feel closer to gem conversion spells like Cut Your Losses than they do lands.
    Lands in current Standard have generally been dominated by powerful lands from ZNR; Rare and Mythic Landforming, and Pathways, and man-lands (e.g. Creeping Tar Pit), and the Crypt of Agadeem cycle (I don't know what this cycle is called?). The rest of the year didn't provide much more for us, but we did get the rest of the Pathways from Kaldheim, and the extremely powerful masterpiece Arixmethes from Strixhaven.
    I do hope we get good gem conversion, but the lack of it won’t ruin the game or anything. It will simply drive us to have to think of standard deckbuilding in new ways, like prioritizing high-bonus walkers or using Moxes more often.
  • ArielSira
    ArielSira Posts: 546 Critical Contributor
    The cards I will miss most are Velomachus, Zareth, Old Gnaw, Prismatic Bridge, Arixmethes, Binding, Harald and Fracture.

    Wizard Class and Test of Talents, good riddance!
  • Fireguy
    Fireguy Posts: 70 Match Maker
    Landforming will be missed! One of the best mechanics in PQ no doubt. 
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hoping for a few things

    1. A powerful card that mono-blue does not have access to. Blue has been ridiculously favoured for a long time, so that a majority of the best and cheapest cards in the game, are available to mono-blue. Could green get a powerful gem converter? Or white get a disable card, which can control the board. How about a black draw/discard card which actually enables graveyard shenanigans? 

    2. Red damage spells that can actually do some damage. Most damage spells are so weak that they do not matter at all. The 6 dam for 6 mana in origins was powerful, when PW had 90 HP and a 6/6 creature was feared. But against 130+ PW you just don’t have room for it. We need a spell which gives 10% damage (Against PW).

    3. A mono red creature that is actually going to put the fear of god in me, when Greg casts it. 
    Red has a pitiful array of creatures as it is now. An 8/8 creature is common to all colours these days, and Tiamat is a 10/10 5-coloured dragon. How about a mono-red 12/6 creatures that cost 9-12 mana?

    4. A mechanic that influences elements that only exists in MTGPQ. The title is not conveying my point, but since English is not my primary language, I’m stumped. 
    The best example I have right now is “changing the order of the creatures on the battlefield”, which enables me to decide which creature is in first position (still adhering to defender, reach, bravery and what else that might influence creature order)
  • Mestre
    Mestre Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    We always expect interesting mechanics with gameplay to keep the challenge. I'm very into sound design and this made me like MtgPq along with the whole game. I expect more sound settings and options to change the gem icons to give a variety when we want.
  • DrRuphus
    DrRuphus Posts: 61 Match Maker
    I am just glad to change the workday event. ZE was pretty decent for price and replayability, but I found the secondary objectives too rooted to the gimmick mechanics of the zendikar set.
  • wraszowixuXuxi
    wraszowixuXuxi Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Main thing that I'll miss is Rogue Class, especially for events like Colors of Magic. Perfect card to cast in that event, as casting enough could usually count for objectives without steaming ahead too fast (being exactly 11 mana), and it allowed one to use strategies being used against you - even if who you faced departed from following objectives. Not sure we can hope for something that meets all of this again.

    Honorable mention to Invoke, for expanding what one can do in their decks and color-identity challenges. Loved being able to play the Rowan vanguard in Kasmina.

    Speaking of Kasmina, I'm looking forward to see if a particular saga for Dominaria United gives white planeswalkers the ability to either use vanguards that they control twice in a turn like the "Unsolved Enigma" token allows (even if only for a turn, being a saga), or if it would even allow your planeswalker abilities to be used twice in a turn, similar to what the Will/Rowan, Scholars are able to do with Tag(?), also from Strixhaven.
  • Tezzeret
    Tezzeret Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    I love rotation! Rebuilding all my decks and discovering the new meta. Please just give us a series of new events and ones  with rewards from Dom United please