The game and okoye

Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
So this week it's okoye's buff. Hulkoye teams are revived from pvp's grave.
Suddenly pvp becomes more played, and queues with juicy points are easy to find again. 
Okoye is the pve queen. No one without a swollen okoye will conquer first place on pve. Because of that it could be said that is the most popular character on all tiers.
Still on pvp she is just a fast scorer character teamed with a few limited 5* and 4*s.
It could be said that she would be the most used character on pvp if she wasn't out of the meta. And at the same time because she is the most used character chances to be rebalanced are unlikely. 
Former devs didn't dare to address this issue. 
Perhaps CBS, on their proved bravery, could rethink about her in-game importance. 
Ways to make her viable again:
-Rebalance to health, match damage and improved red power 
- Freedom to not being in front.
Option 1(brave one):That could be through a rebalance, changing for wakanda! to activate and be fired as a power, then not losing TU for not being in front .
Option 2: it could be achieved through affiliations, one character who makes her being in front(I think a new wakanda movie is coming)
- And finally just a 5* character with wakanda affiliation who improves her in a way that she would be logically played, i.e giving TUs easily (after some initial turns)and with damaging passives. 
One point or more of these could be made true.

And after okoye evolution, CBS should improve or through affiliations should make a character for to be able to compete with her. I think it's not fair that she is the fastest score in the game and no other can compete (SC almost had it, but she always will be faster and not depending on good boards).
And these were my reflexions and thoughts.



  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2022
    God hell no. For many reasons which are from my perspective only but I will provide the ones which are relevant to all of us:
    There are far more many 5* which need balanace changes than her. Like Wasp or Widow or Rescue. Not to mention 4* who may need that too like Spider-Woman (14 red cost nowadays?) or Emma. 
    And I personally believe that any 5* who was at any point meta relevant and was not changed (like Bishop or Gambit) should not be touched any soon. Every time Kitty, Okoye, BRB, Polaris etc. are boosted, the old teams of Thorkoye, Hulkoye, Grockittty etc. floods the PVP. For a purpose of vvariety let's not make it easier.
    Okoye is still viable especially when boosted. Let's give some love for the ones who aren't even when boosted. Like Wasp.
  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 594 Critical Contributor
    Just because she was meta once doesn't means she has to be forever.
    There's way more pressing things than her performance (which is, unquestionably good).
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 587 Critical Contributor
    Mr_F said:

    Okoye is still viable especially when boosted. Let's give some love for the ones who aren't even when boosted. Like Wasp.
    I shortened that for you. Funny how you kept on insisting that she is usable even when I kept on telling you even champed she’s awful. You reap what you sow.

    That said, with all the free covers I’d welcome a complete overhaul to make her decent. Right now she’s as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    Totally agree. I know what I have chosen. I cant complain about that. Or I do not have morally/ethically right to do so. And I am not. More: I think that Wasp do not need any changes THAT much. She is MORE usefull that players admit - which does not make her strong or near meta in any situations.
    TLDR: I enjoy Wasp, not complaning about her, she is fine for me as she is now. Will not complain if they rebalance her either.

    Back to topic: My point here is that I wanted to provide not MY POV due to above explanation and personal preferences of gameplay. Wasp is just an example here. I could use Rescue. Or few others champions in her place to prove the point. The fact I heavily play Wasp is irrevelant here.
    So I provided the general POV of the others which I often see here: Wasp, since her release is considered as one of two weakest 5*. In general people want some changes for her due to that. Okoye, since her release, was meta and is still good 5*. The general consensus is, I think, that people want some changes in some weakest champions, like Wasp, before changes like the one suggested here.

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, buffing the strongest character in PvE and likely the second most popular character so she is more than a grill character in PvP seems like a low priority.
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    How about they give us a good costume deal for the red dress and we call it good? 
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    purplemur said:
    How about they give us a good costume deal for the red dress and we call it good? 
    Didn't that come with the RTF vault?
    Did anyone NOT buy that?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,385 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2022
    I would rather see a rework to 5* Panther so he isn’t actively undercutting her by flushing all the team up down the drain And has some inter-Wakandan synergy.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2022
    Who's Okoye? :p

    Seriously, she's a 4 1/2 year old character now. It's good that time has passed her by and there are new shiny options or else the game would be incredibly stale. The fact she's usable in boost weeks in PvP says shes' well balanced now relative to the tier and not overpowering (everywhere like she once was).


    P.S. She's a goddess of PvE because of the added boost of the Royal Talon Fighter.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    still going after okoye, getting kinda boring.
    don't see her a lot when she is not boosted.

    let's... just... nerf her for her boost week only?

    oh, and nerf Polaris too while we are at it  :D
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought this would be a thread about nerfing Okoye. She's still the queen of pve. Why buff and nerf her?
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought this would be a thread about nerfing Okoye. She's still the queen of pve. Why buff and nerf her?
    Okoye maxed has 128k health. It's almost the same health as SW, one of the lowest health character in game. If she sees some light on pvp is because of that, because of being maxed. And because of Ihulk.
    I think it's a problem for this game to have a character who only performs well on half the game.
    A great majority of players would enjoy her and pvp could be more interesting if she was viable because of herself.
    As you may know on last weeks was really hard to get to 1200 points on pvp.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, I would've lost that bet. Had all my money on this being a nerf Okoye thread. Just goes to show you...
  • justsing
    justsing Posts: 507 Critical Contributor
    She’s fine as is… 
  • SandKing
    SandKing Posts: 30 Just Dropped In

    Bad said:
    Okoye maxed has 128k health. It's almost the same health as SW, one of the lowest health character in game. If she sees some light on pvp is because of that, because of being maxed. And because of Ihulk.
    I think it's a problem for this game to have a character who only performs well on half the game.
    A great majority of players would enjoy her and pvp could be more interesting if she was viable because of herself.
    As you may know on last weeks was really hard to get to 1200 points on pvp.
    Considering the vast majority of characters don't get used in ANY part of the game, I'd say a character that is really good in half the game is doing just fine as is.

  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Bowgentle said:
    purplemur said:
    How about they give us a good costume deal for the red dress and we call it good? 
    Didn't that come with the RTF vault?
    Did anyone NOT buy that?
    RTF vault...? What (and when) was that?
  • mani82
    mani82 Posts: 152 Tile Toppler
    Yeah, buffing the strongest character in PvE and likely the second most popular character so she is more than a grill character in PvP seems like a low priority.
    Who do u think is at presnt the most popular character right now overall apoc SC or Wanda
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    Yepyep said:
    Bowgentle said:
    purplemur said:
    How about they give us a good costume deal for the red dress and we call it good? 
    Didn't that come with the RTF vault?
    Did anyone NOT buy that?
    RTF vault...? What (and when) was that?

    Royal Talon Fighter Vault?
  • SourCream
    SourCream Posts: 104 Tile Toppler
    PVE :

    With weekly buff, same can be said about Apocalypse and Colossus.
    Without any buff, you can win any bracket without Okoye.

    PVP :

    Sure, she is fast and good with many characters.
    If the game was play genuinely, she just another character to hit.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    mani82 said:
    Yeah, buffing the strongest character in PvE and likely the second most popular character so she is more than a grill character in PvP seems like a low priority.
    Who do u think is at presnt the most popular character right now overall apoc SC or Wanda
    Shang-Chi. I suspect it’s not close but could be wrong. Twice in this case. It would interesting to know the stats for each mode.